Those who have reviewed this site either regard it as a dark marvel, or in about 50% of cases think that there are a group of people out there who probably should be somewhere else. (Undergoing treatment by a psycotherapist).

I have bad news for you. One of Team Destroy-a-Toy-Land™ is a psychotherapist.

The clients brief was pretty straight-forward. The site itself was built using Dreamweaver, and the examples of artwork, photos and animation were designed and manipulated by me using Photoshop, Fireworks and Illustrator. In terms of experience, this site has been of great benefit to me as a web designer, as it's development has been a largely organic process, with the skills required to fully realise it acquired as the site has grown. I now have a much fuller understanding of the use of video media in sites and I am happy using digital video technology, which is proving to be of great use to at least one of my current clients, whose site will incorporate footage amd photographs of previous building renovation projects.

Future developments to the site will include user feedback facilties, a guest book and the destroy-a-toy-land shop.

Destroy logo