True Prince Eagle Collection

True Prince Eagle Collection


<BGSOUND SRC="sounds/CntryClb.mp3" LOOP="10">
"Country Club" True Prince

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True Prince Lyrics I
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The True Prince Eagle Lyric Collection © are the sole property of Michael J. Prince and Prince Associate Enterprises, and have been protected under American and International Copyrights. Permission to copy are reserved to owner's rights and I can be contacted at TruePrince. Under no circumstances is this material for re-distribution, re-sale, or otherwise transferable to a third party unless granted by Michael J. Prince. All materials are for sale.

The U.S. Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. §§ 101 - 810, is Federal legislation enacted by Congress under its Constitutional grant of authority to protect the writings of authors. See U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8. Changing technology has led to an ever expanding understanding of the word "writings". The Copyright Act now reaches architectural design, software, the graphic arts, motion pictures, and sound recordings. See § 106 of the act. Given the scope of the Federal legislation and its provision precluding inconsistent state law, the field is almost exclusively a Federal one. See § 301 of the act.

A copyright gives the owner the exclusive right to reproduce, distribute, perform, display, or license his work. See § 106 of the act. The owner also receives the exclusive right to produce or license the production of derivatives of his work. See § 201(d) of the act. Limited exceptions to this exclusivity exist for types of "fair use", such as book reviews. See § 107 of the act. To be covered by copyright a work must be original and in a concrete "medium of expression." See § 102 of the act. Under current law, works are covered whether or not a copyright notice is attached and whether or not the work is registered. TruePrince would appreciate your feed back to any materials in his guestbook below. Lyrics are for sale.

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