ok this is my quiz, just copy it and fill in the answers, then email me what u put down........... my email is BoBo2500@msn.com, have fun!

1. what is your favorite band(s)

2. what is your most embarassing moment in your life?

3. what is your favorite food(s)?

4. what is your favorite smell(s)?

5. what is the funniest moment in your life?

6. what kind and how many pets do you have?

7. what happend on the best day of your life, and the worst day?

8. when looking for a bf/gf which matters more to you, personality or looks?

9. how long are you online in a day?

10. what is the one thing you wish you could do over in your life?

11. if you could have anything in the world what would it be?

12. do you like to imagine alot, or are you very realistic?

13. who is the most important person in your life (not counting family)?

14. have you ever smoked(anything) or drank, if so how many times or,how often?

15. are you sick of answering my questions?

16. are you happy its over?
  Trixiegirl's music