############################################################################### # pockt dictionary world.std.com:/obi/ ############################################################################### a aardvark aback abacus abaft abalone abandon abandoned abase abash abate abatement abatis abattoir abbacy abbe abbess abbey abbot abbreviate abbreviation abdicate abdomen abduct abeam abecedarian abed aberration abet abeyance abhor abhorrent abide ability abject abjure ablate ablative ablaze able abloom ablution abnegate abnormal aboard abode abolish abolitionist abominable abominate abomination aboriginal aborigine aborning abortion abortionist abound about above aboveboard abracadabra abrade abrasive abreast abridge abroad abrogate abrupt abscess abscound absence absent absentee absenteeism absentminded absinthe absolute absolution absolutism absolve absorb absorbent absorption abstain abstemious abstinence abstract abstraction abstruse absurd abundant abuse abut abutment abuttals abysm abysmal abyss acacia academe academic academician academicism academy acanthus accede accelerando accelerate accent accentuate accept acceptance acceptation access accessible accession accessory accidence accident accidental acclaim acclamation acclimate acclimatize acclivity accolade accommodate accommodating accommodation accompaniment accompany accomplice accomplish accomplished accomplishment accord accordance accordingly accordion accost account accountable accountant accounting accouter accredit accretion accrue acculturation accumulate accuracy accurate accursed accusal accusative accuse accustom accustomed ace acerbity acetanilide acetate acetic acetone acetylene ache achieve achromatic acid acidosis acidulous acknowledge acme acne acolyte aconite acorn acoustic acoustics acquaint acquaintance acquiesce acquire acquirement acquisition acquisitive acquit acre acreage acrid acrimony acrobat acrobatics acronym acrophobia acropolis across acrostic act acting actinic actinium action actionable activate active activity actor actual actuary actuate acuity acumen acute ad adage adagio adamant adapt add addendum adder addict addiction addition additional addle address addressee adduce adenoid adept adequate adhere adhesion adhesive adieu adios adipose adjacent adjective adjoin adjoining adjourn adjudge adjudicate adjunct adjure adjust adjutant adjuvant adman administer administration administrator admirable admiral admiralty admire admissible admission admit admittance admix admixture admonish ado adobe adolescence adopt adoptive adorable adore adorn adrenal adrift adroit adsorb adulation adult adulterant adulterate adultery adulthood adumbrate advance advantage advent adventitious adventure adventurer adventuresome adverb adversary adversative adverse adversity advert advertise advertisement advertising advice advisable advise advisement advisory advocate adz aegis aeon aerate aerial aerialist aerie aero aerobic aerodrome aeronaut aeronautics aeroplane aerosol aerospace aery aesthete aesthetic aesthetics aestivate afar affable affair affect affectation affected affecting affection afferent affiance affidavit affiliate affinity affirm affirmative affix afflatus afflict afflictive affluence afford affray affright affront afghan afghani aficionado afield afire aflame afloat aflutter afoot aforementioned aforesaid aforethought afoul afraid afresh aft after afterbirth aftercare afterdeck aftereffect afterglow afterlife aftermath afternoon aftertaste afterthought afterward again against agape agate agave age aged ageless agency agenda agent agglomerate agglutinate aggrandize aggravate aggregate aggregation aggression aggrieve aghast agile agitate agleam aglitter aglow agnostic ago agog agonize agony agora agoraphobia agrarian agree agreeable agreement agriculture aground ague ahead ahoy aid aide aigrette ail aileron ailment aim aimless air airborne airbrush aircraft airdrome airdrop airfield airfoil airlift airliner airmail airman airplane airport airpost airship airsick airspeed airstrip airtight airwave airway airworthy airy aisle ajar akimbo akin alabaster alacrity alarm alarmist albacore albatross albeit albino album albumen albumin albuminous alcalde alcazar alchemy alcohol alcoholic alcoholism alcove alder alderman ale alee alehouse alembic alert alexandrine alfalfa alfresco alga algebra alias alibi alien alienable alienate alienist alight align alike aliment alimentary alimony alive alkali alkalinize alkaloid alkyd all allay allege allegiance allegory allegro alleluia allergen allergist allergy alleviate alley alleyway alliance allied alligator alliterate alliteration allocate allot allow allowance alloy allspice allude allure alluvium ally almanac almighty almond almoner almost alms almshouse aloe aloft aloha alone along alongshore alongside aloof aloud alp alpaca alpenhorn alpenstock alphabet alphabetic alphabetize already also altar altarpiece alter altercation alternate alternative although altimeter altitude alto altogether altruism alum alumina aluminium aluminum alumna alumnus always am amah amain amalgam amalgamate amanuensis amaranth amaryllis amass amateur amatory amaze amazon ambassador amber ambergris ambidextrous ambience ambient ambiguous ambition ambitious ambivalence amble ambrosia ambulance ambulant ambulatory ambuscade ambush ameba ameliorate amen amenable amend amendment amends amenity amerce americium amethyst amiable amicable amid amidships amiss amity ammeter ammo ammonia ammonite ammunition amnesia amnesty amoeba amok among amontillado amoral amorous amorphous amortize amount amour ampere ampersand amphibian amphibious amphitheater amphora ample amplify amplitude ampul amputate amputee amulet amuse an anachronism anaconda anadem anaemia anaerobic anaesthesia anagram anal analgesia analogous analogue analogy analysis analyze anapest anarchism anarchy anathema anathematize anatomize anatomy ancestor ancestry anchor anchorage anchorite anchovy ancient ancillary and andante andiron androgen anecdote anemia anemometer anemone anent anesthesia anesthetic anew angel anger angina angle angleworm anglicize anglophile anglophobe angora angry angst anguish anguished angular anhydrous aniline animadvert animal animalcule animalism animate animation animism animosity animus anise ankh ankle anklet annals anneal annex annihilate anniversary annotate announce announcer annoy annoyance annual annuitant annuity annul annular annunciate annunciation anode anodyne anoint anomalous anomaly anon anonymous anopheles another answer answerable ant antacid antagonism antagonist antagonize antarctic ante antebellum antecedent antechamber antechoir antedate antediluvian antelope antemortem antenatal antenna antepenult anterior anteroom anthem anther anthill anthology anthracite anthrax anthropocentric anthropoid anthropology anthropomorphism anti antibiotic antibody antic antichrist anticipate anticlimax antidote antifreeze antihistamine antiknock antilogarithm antimacassar antimony antipasto antipathy antipersonnel antiphonal antipodes antiquarian antiquary antiquated antique antiquity antiseptic antisocial antithesis antitoxin antivivisectionist antler antonym antrum anus anvil anxiety anxious any anybody anyhow anymore anyone anyplace anything anyway anywhere anywise aorta apace apanage apart apartheid apartment apathy ape apeak aperitif aperture apex aphasia aphid aphis aphorism aphrodisiac apiary apiece aplomb apocalypse apocryphal apogee apologetic apologia apologize apology apoplexy aport apostasy apostle apostolic apostrophe apostrophize apothecary apothegm apotheosis appall appanage apparatus apparel apparent apparition appeal appear appearance appease appellant appellate appellation appellee append appendage appendectomy appendicitis appendix appertain appetite appetizer appetizing applaud applause apple applejack appliance applicable applicant application applicator applied applique apply appoint appointee appointive appointment apportion apposite apposition appositive appraise appreciable appreciate appreciative apprehend apprehensive apprentice apprise approach approbation appropriate appropriation approval approve approximate appurtenance apricot apron apropos apse apt aptitude aquacade aqualung aquamarine aquaplane aquarium aquatic aqueduct aqueous aquiline arabesque arable arbalest arbiter arbitrament arbitrary arbitrate arbitrator arbor arboreal arboretum arborvitae arbutus arc arcade arcane arch archaeology archaic archangel archbishop archdeacon archdiocese archduke archenemy archery archetype archfiend archiepiscopal archimandrite archipelago architect architectonic architectonics architecture architrave archive archivist archon archway arctic ardent ardor arduous are area areaway arena argent argon argosy argot arguable argue argument argumentation argumentative argyle aria arid aright arise aristocracy arithmetic ark arm armada armadillo armament armature armchair armhole armistice armlet armor armorer armorial armory armpit armrest army arnica aroma around arouse arpeggio arraign arrange arrant arras array arrears arrest arrival arrive arrogant arrogate arrow arrowhead arrowroot arroyo arsenal arsenic arson art arterial arteriosclerosis artery artful arthritis arthropod artichoke article articular articulate artifact artifice artificer artificial artillery artisan artist artiste artistic artistry artless arty arum as asafetida asbestos ascend ascendancy ascendant ascension ascent ascertain ascetic ascot ascribe aseptic asexual ash ashamed ashen ashlar ashore ashy aside asinine ask askance askew aslant asleep asp asparagus aspect aspen asperity aspersion asphalt asphodel asphyxiate aspic aspirant aspiration aspire aspirin ass assail assassin assassinate assault assay assemblage assemble assembly assemblyman assent assert assertion assess asset asseverate assiduous assign assignation assignment assimilate assist assistant assize associate association associative assonance assort assorted assortment assuage assume assumption assurance assure assured astatine aster asterisk astern asteroid asthma astigmatism astir astonish astound astraddle astrakhan astral astray astride astrolabe astrology astronaut astronomical astronomy astrophysics astute asunder asylum asymmetric at atavism ate atelier atheist athenaeum athirst athlete athletic athletics athwart atilt atlas atmosphere atoll