Britney Spears has totally changed music forever. Looking at her videos she gets what she wants and..even though i am a guy..i admit to liking her...hey shut up..its not funnie..she is really kewl..anywayz here is just a bunch of crap about her..(if u have hurry-sickness like me, just go over to that little "One Stop Britney" box, and you'll have everything u need)


Britney's crayze revealing videos have been kewl to watch and groundbreaking...Do you know all of her videos? Click Here to review them!


Britney has had Platinum status forever!! Which means she has sold over a million copies..Her first Album, Baby One More Time, went platinum..and she has sold more copies of a debut album than anyone! Ever!! Lets go Check out her Albums.


Hey do u wanna see Pictures of Britney? Yah of course you do because she is Britney!!! Hey..but if your one of those twelve year old girls that try to be just like her..Remember!! Only wear those kind of clothes to impress your 21 year old boyfriend, and if your mom tell you not to..remember that she is just trying to look out for you..but spit in her face anywayz and go on Jerry Springer!!
