ok this really isnt going to have much of a point its just gonna be me rambleing on and on about nothing, but if u read it u might catch sumthin. ok where to start........ dont u hate it when u like someone and u know it wont work? well that is what always happens to me. basicly every girl that i have ever liked didnt like me in return. except one (kerry) but that didnt work out, but who knows it might some other time (yes im still thinkin about it kerry). anyways i just wanted to say that. the other thing i really wanna say is that all u ppl that just abandon your friends.......there is sumthin majorly wrong with u! my friends are just like my family. they help me through the bad times and are there for the good times too. but there is a diff. between a friend and a true friend. i only have around 3 true friends and i feel lucky just to have that many. friends are the kinda ppl that u trust and that u have somethings in commen with, a true friend is more like a bro or a sis, u can trust them with anything, and they will always be there for u and u will always b there for them. well at least thats the way i see it, there are alot of ppl that i want to become true friends with but u have to be carful, if they dont feel the same way u may just hurt yourself. yeah thats about all i have to say on that topic......now what...........hmmmmm o drugs r bad! im sry but i have seen what they do to your life too many times. my grandma is about 57 and she has the medical record of a 80 year old and my aunt kristy, shes a case.....she is a crack head litteraly, i have a crackbaby cuz and i think she is going to die anytimes soon. so even if it us just pot, it still can fuck up your life really quick, and i dont wanna see that happen to anyone i know. same with drinking and smokeing...but i dont think drinking is as bad as smokeing anything. but thats just my opinion. well all of this is my opinion isnt it, haha o well. so for all u stoners/smokers/drinkers...for your own sake keep it under control and next time b4 u spark up or take your 1st drink...think about y u r doing it.....yeah ummmmm next sub..........u know i could never talk this much b4. these last few months have really changed my life alot, for so many reasons too......its crazy. now on to the ever popular subject of religion......im sry but i see no meaning in mass religion, i feel that we should each have our own belifes and that is what i live by, but i also feel that no ones belifes should be pushed on u for any reason. so i think ppl should do what they want with their lives and leave me outta it. im gonna quote sonny from P.O.D. "there is a diff. between religious and spiritual, in religion u do things because others say u should, when u r spiritual u do them because u feel they are right" that isnt exactly what he said (i forgot the wording) but it is the main idea. i coulent agree more with that. there is another thing that i find just compleatly amazeing, have u ever noticed that there is good in everything? that everything works out in the end. i didnt think it was true for a while but if u wait long enough and try to fix things it will work out. and alot of the time things are better than ever b4, u just need to know how to see things and what to look for. i could find good in almost anything. or so i think right now. even a broken heart, "once broken the heart learns to defend its self from that same pain again" that is one example. another is say someone u know gets in a accident (r.i.p. amber) it teaches all of us a lesson and we need to learn from that lesson and not make the same kind of mistakes, or try to avoid that same situation.ummm yeah im kinda runnin outta things to say now......give me a few ill have more........u know this little hick town that we live in is prolly one of the most messed up places ever. i mean look at some of the ppl here, theres me and im just messed up all around, theres ppl like stan, beau and that little group, then there is the ppl with way too many inside jokes (c.a. erin and kyle) then there is the little ppl that just sit there and draw (james) but the ones that get me the most are the ppl that act like they are from the ghetto, wtf? there is no ghetto in this little town.....im sry .......u arent foolin any of us. YEAH IM A HARTLAND BADASS!! lol. u know i could never type this much if i needed too. but just cuz i want to i can say sooooo much. i think im gonna stop this ramble right now......ill make more later, whenever else i get really bored (so it should be soon) anyways see ya when i see ya!

