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JAY-ZFOREVERHolla! ~~~Pictures Of Jay-Z~~~

So what`s up,I`m going beyond my web page skillz for example no more corny bs on my page.This time around I`m going to try to let yall people know the complete 411 on me and what I like/Hate. Damn so I got alot of shyt to say! Right now I'm kinda of mad because Jay is calling it quits! Man do you know what that means! It means we gonna have thes half assed dickhead out there trying to rap or compare themselves to Jay! Where will Rap be with out him no where! I think the Black Album is a hoax; I think Jay is telling everyone that he is going to retire probably just to see how good the album sells; I think if the album does good he might change is mind! But damn! Hov won't be doing no guest appearances(What The Fuck?) Man now I don't know where rap is going to go from here! I hope someone from the Roc can be as good as Jay! I see potential in Kanye West but I don't know about the rest I can't fucking Believe Hovs putting his career to a rest! I Love Music(ALL KINDS!) :)

Everybody Holla At Cha GirlAnd Be Heard!

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Boys 2000
Very Funny Crazy Site
Beyond Craziness