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Artist: Jethro Tull

Album: Thick as a Brick

Year: 1969?

Label: Chrysalis

Rating: 8.9

Some people I know seem to be afraid of this album. While prospect of one 45-minute-long song is staggering to say the least, this can be quickly forgiven and even forgotten when it is this good. There is not one unnecesary second in the whole thing. Sure, some of the instrumental parts drag on for a while, but any other way and the transitions from part to part would sound awfully abrubt. There are two downsides, but neither have to do with the music. The original LP folded out to be a fake newspaper, and it is greatly shortened for the cd. Also, some idiot got the fool idea of adding 3rd and 4th tracks,(thick as a brick is divided into two parts, which is another minor downside, as the song would have been better as one seamless piece.) the 3rd track being the first 11 minutes or so of TAAB performed live, and the 4th being an interview with members of the band. This is much like the extra tracks on Aqualung. Will there ever be justice for Tull fans? probably not. oh well, we'll just have to listen to the real music and ignore the extra tracks.

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