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... Meet the V-People ! ...

<=== Rich is the heartbeat of the Vara-Tones. It was his famous words "we should start a band" that got us started down this road to glory. Rich decided to motor down to Balboa one day and snap some pictures of The Wedge. His photos ended up being used as the artwork and theme of our Jetty album.

Terry is the coolest guy in the band (actually he is the ONLY cool guy in the band). Terry played bass on the original recording of Repeto and also on the remake. He is an electronics expert and globe-trotting international business tycoon. ==========>

<===== Gary is our other bass player - and he also plays sax on the "Headin Out" album. He is CEO and President of Vee-Tone Records and is a certified electronics wizard who has designed amplifiers for both Fender and Randall. Gary likes golf and cars - especially Corvettes. In fact, he owns a 1958 Corvette which is known as the "VeeMobile".

<====== Bill is the primary tunesmith and guitar picker of the Vara-Tones. Bill likes Stratocasters, 50's memorabilia, and anything made out of plastic.