atom atomic atomics atomize atomizer atonal atone atonement atop atrium atrocious atrocity atrophy atropine attach attache attachment attack attain attainder attainment attaint attar attempt attend attendance attendant attention attenuate attest attic attire attitude attitudinize attorney attract attraction attribute attributive attrition attune atypical auburn auction auctioneer auctorial audacious audible audience audio audiophile audiovisual audit audition auditor auditorium auditory auger aught augment augur augury august auk auld aunt aura aural aurar aureate aureole auricle auricular auriferous aurora auspice auspicious austere austral authentic authenticate author authoritarian authoritative authority authorize authorship auto autobahn autobiography autochthonous autocracy autograph autointoxication automate automatic automation automatize automaton automobile automotive autonomous autopsy autumn auxiliary auxin avail available avalanche avarice avast avatar avaunt ave avenge avenue aver average averment averse aversion avert avian aviary aviation aviatrix avid avionics avitaminosis avocado avocation avoid avoirdupois avouch avow avuncular await awake awaken award aware awash away awe aweary aweigh awesome awestricken awful awfully awhile awhirl awkward awl awn awning awry ax axial axiom axis axle axletree ayah aye azalea azimuth azure b babble babe babel baboon babushka baby baccalaureate bacchanalia bachelor bacillus back backache backbite backboard backbone backdrop backer backfield backfire backgammon background backhand backing backlog backrest backside backslap backslide backspin backstop backstretch backstroke backtrack backward backwash backwoods bacon bacteriology bacterium bad bade badge badger badinage badminton baffle bag bagasse bagatelle bagel baggage baggy bagnio bagpipe baht bail bailiff bailiwick bailsman bairn bait baize bake bakery baksheesh balance balboa balbriggan balcony bald baldachin balderdash baldric bale baleen baleful balk balky ball ballad ballast ballcarrier ballerina ballet ballistic ballistics balloon ballot ballroom ballyhoo balm balmy balsa balsam baluster balustrade bamboo bamboozle ban banal banana band bandage bandanna bandbox banderole bandit bandolier bandstand bandwagon bandy bane bang bangle banish banister banjo bank bankbook bankroll bankrupt banner bannock banns banquet banquette banshee bantam banter bantling banyan baobab baptism baptistery baptize bar barb barbarian barbaric barbarism barbarous barbecue barbell barber barberry barbican barbiturate barcarole bard bare bareback barefaced barefoot bareheaded barely bargain barge baritone barium bark barkeeper barker barley barn barnacle barnstorm barnyard barometer baron baronage baroness baronet baroque barouche barracks barracuda barrage barratry barred barrel barren barrette barricade barrier barrister barroom barrow bartender barter basal basalt base baseball baseboard baseless basement bash bashful basic basil basilica basilisk basin basis bask basket basketball bass bassinet basso bassoon basswood bast bastard baste bastinado bastion bat batch bate bateau bath bathe bathhouse bathos bathrobe bathroom bathtub batiste batman baton batrachian batsman battalion batten batter battery batting battle battledore battlefield battlement battleship bauble bauxite bawdy bawl bay bayberry bayonet bayou bazaar bazooka be beach beachcomber beachhead beacon bead beadle beagle beak beaker beam bean beanie bear beard bearing bearskin beast beat beatific beatify beatitude beatnik beau beauteous beautician beautiful beautify beauty beaver becalm because beck beckon becloud become becoming bed bedaub bedazzle bedbug bedclothes bedding bedeck bedevil bedew bedfellow bedizen bedlam bedouin bedraggled bedridden bedrock bedroll bedroom bedside bedspread bedstead bedtime bee beech beef beefsteak beefy beehive beekeeper beeline been beer beeswax beet beetle befall befit befog before beforehand befoul befriend befuddle beg beget beggar beggarly beggary begin begone begonia begrime begrudge beguile beguine begum behalf behave behavior behead behemoth behest behind behindhand behold beholden behoof behoove beige being belabor belated belay belch beldam beleaguer belfry belie belief believe belike belittle bell belladonna bellboy belle bellhop bellicose belligerency belligerent bellow bellows bellwether belly belong belongings beloved below belt belvedere bemire bemoan bemock bemuse bench bend beneath benedict benediction benefaction benefactor benefactress benefice beneficence beneficent beneficial beneficiary benefit benevolence benighted benign benignant benison bent benumb benzene benzine benzoate benzoin benzol bequeath bequest berate berceuse bereave beret berg beriberi berkelium berry berserk berth beryl beryllium beseech beseem beset besetting beshrew beside besides besiege besmear besmirch besom besotted bespangle bespatter bespeak besprinkle best bestial bestiality bestir bestow bestride bet betake betel bethel bethink betide betimes betoken betray betroth betrothed better betterment bettor between betwixt bevel beverage bevy bewail beware bewilder bewitch bey beyond bezel bezoar bhang biannual bias bib bibelot bibliography bibliophile bibulous bicameral biceps bichloride bicker bicuspid bicycle bid bide biennial bier bifocals bifurcate big bigamy bighorn bight bigot bigwig bike bikini bilateral bile bilge bilingual bilious bilk bill billboard billet billfold billhead billiards billingsgate billion billow billy bimetallism bin binary binaural bind binding binge binnacle binocular binomial biochemistry biogeography biography biology biopsy biotin biparental bipartisan bipartite biped biplane biracial birch bird birdbath birdhouse birdie birdlime birdseed biretta birth birthday birthmark birthplace birthrate birthright birthstone biscuit bisect bisexual bishop bishopric bismuth bison bisque bistro bit bitch bite biting bitter bittern bitters bittersweet bitumen bituminous bivalve bivouac bizarre blab black blackamoor blackball blackberry blackbird blackboard blacken blackguard blackhead blackjack blacklist blackmail blackout blacksmith blackthorn blacktop bladder blade blain blame blameworthy blanch blancmange bland blandishment blank blanket blare blarney blase blaspheme blasphemy blast blatant blather blatherskite blaze blazer blazon bleach bleachers bleak blear bleary bleat bleed bleeder blemish blench blend bless blessed blessing blew blight blimp blind blindfold blink blinker blintze bliss blissful blister blithe blitz blitzkrieg blizzard bloat bloater blob bloc block blockade blockbuster blockhead blockhouse blond blood bloodcurdling blooded bloodhound bloodmobile bloodshed bloodshot bloodstain bloodstone bloodstream bloodsucker bloodthirsty bloom bloomers blooper blossom blot blotch blotter blouse blow blowgun blowout blowpipe blowsy blowtorch blowy blubber blucher bludgeon blue bluebell blueberry bluebird bluefish bluegrass bluejacket bluenose bluepoint blueprint blues bluestocking bluet bluff bluing bluish blunder blunderbuss blunt blur blurb blurt blush bluster boa boar board boardinghouse boardwalk boast boastful boat boathouse boating boatman boatswain bob bobbin bobble bobby bobcat bobolink bobsled bobwhite boccie bock bode bodice bodiless bodily bodkin body bodyguard bog bogey bogeyman bogus boil boiler boilermaker boisterous bold boldface bole bolero bolivar boliviano boll bolo bologna bolster bolt bolus bomb bombard bombardier bombast bombazine bomber bombproof bombshell bombsight bonanza bonbon bond bondage bondholder bondman bondsman bondwoman bone boner bonfire bongo bonhomie bonito bonnet bonny bonsai bonus boo booby boodle book bookcase bookend bookie bookish bookkeeping booklet bookmaker bookmark bookmobile bookplate bookseller bookshelf boom boomerang boomtown boon boondoggling boor boost boot bootblack bootee booth bootleg bootless booty booze borax border borderland bore boreal boredom born borne boron borough borrow borsch bosh bosky bosom boss bosun botany botch both bother bottle bottleneck bottom boudoir bouffant bough bought bouillon boulder boulevard bounce bouncer bound boundary bounden bounteous bountiful bounty bouquet bourbon bourgeois bourgeoisie bourn bourse bout boutique boutonniere bovine bow bowdlerize bowel bower bowl bowlder bowleg bowler bowling bowman bowsprit bowstring box boxcar boxer boxing boy boycott bra brace bracelet bracken bracket brackish bract brad brae brag braggadocio braggart braid braille brain brainchild brainstorm brainwashing braise brake brakeman bramble bran branch brand brandish brandy brash brass brassiere brat bravado brave bravery bravo bravura brawl brawn bray braze brazen brazier breach bread breadbasket breadstuff breadth breadwinner break breakage breakdown breaker breakfast breakout breakthrough breakwater bream breast breastbone breastplate breaststroke breastwork breath breathe breathtaking breech breed breeding breeze breezeway brethren brevet breviary brevity brew bribe brick brickbat bricklayer bridal bride bridegroom bridesmaid bridge bridgehead bridgework bridle brief briefcase brier brig brigade brigand brigantine bright brighten brilliant brilliantine brim brimful brimstone brindled brine bring brink brio brioche briquette brisk brisket brisling bristle brittle broach broad broadcast broadcloth broaden broadside broadsword brocade broccoli brochette brochure brogan brogue broider broil broiler broke broken brokenhearted broker brokerage bromidic bromine bronchial bronchitis bronchus bronco bronze brooch brood brooder brook brooklet broom broth brothel brother brotherhood brougham brought brouhaha brow browbeat brown brownie brownstone browse bruin bruise bruit brunch brunet brunt brush brusque brutal brute brutish bubble buccaneer buck buckboard bucket buckle buckler buckram bucksaw buckshot buckskin buckwheat bucolic bud buddy budge budgerigar budget buff buffalo buffer buffet buffoon bug bugaboo bugbear buggy bugle build building bulb bulbul bulge bulk bulkhead bull bulldog bulldoze bullet bulletin bullfight bullfinch bullfrog bullhead bullheaded bullion bullock bully bulrush bulwark bum bumblebee bump bumper bumpkin bumptious bun bunch bunco bundle bung bungalow bunghole bungle bunion bunk bunker bunkum bunt bunting buoy buoyancy bur burden burdock bureau bureaucracy burgee burgeon burgess burgh burgher burglary