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Hey Kids!! Guess What ?????
... It's time to get Varafied !!! ...

Gary and Terry did a fantastic job of recording this album. And of course, it was recorded ENTIRELY in Varatronic sound. We can't disclose the technical aspects of this process, because it is a secret technique developed by Gary and Terry and only they understand how it works!! But we can give you some background information on the individual songs on the album.

Here is a blow-by-blow description of the tracks on Jetty Subject To High Surf:

1. Surf Blaster - No explanation required!!
2. Over the Edge - Too late to turn back now - go over the edge with the V-People! Featuring Gary on Sax!
3. El Sereno - The name of our hometown community in Northeast L.A.- makes a nice title for this semi-ballad.
4. Invasion of the V-People - The Vara-Tones have landed ! Somewhere in the set list of every 60's garage band worth their salt there had to be 1) an invaders-from-outer-space song and 2) a chicken song (see track 12)
5. Midnight in Mazatlan - Reminiscent of that warm peaceful beach with the moon shimmering over the bay as you pop open another Corona.
6. The Jetty - Sometimes the V-People just like to make noise!
7. Rendezvous Run - Takes us back to one of surfdom's most famous venues, The Rendezvous Ballroom - with a musical tip of the hat to the Surfaris, The Chantays, and The Rhythm Rockers.
8. Vara-Tone Stomp - This tune was our first original, written in 1961 and updated for the album.
9. Varafied - A spontaneous jam at our 1997 reunion resulted in this tune.
10. Repeto 2000 - The Vara-Tones single, re-worked for guitar with Gary on Sax!
11. Sunset At The Wedge - Inspired by a perfect day at the beach, then listening to live surf at the Rendezvous!
12. Groo-V-Chicken - Yep, that's right! It's our chicken song!
13. Drumbox - This tune features our drummer Rich, who started out on boxes, hence the title!
14. Repeto ('64) - Dick Smith - King of the Surf Sax!