ok here we go again, im grounded from the internet so i have nothin to do but work on my page untill i can upload it all, damn im gettin pissed at my family!  i dont have much to say but ill stretch it out as long as i can for those of u that actualy read this shit (marisa) lol, anyways, u know what isnt too fun, not being sure who u like and what to do about it, see as of now there is 3 girls that i like, u know who u r and if u wanna know just ask me. yeah well anyways im not quite sure what to do, see im not very good at this gf shit. im just lost and neurvous, and all u girls that think u r too shy to make any moves, well guys can be just as shy as u, so y dont u put just as much effort into it if u want it to work out too, but that is just my opinion...not like any of you really care.. but this is my page so i can say whatever the fuck i want! so u better get used to it, and fast. my hands feel like they are frozen! its really hard to type like this...but like i said i have nothin better to do..so yeah, im tryin to think of sumthin else to say..ummmmmm this isnt gettin anywhere fast........"the silence gets us nowhere way too fast" -staind, for u-, sry i just thought it was kinda approprate for that moment, dude i am way too into my music, what i listen too can decide how i act and feel for a entire day, so lately i have been trying to listen to more upbeat music (punk) but i still love the depressing stuff, if a song has emotion in it it makes it sooo much better, it shows how much the writer is into what they do and shows their inside feelings, and it is even better when u can relate, that is what makes some of the music in this world so great....u know i cant spell or type at all lol, i wonder how many times i have messed up so far...hmm probably too many to really count, yeah but anyways. u know what is really fun is to go see a movie. (preferably with a girl) then walk to target and terrorize the store (that part doesnt have to be with a girl tho) but either way it is sooo fun, i love not careing what ppl think of me, it makes my life so much easyer, i hate the person i used to be, so weak and pathetic, i would follow the crowd just to feel like i belongd, now i know that belonging isnt a felling that u have to earn, if u be yourself and find ppl that will except the real you then your truely do belong. well thats the way i feel at least, anyways u know what else is fun? likeing a band b4 anyone else does, and when or if they ever get popular then u can be like " i knew about them b4 any of you so HA HA HA HA!!!"  sry im just thinkin about that cuz i am listenin to this band called brodie punk, i think they are the best! they should be famous by now! and im gonna do my best to get them too be! anyways.....my hands are still really cold, im gonna try and warm them up, brb, there i have my hoodie now...i love these things, they are all warm and kool looking at the same time, and i also like the way girls look when they wear them too..im not too sure y but i do, well if any of u girls out there like me (i doubt it) theres sumthin that i like just so u know........yeah so anyways. i need a job, im gettin sick of never havein any money, i mean i spent half my money goin to the movies last night, and i only paid for myseld too.. thats kinda sad isnt it? damn i just looked back at the other one...and this one isnt nearly as long guess i gotta find sumthin to talk about, and fast! oh! if any of you ppl will be able to drive and have a car by this summer i wanna go on a road trip! sooooooo bad so if u can tell me, im not sure where i wanna go or when but we could figure it out... come on plz i need to get outta this hell forsaken state! lol yeah anyways, i was dead serious just tell me! now onto sumthing i hate again, i hate it when u like someone and u r sitting right next to them and u dont know what to say or do, and u r going crazy inside your head but u have too keep the kool and calm apperance on the out side, its prolly one of the least fun things to do...besides sitting next to someone that u like alot and know that u could never have them, i would have to say that is a worse feeling. u know i never even really put that much thought in to haveing a gf untill this year.. im not sure y but thats the way it is i suppose, i guess i just like the feeling of even being around someone that u really like, and if u r going out with them you have more of a chance of gettin hurt but u feel much better inside, well i know there are ppl out there that are just in it for the sex but im not like that and i hope i never am. i think that might be the reason that i have so many friends that are girls, cuz im not constantly obsessing over sex...ok this is gettin weird to talk about and im just talking to myself, so anyways moveing on......oh yeah marisa didnt u get mad at me for not mentioning your name last time? well here ill put u in now, u know u r like a sis to me and i know u r there for me and im there for u, always  , there u happy now? lol
ok i think im gonna finish this one now, i would have to say it is just as long if not longer than the 1st one, so yeah, see ya when i see ya!~