burgomaster burial burlap burlesque burly burn burnish burnoose burp burr burro burrow bursar bursitis burst bury bus busboy busby bush bushel bushing bushwhack busily business businessman buskin buss bust bustle busy busybody but butcher butler butt butte butter buttercup butterfat butterfingered butterfly buttermilk butternut butterscotch buttocks button buttonhook buttress buxom buy buzz buzzard buzzer by bye bygone bylaw bypass bypath byplay bystander byway byword c cab cabal cabana cabaret cabbage cabby cabin cabinet cabinetmaker cabinetwork cable cablegram caboose cabriolet cabstand cacao cache cachet cackle cacophony cactus cad cadaver cadaverous caddie caddy cadence cadenza cadet cadge cadmium cadre caduceus caecum caesura cafe cafeteria caffeine caftan cage cageling cagey cahoot cairn caisson caitiff cajole cake calabash calaboose calamine calamity calcareous calcify calcimine calcine calcium calculate calculated calculating calculation calculus caldron calendar calender calends calf calfskin caliber calibrate calico californium caliper caliph calisthenics calk call calla calligraphy calling calliope callosity callous callow callus calm calomel caloric calorie calorific calorimeter calumet calumniate calumny calve calves calypso calyx cam camaraderie camber cambium cambric came camel camelback camellia camelopard cameo camera camisole camomile camouflage camp campaign campanile campanology camphor camphorate camporee campstool campus camshaft can canaille canal canalize canape canard canary canasta cancan cancel cancer candelabra candelabrum candescent candid candidacy candidate candidature candied candle candlelight candlepin candlestick candlewick candor candy cane canebrake canine canister canker cankerworm canned canner cannery cannibal cannibalize cannon cannonade cannonball cannoneer cannot canny canoe canon canonical canonicals canonize canopy cant cantabile cantaloupe cantankerous cantata canteen canter canticle cantilever cantle canto canton cantonment cantor canvas canvasback canvass canyon caoutchouc cap capable capacious capacitate capacity caparison cape caper capeskin capillarity capillary capital capitalism capitalist capitalization capitalize capitally capitation capitol capitulate capon capriccio caprice capriole capsize capstan capsular capsulate capsule captain caption captious captivate captive captor capture car carabao carabineer caracole carafe caramel carapace carat caravan caravansary caravel caraway carbine carbohydrate carbolated carbon carbonate carboniferous carboy carbuncle carburetor carcass carcinogen card cardboard cardiac cardigan cardinal cardinalate cardiovascular care careen career carefree careful careless caress caret caretaker careworn carfare cargo carhop caribou caricature caries carillon carillonneur carload carminative carmine carnage carnal carnation carnauba carnelian carnival carnivora carnivore carol carom carotene carousal carouse carousel carp carpel carpenter carpet carpetbag carpetbagger carpeting carport carrel carriage carrier carrion carrot carrousel carry cart cartage cartel cartilage cartography carton cartoon cartridge cartwheel carve caryatid casaba cascade cascara case casein casement cash cashew cashier cashmere casing casino cask casket casque cassava casserole cassette cassia cassock cast castanets castaway caste castellated caster castigate casting castle castled castoff castrate casual casualty casuistry cat cataclysm catacomb catafalque catalepsy catalog catalpa catalysis catamaran catamount catapult cataract catarrh catastrophe catbird catboat catcall catch catchall catcher catching catchup catchy catechism catechumen categorical categorize category cater catercorner caterpillar caterwaul catfish catgut cathartic cathedral catheter cathode catholic catholicity catkin catlike catnap catnip catsup cattail cattle catty catwalk caucus caudal caught cauldron cauliflower caulk causal causation cause causeway caustic cauterize caution cautionary cautious cavalcade cavalier cavalry cave caveat caveman cavern caviar cavil cavity cavort cavy caw cay cayuse cease ceaseless cecum cedar cede ceiling celandine celebrate celebrated celebrity celerity celery celestial celibacy celibate cell cellar cellarette cellist cello cellophane cellular cellulose celtuce cembalo cement cemetery cenobite cenotaph censer censor censorious censorship censure census cent centaur centavo centenarian centenary centennial center centerboard centerpiece centesimo centigrade centigram centime centimeter centimo centipede central centralize centre centrifugal centrifuge centripetal centrist centurion century cephalic ceramic ceramist cereal cerebellum cerebrate cerebrum cerecloth cerement ceremonial ceremonious ceremony cerise cerium certain certainty certificate certification certify certitude cerulean cesarean cesium cessation cession cesspool chafe chafer chaff chaffer chaffinch chagrin chain chair chairman chaise chalcedony chalet chalice chalk chalkboard challenge challis cham chamber chamberlain chambermaid chambray chameleon chamois chamomile champ champagne champaign champion championship chance chancel chancellery chancellor chancery chancre chancy chandelier chandler change changeling channel channelize chanson chant chanteuse chantey chanticleer chantry chaos chap chapbook chapel chaperon chapfallen chaplain chaplet chapman chaps chapter char charabanc character characteristic characterize charactery charades charcoal chard charge charger chariot charismatic charitable charity charlatan charm charmer charming charnel chart charter chartreuse charwoman chary chase chaser chasm chassis chaste chasten chastise chastity chasuble chat chateau chatelaine chattel chatter chatterbox chatty chauffeur chaunt chauvinism cheap cheapen cheapskate cheat check checkbook checker checkers checklist checkmate checkoff checkpoint checkroom checkup cheddar cheek cheekbone cheeky cheep cheer cheerful cheerleader cheerless cheery cheese cheeseburger cheesecloth cheeseparing chef chela chemical chemise chemist chemistry chemotherapy chemurgy chenille cheque cherish cheroot cherry chert cherub chess chest chesterfield chestnut chevalier cheviot chevron chew chewy chiao chiaroscuro chic chicanery chick chickadee chicken chickenhearted chickweed chicory chide chief chieftain chiffon chiffonier chigger chignon chilblain child childbirth childhood chill chilly chime chimera chimerical chimney chimp chimpanzee chin china chinchilla chink chino chintz chintzy chip chipmunk chipper chirography chiropody chiropractic chirp chisel chit chitchat chitterlings chivalric chivalrous chivalry chive chloral chlordane chloride chlorinate chlorine chloroform chlorophyll chock chockablock chocolate choice choir choirboy choirmaster choke choler cholera choleric cholesterol chon choose choosy chop chophouse choppy chops chopstick choral chorale chord chore chorea choreography chorister chortle chorus chosen chow chowchow chowder chrism christen chromatic chrome chromium chromo chromosome chronic chronicle chronograph chronology chronometer chrysalis chrysanthemum chrysolite chub chubby chuck chuckhole chuckle chug chukka chukker chum chummy chump chunk chunky church churchgoer churchless churchman churchwarden churchyard churl churn chute chutney cicada cicatrix cicerone cider cigar cigarette cinch cinchona cincture cinder cinema cinematograph cinematography cinnabar cinnamon cipher circa circle circlet circuit circuitous circuitry circuity circular circularize circulate circumambulate circumcise circumference circumflex circumlocution circumnavigate circumscribe circumspect circumstance circumstantial circumvent circus cirrus cistern citadel citation cite citify citizen citizenry citron citronella citrus city civet civic civics civil civilian civility civilization civilize civilly clack clad claim claimant clairvoyant clam clambake clamber clammy clamor clamp clan clandestine clang clangor clank clap clapboard clapper claptrap claque claret clarify clarinet clarion clarity clash clasp class classic classical classicism classified classify classmate classroom clatter clause claustrophobia clavichord clavicle clavier claw clay claymore clean cleanly cleanse clear clearance clearheaded clearing clearinghouse cleat cleavage cleave cleaver clef cleft clematis clemency clement clench clerestory clergy clergyman cleric clerical clericalism clerk clever clew cliche click client clientele cliff climate climax climb clime clinch clincher cling clinic clinical clink clinker clip clipboard clipper clipping clique cloak cloche clock clockwise clockwork clod clodhopper clog cloisonne cloister clop close closefisted closemouthed closet closure clot cloth clothe clothes clotheshorse clothespin clothespress clothier clothing cloture cloud cloudburst cloudlet clout clove clover clown cloy club clubfoot clubhouse cluck clue clump clumsy clung cluster clutch clutter coach coachman coadjutor coagulant coagulate coal coalesce coalfield coalition coarse coarsen coast coastline coat coating coauthor coax coaxial cob cobalt cobble cobbler cobblestone cobra cobweb cocaine cochineal cochlea cock cockade cockatiel cockatoo cockatrice cockcrow cockerel cockeye cockfight cockle cockleshell cockney cockpit cockroach cocksure cocktail cocky coco cocoa coconut cocoon cod coda coddle code codeine codex codfish codger codicil codify codling coeducation coefficient coequal coerce coeval coexist coextensive coffee coffeehouse coffeepot coffer cofferdam coffin cog cogent cogitate cognac cognate cognition cognizance cognomen cogwheel cohabit coheir cohere coherent cohesion cohort coif coiffeur coiffure coil coin coinage coincide coincident coitus coke cola colander cold coleslaw colic coliseum collaborate collage collapse collar collarbone collard collate collateral collation colleague collect collected collective collectivism colleen college collegian collegium collide collie collier colliery collocation collodion colloid colloquial colloquialism colloquium colloquy collusion cologne colon colonel colonial colonialism colonist colonize colonnade colony colophon color coloration coloratura colored colorfast colossal colossus colporteur colt columbine column columnist coma comb combat comber combination combine combings combo combustible combustion come comeback comedian comedienne comedown comedy comely