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Fanfics Aplenty!!!

This is a part of Narcissism and Pyromania ©2001 please do not take any of this stuff and use it on your own page without my direct permission you can write similar stories just make them original enough to be your own that's all I ask

Disclaimer: I don't own the Fushigi Yuugi characters, or the characters, people, music or products that may appear in any of these stories, I do however, own my original characters, my wording and story ideas :)

*NOTE*~ I HANA-CHAN swear that none of the work here created by me has been knowingly plagrized, the work here created by others however, is not plagerized to my knowledge but if you find someone here has sent me one of your stories under their name e-mail me politely and I will try to staighten things out with you and the author (removal of work, giving of proper credit et cetra) However, if a rude, accusing, threatening e-mail is sent your request will not be honored, I'm sorry, but despite the severity of plagerizing I don't want to deal with someone who is being irrational ok?

Questions about warnings, story codes, terms, ratings et cetra? click here

Hey! do you want to submit your Fushigi Yuugi fanfic to my story archive? if so clicky Herefor guidelines

Fushigi Yuugi Stories

The Hardest Thing
Nuriko has his heart broken, but someone else is there to comfort him

Pairings: Hotohori x Nuriko, Tasuki + Nuriko
Genre:Yaoi, songfic, sap, angst

Conjunction, Junction?
Part one Part Two Part Three (In progress...)

The FY cast members are High School sophomores...

Rating:PG-13 (To be safe, right now it's really PG)
Pairings: Various (Yaoi and non) Genre:AU, Humor

Hotohori and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Hotohori has a BAD day

Pairings: none really
Genre: Fluff, Humor

Tamahome, Who Used To be Rich Last Sunday
Eeep, Tamahome doesn't have much money sense now does he?

Pairings: This story has pairings!?
Genre: Fluff, Humor