rejection sux! thats it im done with this whole girl thing for a while! i cant take it anymore, im just lost and confused all the time. and that isnt much fun. i dont blame the girls that i like that didnt like me back, i kinda blame myself for haveing no idea what im doin, or maybe i could blame my bro for this somehow.....maybe not.....he makes a good scapegoat but not in this case. yeah im really bored again and im just gonna write as much as i can again. its almost 12:00 am and ummm la de da, i know my life is goin really good in comparison to some other ppls but y do i hate it so much? i guess i should just live with it but i am too much of a complainer to do that lol. damn do i need to change, im sick of acting like a diff person around diff ppl. so i think im gonna go with being myself...it would help if i knew who myself was tho, is it the me around my guy friends or the me around my girl friends, or the me that i am at home? im not sure, i think its a mix of all 3. thats interesting......i am already a mix of a bunch of types of ppl. now that i think about it i have friends in almost every group of ppl, theres the little freak boys (thanx for the name chopski) then there is the part of me that hangs out with the socialy withdrawn ppl, then the part of me that hangs out with the goth/freaks, then the me around "normal" ppl, then the me around girls i like (i dont like that part of me, its not to honest.well i can be but u know what i mean) and the big brother me, then the smartass son me, see there is alot of me's to deal with. i think im gonna mix em all together. then i will be the true me. and my life should be alot better than it is, not that its bad now but i want it to be as easy as possible, i wanna live this life to its fullest, cuz u never know when it could just end, "on a cosmic scale our lives flash by in the blink of an eye" so make it the best blink ever! there is a limit on what u can do in your life, but your actions are the only thing setting that limit, so JUST LIVE DAMMIT! yeah anyways, now to move on to sumthin i hate, i have to agree with you on this one cyntheanne, ppl that just go and repeat everything are some of the worst ppl out there, especily when they change the story, ppl should learn when just to keep their mouth shut, that is one of the few things that i am good at, but some of us arent and they really need to learn. and also ppl that say that they understand when they dont...that is just as bad, i know that they are just agreeing but they could at least admit they dont know what the hell u r going through. "the only way to understand what someone is going through, is to have lived it for your self" and that is compleatly true. and the other thing is u can alomst never tell if they actualy know what u r talking about, but u can tell sometimes. anyways now onto a sub that i thought of....do any of you understand y wal-mart doesnt sell parental advisory cds? that i so gay, they lost like 4 sales because of that not too long ago, they only carry edited versions of cds.....that is so lame. i mean what do they gain from that? nothing, all they do is lose sales from ppl like me. but anyways.....this one isnt as long as the other 2 but o well. im gettin tired so i think im gonna go to bed......see ya later i guess
well its time again for me to go on and on about nothing, well my life is being really confuseing right now..so i dont know how much sence this is all gonna make, but here i go. did u know that japanese is really kool? i love it now its really kool looking and fun to try and learn. its even more fun cuz im the only person in the entire school that knows any, so i can confuse ppl and it gets really fun. but something i hate now is doing a damn research paper, they are evil! chopski is out to kill me i think cuz she knows that im gonna fail and have to take her class again so she has decided to kill me to make sure that doesnt happen. and the library nazi is out to help her. she wants me dead too. u know nobody has been on aim 2day and its pissing me off, cuz i got alot on my mind and i wanna tell ppl but i cant if i cant  talk to them now can i? damn u marisa!!! ah u know what i dont wanna write anything else cuz i learned not to tell everyone everything so u dont get to know anymore so ha! see ya

ok well its been a while but im back, and this time with a whole new outlook on life, I LOVE MY LIFE! i have never been this happy in........ever, i always said if it happens it happens, and it happend, and i am like sooo happy. i never thought a girl would be the thing that made my life feel so great, but apparently thats what i was missing before. i know she loves me and that i love her just as much in return, but im still scared, even though i dont think it will end any time soon, and i dont want it too end at all...nothing at this age lasts forever...no matter how much we wish it will, but then again you never know, my parents started going out when they were younger than i am, and they ended up getting married and are still together...almost 20 years later...so i guess you just never know, all i know is nothing has ever felt this right, and i have never wanted anything to work out so bad....yeah anyways next topic, the world pisses me off sometimes, i wish i could do what beth was talking about earlyer today, just get this little island (where me and her could rule hehe) and just create our own society, no money, no education...just