WeLcOmE tO tHe AnTi-BriTnEy ReVoLuTiOn! **tHe OnLy AnTi-BriTnEy SiTe FeAtUrEd iN THE CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER**

ThE nEw SiTe...HaTiNg BiTcHnEy SiNcE jUnE 20, 2002

LaSt UpDaTeD JuLy 6, 2002

Thanks for choosing to check out my site. Click around and have fun...and don't forget to sign the guestbook or email me!

KeEp HaTiNg,

~ThE wEbMiStReSs~

SPONSORS: FREE PSYCHIC answers any and all questions VIA E-MAIL. Accurate, answers anything within a day. Email Loving1319@hotmail.com

SCHOOL TERM PAPERS AND ESSAYS only $5 each. Email ME at bottom for more info on an A paper already written.

Read my free diary.

DiD yOu MiSs ThE DiScLaiMeR?
*NeW hErE? ViSiToRs SuGgEst...*
*sO yOu SaY i MuSt Be FaT aNd UgLy? My PiC...AnD mY bOyFriEnd'S, ToO*
*sChOoL oF bRiTnEy*
BriTnEy'S ViSiT tO tHe PsYcHoLoGiSt
ThE eXoRciSm
SpYiNg On BriTnEy
*ThE tRuE cOnFeSsiOnS oF BriTnEy SpEaRs*
*EmAiL BriTnEy--AnD sEe WhAt sHe WrOtE bAck*
*tHe BriTnEy PhOtO aLbuM*
BriTnEy'S NeW yEaR's ReSoLuTiOnS
BriTnEy'S LeTtEr tO SaNtA
*mY mAiL*
tHe ChAnGiNg oF bRiTnEy
*HyPoCriTe BriT*
*WhAt ThiS GiRL wAnTs/NeEdS*
*StUpiD qUoTeS*
*wHy We HaTe/LoVe HeR sO mUcH*
i'M sO jEaLoUs
*BriTnEy, ThE aCtReSs*
*jOiN tHe MaiLiNg LiSt*
*MoRe LiNkS*
*SiGn My GuEsTbOoK*

Email: antibritneyspears69@hotmail.com