some of the very few interesting things that happen in my life:

ok my house is haunted, door hadles move and stuff falls and so on and so forth. but the weirdst ones yet are: when i was up stairs in my room the door to the basement slamed shut, needless to say i went to sleep then, the other one is when i heard a noise in the basement so i went to check it out, when i got down there there was nothing, and i heard a door close upstairs the freaky thing is i was home alone. and the last one was when my mom was home with my youngest sister monica. the fone rang and it was my aunt. on the fone i sounded like someone was getting on and off the fone. and then the line went dead. for 45 mins it was dead. then my mom went to check the fone lines in the basement and she looked at the cordless fone (you need to press a button to turn it on) and it was on.
some of these might be caused by the fact my dad worked in graveyards for like 2 years. or the fact that we have a coffin in our garage or all the stuff in our basement from graveyards but all i know is that my house is haunted!

ok finaly heres a new one, one day not too long ago i was out driveing with my friend joel, and we were just messing around trying to get money, and when we did we went to Gus's and bought some pops and got free bread sticks, and when we went outside it was really sunny...but it was raining...and there was no clouds above us, so we took advantage of the cool rain and the hot sun, and just sat there, and later on that day we were still driveing around and we noticed the gas meter was up higher than it was before, how this happend im still not sure, but we figured one of us pissed in the gas tank and just yeah thats it for opposite day

ill add more storys as soon as more interesting things happen in my life................this could be a while.............

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