live, and only the ppl we really care about could live there. and it would all be perfect, all my friends, no crazy outside world, and the girl i love...what more do you need...oh yeah, only good music would be allowed, no pop...none at all lol. i just want ppl to go away (not the ones i like) i dont care where they go...just go there and leave me and my friends the hell alone! lol...yeah im going through another one of my "fuck the world" phases, damn...this is like the 8th one, eventulay im gonna lose it! ahhh, beth! keep me sane! please! lol for the sake of everyone, lol anyways...yeah sorry its like 4 am and im hyper as hell and its my page so im allowed to just go on and on about nothing so there! i sure i said that somewhere up there too but that doesnt really matter to me right now, nothing does, im like walking on air, im just sooo happy, but i miss her! and i cant wait till next time i see her, then ill be even happier and then ill end up missing her more again, but its worth it, its deffiently worth it. ahhh its too light! *turns off light* there thats better! you know what its too damn hot in here, i cant take it, i mean im just sitting at my computer just typeing and im starting to sweat, how sad is that? i cant take it much more *opens window* thats better. ahhh anyways now to talk about my summer so far, ITS THE BEST ONE EVER! last summer was just the same thing over and over and over again, now its different every day, i hang out with ppl mainly one :), but my friends are making this summer worth living, thanks guys! love you all! and just for the record IM NOT GAY so i dont mean love in that way lol, anyways...you know what sad people suck,they get mad at us happy people and try to bring us down with them, i would know, for a long time iwas one of  the sad ppl but now that im one of the happy ones i see how mean it is to do that and i wont do it ever again, or at least ill try not too..mad ppl too, anger is contagious dude! if one of my friends is really mad...ill end up mad too, im not sure why but i will, its kinda like when someone yawns you yawn, or someone else cracks sumthing and you have too, or anything like that its just my natrual responce to other ppls anger...i guess its just the way i am. and another thing im sick of ppl being mad at me for things that happend a long time ago, you know what im talking about if you are one of them. i just wrote what i felt at the time, i cant change that and im not gonna lie and say i didnt think that way before, but i will tell the truth when i say that i dont feel like that anymore and im sorry if i offended you...i was pissed, and if you know me you know that i cant stay pissed that long...ever. next year i plan on giving everyone another chance, no matter who they are, everyone deseves a few shots at being cool with me, hell i even am friends with heather again, she never did anything that bad. oh and on the subject of friends...im not really sure who my real friends are anymore...everyone is changeing, and so am i...and some of us are growing apart. i was best friends with this kid for over 4 years..and now we hate eachother, and im not even sure why! and it just kinda bugs me how ppl can change enough to make stuff like that happen, its just not fair, the world should be a nicer place and everyone should get along....yeah right, like that would ever happen, guess i should be more realistic, and learn to deal with whtat i have. bein happy with what you've got...isnt that what life is all about. well i think so at least, and another thing about life, if you cant at least try to make someone else happy...whats life for anyways? its pointless then, i mean you like to be happy right? so why not make someone else feel special and do that for them...if we all did that the world would be such a better place, and if your reading this they you need to go out and make someone happy a.s.a.p. cuz its your new mission, get it, got it, good! isnt music great? well real music (or EMO as this mag. would call it) if you find a song that you can relate to...its so perfect, like this song "perfect" by simple plan, it fits my life so much, its about how he can never be good enough for his dad and how he tires to as hard as he can but its not possible to be perfect...like our fathers want us to be...yeah...pent up rage! i gottta take it out somewhere, or im gonna end up in a fight and kicked outta my house...so yeah, and the other song that describes my life right now is "moosh" by Big Wig, its just about finding the girl that makes your life perfect, and knowing it'll all work out in the end...and i know thats what i found her....god i love her, i dont care what anyone else says...i know none of you belive me on this one...but only i know what i feel when i kiss her or even when i just see her..or think about her for that matter, nobody else can tell me wether im in love or not...its just not possible, so all of you who are trying to tell me what im feeling...dont take this the wrong way, i still love ya and all  but FUCK OFF! its my feelings, not yours, i have never tried to tell you what you were feeling so dont do it to me!..cough cough anyways i guess thats all for 2night...its 4:30 and my hands hurt like hell...so night all....love ya all! especily you know who ;) peace out!