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"Something you should know...I married a Saint, and gave birth to an angel."

Bette Midler was born December 1, 1945 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Bette Graduated in 1963 as valedictorian of her class at Radford High School. She went to the University of Hawaii where she pursued drama. She then left for New York.

She later married Martin von Haselberg (an artist) December 16th 1985 in Las Vegas, Nevada. "I'm crazy about my husband" "I'm crazy about my life" "and I'm having a lot of fun doing it". Two years later Sophie Fredrica Alohilani (Bright Sky in Hawaiian) von Haselberg on November 14, 1986 was born to Bette & Martin. "When she smiles - The whole world smiles" (Bette) "Bette is a doting typical Jewish mother and incredibly in love with Sophie" (Martin) "All this domesticity may not be for everybody, but when you wish for it and you never get it you really cherish it when you do get it and so I do.


"Bette we see you on the screen and every character you play touches our hearts - and if they don't give Oscars for that - they shouldn't give them." (Fan quote)

"We love her because she is us and we are her." (George Mair)

"The Key to Bette's success is that she touches a chord in anyone who's ever felt like they didn't belong." (Bruce Vilanch)

Bette has touched many people's lives. So write me if she has touched you in your life and I may print it on my pages.

Some Interesting Links For Bette Fans

Buy Bette's Latest CD Here
The Official Bette Midler Website
The Bette Midler Museum
Mikey's Bette Midler Page

The Bette Midler Web Page
Bette Midler Boulevard
The Shrine For The Divine
Official Bette Midler Fan Club @ Yahoo
Bette On The Boards
ExPeRiEnCiNg The DiViNe

My name is Linda, I hope you enjoyed reading a little about Bette and her Divine family. Please e-mail me, with any comments, or just to chat about The Divine Miss M.

Main Page | Bette's Family | Experience The Divine | Gypsy | Some People's Lives | Email Me