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Random Thoughts

Mwahaha. Ummm....well...I actually don't know why I created a page. I was bored.

Have you ever seen so much SNOW???

I LoVe My WoRld!!

Less than days 'till absolutely nothing!!!!!!!!!!

Have fun and please vote on my (slightly modified) poll (in the music section)! thanks. I love music.

Lyrics of the day or month or however long till I come up with new ones are:

You Read My Eyes Just Like Your Diary,
Oh Remember, Please Remember
Well, I'm Not A Beggar, But What's More
If I Hurt You, Then I Hate Myself, Don't Wanna Hurt You
Why Do You Chew Your Pain?
If You Only Knew How Much I Love You

I Won't Be Your Winter
I Won't Be Anyone's Excuse To Cry
We Can Be Forgiven
I Will Be Here
Your Winter: Sister Hazel

Special Music Page


Sexy Man Page

(Sorry, no girls here as I don't find them to be sexy.)

A Joke Page

QuOtEs PaGe

Tricia & Co.

The Many Faces of Trishma

Dernonic Lavender

Funny Pics

Happy Links

Donate Please!

I am trying to make life interesting for all of you so please send me any suggestions you have to my email (or just in the guestbook)... WHAT SHOULD I CHANGE THE POLL TO?!?!?!?! And the Question of the Month is. . .Have you ever seen so much snow on SPRING BREAK!!!!????? Please give generously! thank you ~Trishma


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AIM: QotWBvers