comestible comet comeuppance comfit comfort comfortable comforter comfy comic coming comity comma command commandant commandeer commander commandment commando commemorate commemorative commence commencement commend commensurate comment commentary commentator commerce commercial commercialism commercialize commination commingle commiserate commissar commissariat commissary commission commissioner commit committee commode commodious commodity commodore common commonalty commoner commonplace commonweal commonwealth commotion communal commune communicable communicant communicate communication communion communique communism community commutation commutator commute compact companion companionway company comparable comparative compare comparison compartment compartmentalize compass compassion compatible compatriot compeer compel compendium compensate compete competence competency competent competition competitor compile complacence complacency complain complaint complaisance complement complete complex complexion compliance compliancy complicate complicated complicity compliment complimentary comply component comport comportment compose composite composition compositor compost composure compote compound comprehend compress comprise compromise comptroller compulsion compunction compute computer comrade con concatenation concave conceal concede conceit conceive concentrate concentration concentric concept conception concern concerned concerning concernment concert concerted concertina concertmaster concerto concession concessive conch concierge conciliate concise conclave conclude conclusion concoct concomitant concord concordance concordant concordat concourse concrescence concrete concretion concubine concupiscence concur concurrence concurrent concussion condemn condense condescend condign condiment condition conditional condole condominium condone condor conduce conduct conductive conductor conduit cone coney confabulation confection confectioner confectionery confederacy confederate confederation confer conference confess confessedly confession confessional confessor confetti confidant confide confidence confidential configuration confine confirm confirmation confiscate conflagration conflict confluence conflux conform conformance conformation conformity confound confraternity confrere confront confuse confusion confute conga congeal congener congenial congenital congeries congest conglomerate congratulate congregate congregation congregational congress congressman congruence congruency congruity conic conifer conjecture conjoin conjugal conjugate conjugation conjunct conjunction conjunctive conjuncture conjure conk connect connection connective conniption connive connoisseur connotation connotative connote connubial conquer conquest conquistador consanguinity conscience conscientious conscious conscript consecrate consecutive consensus consent consequence consequent consequential conservation conservationist conservatism conservative conservator conservatory conserve consider considerable considerate consideration considering consign consignment consist consistence consistency consistory console consolidate consomme consonance consonant consort consortium conspectus conspicuous conspiracy conspire constable constabulary constancy constant constellation consternation constipation constituency constituent constitute constitution constitutional constitutionality constitutive constrain constraint constrict construct construction constructionist construe consubstantiation consul consult consume consummate consumption consumptive contact contagion contagious contain container contaminant contaminate contemn contemplate contemporaneous contemporary contempt contemptible contemptuous contend content contented contention contentment conterminous contest context contiguous continence continent continental contingency contingent continual continuance continuation continue continuity continuous continuum contort contortionist contour contraband contraception contract contractile contradict contradistinction contrail contralto contraption contrapuntal contrariety contrariwise contrary contrast contravene contretemps contribute contrite contrivance contrive control controller controversy controvert contumacious contumelious contumely contusion conundrum conurbation convalesce convection convene convenience convenient convent conventicle convention conventional conventionalize converge conversant conversation converse conversion convert convertible convex convey conveyance convict conviction convince convivial convocation convoke convoluted convolution convoy convulse convulsion cony coo cook cookbook cookery cookie cookout cookstove cool coolant cooler coolie coon coop cooper cooperate cooperative coordinate coot cootie cop copartner cope copilot coping copious copper copperas copperhead coppice copra copse copula copulate copy copybook copyboy copycat copydesk copyreader copyright coquet coquette coracle coral corbel cord cordage cordial cordillera cordoba cordon cordovan corduroy cordwainer core corespondent cork corkscrew cormorant corn corncob corncrib cornea corner cornerstone cornet cornflower cornice cornmeal cornstalk cornstarch cornucopia corny corolla corollary corona coronach coronal coronary coronation coroner coronet corporal corporate corporation corporeal corps corpse corpulence corpus corpuscle corral correct correlate correlative correspond correspondence correspondent corridor corrigendum corroborate corrode corrugate corrupt corsage corsair corset cortege cortex cortisone corundum coruscate corvette coryza cosignatory cosmetic cosmetologist cosmic cosmogony cosmology cosmonaut cosmopolitan cosmos cossack cost costly costume cosy cot cote coterie coterminal coterminous cotillion cottage cotter cotton cottonseed cottontail cottonwood cotyledon couch couchant cougar cough could council counsel counselor count countdown countenance counter counteract counterattack counterbalance counterclaim counterclockwise counterespionage counterfeit counterintelligence counterman countermand countermeasure counteroffensive counterpane counterpart counterpoint counterpoise counterrevolution countersign countersink countertenor counterweight countess countinghouse countless countrified country countryman countryside county coup coupe couple couplet coupling coupon courage courier course courser court courteous courtesan courtesy courthouse courtier courtly courtroom courtship courtyard cousin cove coven covenant cover coverage coverall coverlet covert covet covey cow coward cowboy cower cowhide cowl cowlick cowling cowpoke cowpuncher cowslip coxcomb coxswain coy coyote coypu cozen cozy crab crabbed crabby crack crackdown cracker crackerjack crackle crackpot cradle cradlesong craft craftsman crafty crag cram cramp cranberry crane cranium crank crankcase crankshaft cranky cranny crape craps crapshooter crash crass crate crater cravat crave craven craving crawfish crawl crayfish crayon craze crazy creak cream creamery crease create creation creator creature creche credence credential credible credit creditable creditor credo credulous creed creek creel creep creepy cremate crematory crenellate creosote crepe crepuscular crescendo crescent cress crest crestfallen cretaceous cretonne crevasse crevice crew crib cribbage crick cricket crier crime criminal criminology crimp crimson cringe crinkle crinoline cripple crisis crisp crisscross criterion critic critical criticism criticize critique critter croak crochet crock crockery crocodile crocus croissant crone crony crook crooked croon crop cropland cropper croquet croquette crosier cross crossbar crossbones crossbow crossbreed crosscurrent crosscut crosshatch crossing crosspiece crossroad crosswalk crosswise crotch crotchet crouch croup croupier crouton crow crowbar crowd crowfoot crown crucial crucible crucifix crucifixion cruciform crucify crude cruel cruet cruise cruiser cruller crumb crumble crumpet crumple crunch crusade cruse crush crust crustacean crutch crux cruzeiro cry crybaby crypt cryptic cryptogram cryptography crystal crystallize cub cubbyhole cube cubic cubicle cubit cuckold cuckoo cucumber cud cuddle cudgel cue cuff cuisine culinary cull cullender culminate culpable culprit cult cultivate culture culvert cumber cummerbund cumulative cumulus cuneiform cunning cup cupbearer cupboard cupcake cupid cupidity cupola cur curate curative curator curb curbing curd curdle cure curfew curia curio curious curl curlew curlicue currant currency current curriculum curry curse cursive cursory curt curtail curtain curtsy curvature curve curvet cushion cusp cuspidor custard custodian custody custom customary customer customhouse cut cutaneous cutback cute cuticle cutlass cutlery cutlet cutoff cutter cutthroat cutting cuttlefish cutup cutworm cyanide cyclamen cycle cyclist cyclometer cyclone cyclopedia cyclotron cygnet cylinder cymbal cynic cynosure cypress cyst czar czarina d dab dabble dace dacha dachshund dactyl dad daddy daemon daffodil daft dagger daguerreotype dahlia daily dainty daiquiri dairy dairymaid dairyman dais daisy dale dally dalmatian dam damage damascene damask dame damn damnable damnation damp dampen damper damsel damson dance dandelion dander dandify dandle dandruff dandy danger dangerous dangle dank danseuse dapper dapple dare daredevil daring dark darken darkling darkroom darksome darling darn darnel dart darter dash dashboard dasher dashing dastard data date dateless dateline dative datum daub daughter daunt dauntless dauphin davenport davit dawdle dawn day daybed daybook daybreak daydream daylight daytime daze dazzle deacon deactivate dead deadbeat deaden deadline deadlock deadly deadweight deadwood deaf deafen deal dealing dean deanery dear dearth death deathbed deathblow deathless deathly deathwatch deb debacle debar debark debase debate debauch debenture debilitate debility debit debonair debouch debrief debris debt debtor debunk debut debutante decade decadence decal decalcomania decalogue decamp decant decanter decapitate decasyllabic decathlon decay decease decedent deceit deceitful deceive decelerate decency decent decentralization deception decibel decide decided deciduous decimal decimate decipher decision decisive deck deckhand declaim declarative declare declassify declension decline declivity decode decollete decommission