Pop Stars Anonymous

RULES FOR Pop Stars Anonymous

1. We are not the real celebrities, family, friends. This is just a role playing game. So please don't e-mail any of the characters or us, complaining that we're not the real person. We know that, like we said this is just a role playing game.

2. We are not affiliated with any other community here, like Must Be Pop or Duct Tape Crew. Although you can be in those communities also.

3. If there's a character that has been taken, please do not bitch or complain because you wanted to be that character. Please choose someone else that has not be taken. Although, if there's a situation where one of the characters doesn't update as much as we like, he or she, can be replaced. That is up to the maintainer.

4. If you would like to join the community please contact either Jacob or Janie. They will gladly add you. If you also have other questions, please contact them as well.

5. To be a member of this community, please make sure that you have the following because they are required:

Instant Messenger [AIM [Prefered], ICQ, MSN, or Yahoo]
E-Mail Address
User Icon(s)

As previously mentioned, if you wish to join, please contact either Jacob or Janie.

Jacob's Contact Information

AIM: CrazyRebelRocker
E-mail: rebelrocker22@hotmail.com
Jacob's Journal

Janie's Contact Information

AIM: SwtNSxy Janie
Janie's Journal