september 18 // added whorse show dates to the tour section //

august 6 // well, i think i'm finally done renovating, if you find any typos or broken links be sure to let me know, and if you haven't yet, be sure to download fuck that 'tis a great song, and i don't want anyone to miss out on it... also, stop by greg's site 'cause he got a few new songs up as well... //

july 31st // there are some new pics of stella up at the whorse site... and i'm almost done renovating, all links that are up should be in working order now, please email me if you find any broken links... still working on getting the rest of the lyrics up, and i think i'm gonna make a new main image, then i'll be done //

july 28th // still renovating, so some links might not be working yet... but i got something to tide you over till i finishing fixing my site up... new old stella! download fuck that now!.. //

july 26th // i am renovating my site a bit, to be dedicated to all things stella, which include, but are not limited to: sister soleil, stella soleil and whorse... stay tuned //

there is a feature on Stella at

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many thanks to the 2341 visitors that stopped by this site between march 1st 2001 and july 2 2003.
i'm currently looking for a new counter, as the one i had decided to start charging for its services.

site created march of 2001. maintained by darbie_starpower
disclaimer: this site is in no way endorsed by stella or universal records