decompose decompress decontaminate decor decorate decoration decorative decorator decorous decorum decoy decrease decree decrepit decry dedicate deduce deduct deduction deed deem deep deepen deer deerskin deface defalcation defame default defeat defeatism defect defective defence defend defendant defense defer deference deferment defiance defiant deficient deficit defile define definite definition definitive deflate deflation deflect deform deformity defraud defray defrost deft defunct defy degenerate degrade degree dehorn dehumanize dehumidify dehydrate deice deify deign deism deity dejected dejection delay dele delectable delectation delegate delegation delete deleterious delft delftware deliberate deliberative delicacy delicate delicatessen delicious delight delighted delimit delineate delinquency delinquent deliquesce delirium deliver delivery dell delouse delphinium delta delude deluge delusion deluxe delve demagnetize demagogue demand demarcate demarche demean demeanor demented dementia demerit demesne demigod demijohn demilitarize demimondaine demimonde demise demitasse demobilize democracy democrat democratic democratize demography demoiselle demolish demolition demon demonetize demoniac demonology demonstrable demonstrate demonstrative demoralize demote demotic demulcent demur demure demurrage demurrer den denature dengue denial denier denigrate denim denizen denominate denomination denominator denote denouement denounce dense density dent dental dentate dentifrice dentist dentition denture denude denunciation deny deodorant deodorize depart department departure depend dependable dependence dependency dependent depict depilatory deplane deplete deplorable deplore deploy deponent depopulate deport deportment depose deposit deposition depository depot deprave deprecate deprecatory depreciate depredation depress depressant depression deprivation deprive depth deputation depute deputize deputy derail derange derby derelict dereliction deride derivation derivative derive dermatitis dermatology derogate derogatory derrick derriere derringer derris dervish descant descend descendant descent describe description descry desecrate desegregate desert deserve deservedly desiccant desiccate desideratum design designate designing desirable desire desirous desist desk desolate desolation despair despatch desperado desperate desperation despicable despise despite despoil despoliation despond despondency despot dessert destination destine destiny destitute destroy destroyer destructible destruction desuetude desultory detach detached detachment detail detain detect detective detente detention deter detergent deteriorate determinable determinant determinate determination determine determined determinism deterrence deterrent detest dethrone detonate detour detract detrain detriment detritus deuce deuterium devalue devastate develop deviant deviate device devil devilish devilment devilry devious devise devitalize devoid devoir devolve devote devoted devotee devotion devour devout dew dewberry dewdrop dewlap dexterity dexterous dextrose dhow diabetes diabolic diacritic diadem diaeresis diagnosis diagonal diagram dial dialect dialectic dialogue diameter diametrically diamond diamondback diapason diaper diaphanous diaphragm diarist diarrhea diary diastole diathermy diatribe dibble dice dichotomy dicker dickey dicotyledon dictate dictator dictatorial dictatorship diction dictionary dictum did didactic dido die diehard dielectric diet dietetics differ difference different differential differentiate difficult difficulty diffident diffuse dig digest digit digitalis dignified dignify dignitary dignity digraph digress dike dilapidated dilate dilatory dilemma dilettante diligent dill dillydally dilute dim dime dimension diminish diminutive dimity dimmer dimple din dinar dine diner dinette dinghy dingle dingus dingy dinky dinner dinnerware dinosaur dint diocese dip diphtheria diphthong diploma diplomacy diplomatist dipper dipstick dipterous dire direct direction directive director directory direful dirge dirham dirigible dirk dirndl dirt dirty disable disabuse disadvantage disaffect disagree disagreeable disallow disappear disappoint disapprobation disapproval disapprove disarm disarrange disarray disassemble disassociate disaster disavow disband disbar disbelieve disburden disburse disc discard discern discerning discharge disciple disciplinarian disciplinary discipline disclaim disclose discolor discombobulate discomfit discomfort discommode discompose disconcert disconnect disconnected disconsolate discontent discontinue discord discount discountenance discourage discourse discourteous discourtesy discover discredit discreet discrepancy discrepant discrete discretion discriminate discriminating discriminatory discursive discus discuss discussant disdain disease disembark disembody disembowel disenchant disencumber disengage disentangle disestablish disesteem diseuse disfavor disfigure disfranchise disgorge disgrace disgruntle disguise disgust dish disharmony dishcloth dishearten dishevel dishonest dishonor dishrag dishwasher dishwater disillusion disinclination disincline disinfect disingenuous disinherit disintegrate disinter disinterested disjoin disjoint disjointed disk dislike dislocate dislodge disloyal dismal dismantle dismay dismember dismiss dismount disobedience disobey disorder disorderly disorganize disown disparage disparate dispassionate dispatch dispel dispensable dispensary dispensation dispense disperse dispirit displace displacement display displease displeasure disport disposal dispose disposition dispossess dispraise disproportion disprove disputant disputation disputatious dispute disqualify disquiet disquietude disquisition disregard disrepair disreputable disrepute disrespect disrobe disrupt dissatisfaction dissatisfy dissect dissected dissemble disseminate dissension dissent dissenter dissertation disservice dissever dissident dissimilar dissimulate dissipate dissociate dissolute dissolution dissolve dissonance dissuade distaff distance distant distaste distemper distend distich distill distillation distinct distinction distinctive distinguish distinguished distort distract distrait distraught distress distribute district distrust disturb disturbed disunite disunity disuse ditch dither ditto ditty diuretic diurnal diva divagate divan dive diverge divers diverse diversify diversion diversity divert divest divide dividend dividers divination divine divinity divisible division divisive divisor divorce divorcee divot divulge dizzy do dobbin docent docile dock dockage docket dockhand dockyard doctor doctorate doctrinaire doctrine document documentary dodder dodge dodo doe doff dog dogbane dogcart dogcatcher doge dogfight dogfish dogged doggerel doghouse dogma dogmatism dogtrot doily doings doldrums dole doleful doll dollar dollop dolly dolmen dolor dolphin dolt domain dome domestic domesticate domesticity domicile dominance dominate domination domineer dominie dominion domino don dona donate donation done donkey donnybrook donor doodad doodle doom doomsday door doorjamb doorkeeper doorknob doorman doormat doorplate doorstep doorway dooryard dope dorm dormant dormer dormitory dormouse dorsal dory dose dossier dot dotage dotard dote dottle double doubleheader doublet doubloon doubly doubt doubtful doubtless douche dough doughboy doughnut doughty dour douse dove dovetail dowager dowdy dowel dower down downbeat downcast downfall downgrade downhearted downhill downpour downrange downright downstage downstairs downstream downstroke downswing downtown downtrodden downturn downward downwind downy dowry dowse doxology doze dozen drab drachma draft draftee draftsman drafty drag dragnet dragoman dragon dragonfly dragoon drain drainage drainpipe drake dram drama dramatize drank drape draper drapery drastic draught draughts draw drawback drawbridge drawer drawing drawl drawstring dray dread dreadful dreadnought dream dreamland dreamworld drear dreary dredge dregs drench dress dressage dresser dressing dressy drew dribble driblet drier drift drifter drill drillmaster drily drink drip drive drivel driveway drizzle drogue droll dromedary drone drool droop drop dropkick droplet dropout dropper dropsy dross drought drove drover drown drowse drowsy drub drudge drug druggist drugstore druid drum drumbeat drummer drumstick drunk drunkard drunken dry dryad dryer dual dub dubbin dubiety dubious ducal ducat duchess duchy duck duckbill duckboard duckling duckpin duct ductile dud dude dudgeon due duel duenna duet duffer dug dugout duke dulcet dulcimer dull dullard duly duma dumb dumbbell dumbfound dumbwaiter dumdum dummy dump dumpling dumps dumpy dun dunce dunderhead dune dung dungaree dungeon dunghill dunk duo duodenum dupe duplex duplicate duplicator duplicity durable durance duration duress during dusk dusky dust duster dustpan duteous dutiable dutiful duty dwarf dwell dwelling dwindle dybbuk dye dyestuff dying dyke dynamic dynamite dynamo dynasty dysentery dyspepsia dysprosium e each eager eagle eaglet ear earache eardrum earl earldom earlobe early earmark earmuff earn earnest earnings earphone earring earshot earth earthen earthenware earthly earthquake earthwork earthworm earthy ease easel east eastern easy easygoing eat eaves eavesdrop ebb ebony ebullient ebullition eccentric ecclesiastic ecclesiastical echelon echo eclair eclat eclectic eclipse ecliptic eclogue ecology economic economical economics economize economy ecstasy ecumenical eczema eddy edelweiss edge edgeways edging edgy edible edict edification edifice edit edition editorial educable educate education educe eel eerie efface effect effective effectual effectuate effeminate effendi efferent effervesce effete efficacious efficient effigy effloresce efflorescence effluvium effort effrontery effulgence effusion eft egalitarianism egg eggbeater egghead eggnog eggplant eggshell egis eglantine ego egocentric egoism egotism egregious egress egret eider eidolon eight eighteen eighty einsteinium eisteddfod either ejaculate eject eke elaborate elan elapse elastic elate elbow elbowroom elder elderly eldest elect election electioneer elective elector electorate electric electrician electricity electrify electrocute electrode electrolysis electrolyte electromagnet electromagnetic electron electronic electronics electroplate electrotype eleemosynary elegance elegiac elegy element elementary elephant elephantine elevate elevation elevator eleven elf elicit elide eligible eliminate elision elite elixir elk ell ellipse ellipsis elm elocution elongate elope eloquent else elsewhere elucidate elude elusive elver elves emaciate emanate emancipate emasculate embalm embank embankment embargo embark embarrass embassy embattle embed embellish ember embezzle embitter emblazon emblem embody embolden embolism embonpoint emboss embouchure embower embrace embrasure embrocate embroider embroidery embroil embryo embryology emcee emend emerald emerge emergency emeritus emery emetic emigrate emigre eminence eminent emir emissary emit emollient emolument emote emotion empathy emperor emphasis emphasize emphatic empire empirical empiricism emplacement employ employee employer employment emporium empower empress empty empyrean emu emulate emulsifier emulsify emulsion enable enact enamel enamelware enamor enamour encamp encapsulate encase enceinte encephalitis enchain enchant enchanting enchilada encipher encircle enclave enclose encode encomium encompass encore encounter encourage encroach encrust encumber encyclical encyclopedia end endanger endear endearment endeavor endemic ending endive endless endmost endocrine endorse endow endue endurance endure endways enema enemy energetic energize energy enervate enfeeble enfilade enfold enforce enfranchise engage engagement engaging engender engine engineer engineering engraft engrave engraving engross engulf enhance enigma enigmatic enisle enjambment enjoin enjoy enlarge enlighten enlist enliven enmesh enmity ennoble ennui enormity enormous enough enplane enquire enrage enrapture enrich enroll ensconce ensemble ensheathe enshrine enshroud ensign ensilage ensile enslave ensnare ensue ensure entail entangle entente enter enteritis enterprise enterprising entertain enthrall enthrone enthuse enthusiasm entice entire entirety entitle entity entomb entomology entourage entrails entrain entrance entrant entrap entreat entree entrench entrepreneur entropy entrust entry entwine enumerate enunciate envelop envelope envenom enviable envious environment environs envisage envoi envoy envy enwreathe enzyme eon epaulet epee epergne ephedrine ephemeral epic epicure epicurean epidemic epidermis epiglottis epigram epigraphy epilepsy epilogue episcopacy episcopal episcopate episode epistle epitaph epithalamium epithelium epithet epitome epoch equable equal equalize equanimity equate equation equator equerry equestrian equestrienne equidistant equilateral equilibrium equine equinox equip equipage equipment equipoise equitable equitation equity equivalent equivocal equivocate era eradicate erase ere erect erelong eremite ermine erode erotic err errand errant errata erratic erratum erroneous error ersatz erst erstwhile erudition erupt erysipelas escalator escallop escapade escape escapee escapism escarpment eschew escort escritoire escudo escutcheon esophagus esoteric espadrille espalier especial espionage esplanade espousal espresso esprit espy esquire essay essence essential establish establishment estaminet estate esteem ester esthete estimable estimate estimation estrange estrogen estuary etch etching eternal eternity ether ethereal ethical ethics ethnic ethnology ethyl etiology etiquette etude etymology eucalyptus euchre eugenics eulogy eunuch euphemism euphonious euphony euphoria eureka europium euthanasia euthenics evacuate evacuee evade evaluate evanescent evangelical evangelism evangelist evangelize evaporate evasion eve even evenhanded evening evensong event eventide eventual eventuate ever everblooming everglade evergreen everlasting evermore every everybody everyday everyone everything everywhere evict evidence evident evil evince eviscerate evoke evolution evolve ewe ewer exacerbate exact exacting exactitude exaggerate exalt exam examine example exasperate excavate exceed exceedingly excel excellence excellency excellent excelsior except exception exceptionable exceptional excerpt excess exchange exchequer excise excite excitement exclaim exclude exclusive excogitate excommunicate excoriate excrement excrescence excrete excruciating exculpate excursion excursive excursus excuse execrable execrate execute executive executor executrix exegesis exegete exemplar exemplary exemplify exempt exequies exercise exert exhale exhaust exhaustion exhaustive exhaustless exhibit exhibitionism exhilarate exhort exhume exigency exiguous exile exist existence existentialism exit exodus exonerate exorbitant exorcise exordium exotic expand expanse expansion expansive expatiate expatriate expect expectancy expectant expectation expectorant expectorate expediency expedient expedite expediter expedition expeditious expel expend expenditure expense expensive experience experienced experiment expert expertise expiate expiatory expire explain expletive explicable explicate explicit explode exploit explore explosion explosive exponent export expose exposition expositor expostulate exposure expound express expression expressionism expressman expressway expropriate expulsion expunge expurgate exquisite extant extemporaneous extemporary extempore extemporize extend extension extensive extent extenuate exterior exterminate extern external extinct extinguish extirpate extol extort extortionate extra extract extracurricular extradite extradition extrados extramural extraneous extraordinary extrapolate extrasensory extraterritorial extraterritoriality extravagant extravaganza extreme extremist extremity extricate extrinsic extrovert extrude exuberant exude exult exurb exurbanite eye eyebrow eyeglass eyelet eyesight eyesore eyestrain eyetooth eyewash eyewitness eyrie eyrir f fable fabled fabric fabricate fabulous facade face facedown facet facetious facial facile facilitate facility facing facsimile fact faction factious factitious factor factory factotum factual faculty fad fade fadeless faecal faerie fag fagot fagoting faience fail failing faille failure fain faint fainthearted fair fairground fairly fairway fairy fairyland faith fake fakir falchion falcon fall fallacious fallacy fallible fallout fallow false falsehood falsetto falsify faltboat falter fame familial familiar familiarity familiarize family famine famish famous famously fan fanatic fancier fanciful fancy fancywork fandango fane fanfare fang fanlight fantail fantasia fantastic fantasy far faraway farce fare farfetched farina farm farmhand farmhouse farming farmland farmstead farmyard farouche farrago farrier farrow farseeing farsighted farther farthest farthing farthingale fascicle fascinate fascism fashion fashionable fast fasten fastening fastidious fastness fat fatal fatalism fatality fatback fate fated fateful father fatherhood fathom fathomless fatigue fatten fatty fatuity fatuous faubourg faucet fault faultfinder faun fauna favor favorable favorite favoritism favour fawn fay faze fealty fear fearful fearless fearsome feasible feast feat feather featherbedding featheredge featherweight feature feaze febrile feces feckless fecund fecundate federal federalism federalist federalize federate federation fedora fee feeble feebleminded feed feedback feel feeler feeling feet feign feint felicitate felicitous felicity feline fell fellah fellow fellowman fellowship felly felon felony felt female feminine feminism femur fen fence fencing fend fender fenestration fennel ferment fermentation fermium fern fernery ferocious ferocity ferret ferric ferrous ferrule ferry ferryboat fertile fertilize fertilizer ferule fervency fervent fervid fervor festal fester festival festive festivity festoon fetch fetching fete fetid fetish fetlock fetter fettle fetus feud feudal feudalism feudatory fever few fey fez fiance fiancee fiasco fiat fib fiber fiberboard fibroid fichu fickle fiction fictitious fiddle fiddlestick fidelity fidget fiduciary fie fief field fieldpiece fiend fierce fiery fiesta fife fifteen fifth fifty fig fight fighter figment figurative figure figurehead figurine filament filbert filch file filer filial filibuster filigree filing fill filler fillet filling fillip filly film filmdom fils filter filth filtrate fin finagle final finale finalist finalize finance financial financier finch find finder finding fine finery finesse finger fingerboard fingering fingernail fingerprint fingertip finicking finicky finis finish finite finny fiord fir fire firearm fireball fireboat firebrand firebreak firebrick firebug firecracker firedog firefly fireman fireplace firepower firetrap firewater firewood firework firm firmament first firstborn firsthand firstling firstly firth fiscal fish fisherman fishery fishhook fishing fishwife fishy fission fissure fist fisticuffs fistula fit fitful fitting five fix fixation fixative fixed fixity fixture fizz fizzle fjord flabbergast flabby flaccid flacon flag flagellate flageolet flagitious flagon flagpole flagrant flagship flagstaff flail flair flak flake flambeau flamboyant flame flamenco flamethrower flamingo flammable flange flank flanker flannel flannelette flap flapjack flapper flare flash flashback flashbulb flashgun flashing flashlight flashy flask flat flatboat flatcar flatfish flatiron flatten flatter flattery flatulent flatware flaunt flautist flavor flavoring flavour flaw flax flaxen flay flea fleabane fleck fledgling flee fleece fleer fleet fleeting flesh fleshly fleshy flew flex flexible flexure flibbertigibbet flick flicker flied flier flight flighty flimflam flimsy flinch fling flint flintlock flip flippant flipper flirt flit flitch flivver float flock floe flog flood floodlight floor floorboard floorwalker floozy flop floppy flora floral florescence florid florin florist floss flossy flotilla flotsam flounce flounder flour flourish flout flow flower flowered flowerpot flowery flown flu fluctuate flue fluent fluff fluffy fluid fluke flume flung flunk flunky fluorescence fluoridate fluorine fluoroscope flurry flush fluster flute flutist flutter flux fly flyable flyblown flycatcher flyer flyleaf flypaper flyspeck flywheel foal foam fob focus fodder foe foeman foetal fog foghorn fogy foible foil foist fold folder folderol foliage folio folk folklore folksy folkway follicle follow following folly foment fond fondant fondle fondue font food foodstuff fool foolery foolhardy foolish foolproof foolscap foot footage football footboard footbridge footed footfall foothill foothold footing footless footlights footling footlocker footloose footman footnote footpad footpath footprint footrace footrest footsore footstep footstool footwork fop for fora forage foray forbear forbid forbidding force forceps forcible ford fore forearm forebear forebode forecast forecastle foreclose foreclosure foredoom forefather forefinger forefoot forefront foregather forego foregoing foregone foreground forehand forehanded forehead foreign foreigner foreknow forelady foreland foreleg forelimb forelock foreman foremast foremost forename forenamed forenoon forensic foreordain forequarter forerunner foresail foresee foreshadow foresheet foreshore foreshorten foresight foreskin forest forestall forestry foretaste foretell forethought foretoken foretop forever forevermore forewarn forewoman foreword forfeit forfeiture forfend forgather forge forget forging forgive forgiving forgo forint fork forked forklift forlorn form formal formaldehyde formalism formality formalize format formation formative former formerly formfitting formidable formless formula formulate fornication forsake forsooth forswear forsythia fort forte forth forthcoming forthright forthwith fortify fortitude fortnight fortnightly fortress fortuitous fortuity fortunate fortune forty forum forward forwarder forwards fossil foster fosterling fought foul foulard foulmouthed found foundation founder foundling foundry fount fountain fountainhead four fourfold fourscore foursome foursquare fourteen fourth fowl fox foxed foxglove foxhole foxhound foxy foyer fracas fraction fractious fracture fragile fragment fragmentary fragrant frail frailty frame framework franc franchise francium frangible frank frankfurter frankincense frantic frappe fraternal fraternity fraternize fraud fraudulent fraught fray frazzle freak freckle free freeboard freebooter freeborn freedman freedom freehand freehold freeman freestanding freestone freethinker freeway freewheel freewill freeze freezer freight frenetic frenzy frequency frequent fresco fresh freshen freshet freshman freshwater fret fretful fretwork friable friar friary fricassee friction friedcake friend frieze frigate fright frighten frightful frigid frill fringe frippery frisk frisky fritter frivolous frizz frizzle fro frock frog frogman frolic from frond front frontage frontier frontispiece frost frostbite frosting froth froufrou froward frown frowzy froze frozen fructify frugal fruit fruitcake fruiterer fruition frustrate fry fryer fuchsia fuddle fudge fuel fugitive fugue fuhrer fulcrum fulfill full fullback fully fulminate fulsome fumble fume fumigant fumigate fun function functionary fund fundamental fundamentalism funeral funerary funereal fungicide fungus funicular funk funnel funny fur furbelow furbish furious furl furlong furlough furnace furnish furnishings furniture furor furore furrier furring furrow furry further furthermore furthermost furthest furtive fury furze fuse fusee fuselage fusillade fusion fuss fussbudget fussy fustian fusty futile future futurism futuristic futurity fuze fuzee fuzz fuzzy g gab gabardine gabble gabby gaberdine gabfest gable gad gadabout gadfly gadget gadolinium gaff gaffe gaffer gag gage gaiety gaily gain gainsay gait gaiter gala galaxy gale galena gall gallant gallantry gallbladder galleon gallery galley gallimaufry gallium gallivant gallon gallop gallows gallstone galore galosh galvanism galvanize gambit gamble gambol game gamecock gamekeeper gamesome gamester gamete gamin gamine gammer gammon gamut gamy gander gang gangland gangling ganglion gangplank gangrene gangster gangway gannet gantlet gantry gaol gap gape garage garb garbage garble garcon garden gardenia gargle gargoyle garish garland garlic garment garner garnet garnish garret garrison garrote garrulous garter gas gash gasket gaslight gasoline gasp gastric gastritis gastronomy gastropod gasworks gate gatepost gateway gather gauche gaucherie gaucho gaud gaudy gauge gaunt gauntlet gauze gave gavel gavotte gawk gawky gay gayety gaze gazebo gazelle gazette gazetteer gear gearshift geese geisha gelatin geld gelding gelid gem geminate gemstone gendarme gendarmerie gender gene genealogy genera general generalissimo generality generalization generalize generalship generate generation generator generic generous genesis genetic genetics genial genie genital genitalia genitive genius genocide genre gens gent genteel gentian gentile gentility gentle gentlefolk gentleman gentlewoman gentry genuflect genuine genus geography geology geometry geopolitics geranium geriatric geriatrics germ germane germanium germicide germinate gerontology gerrymander gerund gestapo gestation gesticulate gesture gesundheit get getaway getup gewgaw geyser ghastly ghat gherkin ghetto ghost ghostwrite ghoul giant gibber gibberish gibbet gibbon gibe giblet giddy gift gifted gig gigantic giggle gigolo gild gill gilt gimcrack gimlet gimmick gimpy gin ginger gingerbread gingerly gingersnap gingham giraffe gird girder girdle girl girth gist give giveaway given gizmo gizzard glabrous glacial glacier glad gladden glade gladiator gladiolus gladsome gladstone glamorize glamour glance gland glare glass glassblowing glassful glaze glazier gleam glean gleanings glebe glee gleeman glen glengarry glib glide glider glimmer glimpse glint glisten glister glitter gloaming gloat glob global globe globule glockenspiel gloom glorify glorious glory gloss glossary glottis glove glow glower glowworm gloze glucose glue glum glut gluten glutinous glutton glycerin glycerol gnarl gnash gnat gnaw gneiss gnome gnu go goad goal goalie goalkeeper goalpost goat goatee goatskin gob gobbet gobble gobbledygook gobbler goblet goblin god godchild goddess godhead godhood godless godlike godly godparent godsend goggle goggles goiter gold goldbeater goldbrick golden goldenrod goldfield goldfinch goldfish goldsmith golf gonad gondola gondolier gone goner gonfalon gong gonorrhea goo good goodly goodman goodness goodwife goodwill goody goof goofy goose gooseberry gooseflesh gopher gore gorge gorgeous gorilla gormandize gorse gory gosling gospel gossamer gossip got gotten gouge goulash gourd gourde gourmand gourmet gout govern governess government governor gown grab grace gracious grackle gradation grade gradient gradual gradualism graduate graduation graffito graft grain grainfield grainy gram grammar granary grand grandam grandchild granddaughter grandee grandeur grandfather grandiloquence grandiose grandmother grandparent grandson grandstand grange granite graniteware grant grantee granular granulate granule grape grapefruit grapeshot grapevine graph graphic graphite grapnel grapple grasp grass grasshopper grassland grate grateful gratify grating gratis gratitude gratuitous gratuity gravamen grave graveclothes gravel gravestone graveyard gravid gravitate gravitation gravity gravy gray graybeard grayling graze grazier grease greasepaint great greatcoat greathearted grebe greed green greenback greenbelt greenery greengrocer greenhorn greenhouse greenroom greensward greenwood greet greeting gregarious gremlin grenade grenadier grenadine grew grey greyhound grid griddle gridiron grief grievance grieve grievous grill grille grillwork grim grimace grime grin grind grinder grindstone grip gripe grippe grisly grist gristle gristmill grit grits grizzled grizzly groan groat grocer grog groggy groin grommet groom groomsman groove grope groschen grosgrain gross grosz grot grotesque grotto grouch ground grounder groundhog groundling groundsheet groundwater groundwork group grouse grove grovel grow growl growth grub grubby grubstake grudge gruel grueling gruesome gruff grumble grumpy grunt guano guarani guarantee guarantor guaranty guard guardhouse guardian guardroom guardsman gubernatorial guerdon guerrilla guess guest guffaw guidance guide guidebook guidon guild guilder guile guillotine guilt guilty guinea guise guitar gulch gulden gulf gull gullet gully gulp gum gumbo gumboil gumdrop gumption gun gunboat gunfight gunfire gunman gunner gunnery gunny gunnysack gunpoint gunpowder gunshot gunsmith gunwale guppy gurgle gush gusher gushy gusset gust gustatory gusto gut gutter guttersnipe guttural gutty guy guzzle gym gymkhana gymnasium gymnastics gynecology gyp gypsum gyrate gyrocompass gyroscope gyve h habanera haberdasher haberdashery habiliment habit habitable habitant habitat habitation habitual habituate habitue hacienda hack hackle hackman hackney hackneyed hacksaw hackwork had haddock haemorrhage hafnium haft hag haggard haggis haggle hagiography hail hailstone hailstorm hair hairbreadth hairbrush haircloth haircut hairdo hairdresser hairline hairpin hairsplitter hairy hake halberd halcyon hale haler half halfback halfhearted halfpenny halfway halibut halitosis hall hallelujah hallmark hallo hallow hallucination hallway halo halogen halt halter halting halve halvers halves halyard ham hamadryad hamburger hamlet hammer hammerlock hammertoe hammock hamper hamster hamstring hand handbag handball handbarrow handbill handbook handcar handclasp handcuff handful handgun handicap handicraft handiwork handkerchief handle handlebar handmade handmaid handout handpick handrail handsel handshake handsome handspike handspring handwoven handwriting handy handyman hang hangar hangdog hanging hangman hangnail hangout hangover hank hanker hansom hap haphazard hapless haply happen happening happily happiness happy harangue harass harbinger harbor harborage harbour hard hardback hardball harden hardheaded hardhearted hardihood hardly hardpan hardship hardstand hardtack hardtop hardware hardwood hardworking hardy hare harebell harebrained harelip harem hark harken harlequin harlot harm harmonic harmonica harmonics harmonious harmonium harmonize harmony harness harp harpoon harpsichord harpy harridan harrier harrow harry harsh hart hartshorn harvest has hash hashish hasp hassle hassock haste hasten hat hatbox hatch hatchet hatching hatchment hatchway hate hatred hatter hauberk haughty haul haulage haunch haunt hautbois hauteur have haven haversack havoc haw hawk hawker hawser hawthorn hay haycock hayfork hayloft haymow hayrick hayseed hazard haze hazel hazy he head headache headband headboard headdress headfirst headgear heading headland headlight headline headlock headlong headman headmaster headmistress headphone headpiece headpin headquarters headrest headset headship headsman headstall headstone headstrong headwaiter headwater headway headword headwork heady heal health healthful healthy heap hear hearing hearken hearsay hearse heart heartache heartbeat heartbreak heartburn hearten heartfelt hearth hearthside hearthstone heartless heartrending heartsick heartstrings heartthrob hearty heat heath heathen heather heatstroke heave heaven heavy heavyhearted heavyset heavyweight hecatomb heckle hectare hectic hector hedge hedgehog hedgehop hedgerow hedonism heed heel heft hefty hegemony hegira heifer height heighten heinous heir heiress heirloom heist held helical helicopter heliotrope heliport helium helix hell hellebore hellgrammite hellion hello helm helmet helmsman helot help helping helpmate helpmeet helve hem hemisphere hemistich hemline hemlock hemoglobin hemolysis hemophilia hemorrhage hemorrhoid hemp hemstitch hen hence henceforth henceforward henchman henna henpeck hep hepatitis hepcat her herald heraldic heraldry herb herbage herbalist herbicide herbivorous herculean herd herdsman here hereabout hereafter hereby hereditary heredity herein hereof hereon heresy hereto heretofore hereunder hereunto hereupon herewith heritable heritage hermetic hermit hermitage hernia hero heroics heroin heroine heroism heron herring herringbone hers herself hesitant hesitate heterodox heterogeneous heterosexual hew hex hexagon hexameter hexapod heyday hiatus hibachi hibernate hibiscus hiccup hick hickory hidalgo hide hideaway hidebound hideous hideout hie hierarchy hieroglyphic hierophant high highball highborn highboy highbred highbrow highfalutin highland highlander highlight highness highroad hightail highway highwayman hijack hike hilarious hill hillbilly hillock hillside hilltop hilt him himself hind hinder hindmost hindquarter hindrance hindsight hinge hint hinterland hip hippodrome hippopotamus hipster hire hireling hirsute his hiss histamine historian historicity historiographer history histrionic histrionics hit hitch hitchhike hither hitherto hive hives hoard hoarding hoarfrost hoarse hoary hoax hob hobble hobby hobbyhorse hobgoblin hobnail hobnob hobo hock hockey hod hodgepodge hoe hoecake hog hogshead hogwash hoist hokum hold holding holdup hole holiday holiness hollo hollow holly hollyhock holmium holocaust holograph holster holy holystone homage homburg home homebody homebred homecoming homegrown homeland homely homemade homemaker homeroom homesick homespun homestead homesteader homestretch homeward homework homicide homily hominy homogeneous homogenize homograph homologous homonym homophone homosexual hone honest honey honeycomb honeymoon honeysuckle honk honor honorable honorarium honorary honour hood hoodlum hoodoo hoodwink hooey hoof hook hookah hookup hookworm hooligan hoop hoopla hoot hootenanny hop hope hopper hopscotch horde horehound horizon horizontal hormonal hormone horn hornbook hornet hornpipe horology horoscope horrendous horrible horrid horrify horror horse horseback horseflesh horsefly horsehair horsehide horselaugh horseman horseplay horsepower horseradish horseshoe horsewhip horsewoman horsey hortative hortatory horticulture hosanna hose hosiery hospice hospitable hospital hospitality hospitalize host hostage hostel hostelry hostess hostile hostler hot hotbed hotbox hotel hotfoot hotheaded hothouse hotshot hound hour hourglass houri house houseboat houseboy housebreaking houseclean housecoat housefly household housekeeper houselights housemaid housemother housetop housewarming housewife housework housing hove hovel hover how howbeit howdah however howitzer howl howler howsoever hoyden huarache hub hubbub hubris huckleberry huckster huddle hue huff hug huge hula hulk hulking hull hullabaloo hum human humane humanism humanitarian humanity humanize humankind humble humbug humdinger humdrum humerus humid humidify humidor humiliate humility hummingbird hummock humor humour hump humpback humus hunch hunchback hundred hundredweight hung hunger hunk hunker hunkers hunt huntress huntsman hurdle hurl hurrah hurricane hurry hurt hurtle husband husbandman husbandry hush husk husking husky hussar hussy hustings hustle hut hutch hutment huzzah hyacinth hyaena hybrid hydrangea hydrant hydrate hydraulic hydraulics hydro hydrocarbon hydroelectric hydrogen hydrolysis hydrometer hydrophobia hydroplane hydroponics hydrostatic hydrotherapy hydrous hydroxide hyena hygiene hying hymeneal hymn hymnody hyperacidity hyperbole hyperborean hypercritical hypersensitive hypersonic hypertension hypertrophy hyphen hyphenate hypnosis hypnotic hypochondria hypocrisy hypodermic hypotenuse hypothecate hypothesis hypothesize hyssop hysterectomize hysterectomy hysteria hysterics i iamb ibex ibidem ibis ice iceberg iceboat icebound icebox icebreaker icehouse iceman ichor ichthyology icicle icing icon iconoclasm iconoclast ictus icy id idea ideal idealism idealize ideally idem identical identification identify identity ideology ides idiocy idiom idiosyncrasy idiot idle idol idolater idolatry idolize idyll if iffy igloo igneous ignite ignition ignoble ignominious ignoramus ignorance ignorant ignore iguana ikon ilk ill illegal illegible illegitimate illiberal illicit illimitable illiterate illness illogical illume illuminate illumine illusion illusive illusory illustrate illustration illustrative illustrious image imagery imaginable imaginary imagination imagine imagism imago imbalance imbecile imbed imbibe imbrication imbroglio imbrue imbue imitable imitate imitation imitative immaculate immanent immaterial immature immeasurable immediacy immediate immemorial immense immerse immigrant immigrate imminent immiscible immitigable immobile immobilize immoderate immodest immolate immoral immorality immortal immortality immortalize immovable immune immunize immure immutable imp impact impacted impair impale impalpable impanel impart impartial impassable impasse impassible impassioned impassive impatience impatient impeach impearl impeccable impecunious impede impediment impedimenta impel impend impending impenetrable impenitent imperative imperceptible imperceptive impercipient imperfect imperfection imperial imperialism imperil imperious imperishable impermanent impermeable impersonal impersonate impertinent imperturbable impervious impetigo impetuous impetus impiety impinge impious impish implacable implant implausible implement implicate implicit implode implore imply impolite impolitic imponderable import importance important importation importunate importune impose imposing impossible impost impostor imposture impotent impound impoverish impracticable impractical imprecate impregnable impregnate impresario impress impression impressionable impressionism impressive imprimatur imprint imprison improbable impromptu improper impropriety improve improvement improvident improvise imprudent impudent impugn impulse impulsion impulsive impunity impure impute in inability inaccessible inactivate inadequate inadvertent inalienable inamorata inane inanimate inanition inappreciable inaptitude inarticulate inattention inaudible inaugural inaugurate inboard inborn inbound inbred inbreeding incalculable incandescent incantation incapable incapacitate incapacity incarcerate incarnadine incarnate incarnation incase incendiary incense incentive inception incertitude incessant incest inch inchoate incidence incident incidental incinerate incipient incise incision incisive incisor incite incivility inclement inclinable inclination incline inclose include incognito incoherent income incoming incommensurate incommode incommunicable incommunicado incomparable incompatible incompetent incomplete incomprehensible incompressible incongruent incongruous inconsequential inconsiderable inconsiderate inconsolable inconspicuous inconstant incontestable incontinent incontrovertible inconvenience inconvenient incorporate incorporeal incorrect incorrigible incorruptible increase incredible incredulous increment incriminate incrust incrustation incubate incubator incubus inculcate inculpable inculpate incumbency incumbent incumber incunabulum incur incurable incurious incursion indebted indecent indecipherable indecision indecisive indeclinable indecorous indeed indefatigable indefeasible indefinable indefinite indelible indelicate indemnify indemnity indent indentation indention indenture independence independent indescribable indestructible indeterminate index indicate indicative indicia indict indifferent indigenous indigent indigestible indigestion indignant indignation indignity indigo indirect indiscreet indiscriminate indispensable indisposed indisputable indissoluble indistinct indite indium individual individualism individualist individuality individualize indivisible indoctrinate indolent indomitable indoor indoors indorse indubitable induce inducement induct inductance induction inductive indue indulge indulgence industrial industrialist industrialize industrious industry indwell inebriate inedited ineducable ineffable ineffaceable ineffective ineffectual inefficient inelegant ineligible ineluctable inept inequality inert inertia inescapable inestimable inevitable inexact inexcusable inexhaustible inexorable inexperience inexpert inexpiable inexplicable inexpressible inextricable infallible infamous infamy infancy infant infantile infantry infatuate infect infection infelicitous infer inferior infernal inferno infertile infest infidel infidelity infield infighting infiltrate infinite infinitesimal infinitive infinitude infinity infirm infirmary infirmity inflame inflammable inflammation inflammatory inflate inflation inflationary inflationism inflect inflection inflexible inflexion inflict inflorescence inflow influence influenza influx infold inform informal informant information informative informed informer infraction infrared infrasonic infrequent infringe infuriate infuse infusible ingathering ingenious ingenue ingenuity ingenuous ingest ingle inglenook inglorious ingot ingraft ingrain ingrate ingratiate ingratiating ingratitude ingredient ingress ingrowing ingrown inhabit inhabitant inhalant inhale inhaler inhere inherent inherit inhibit inhibition inhuman inhumane inhumanity inhume inimical inimitable iniquity initial initiate initiative initiatory inject injunction injure injury injustice ink inkblot inkhorn inkling inkstand inkwell inky inlaid inland inlay inlet inmate inmost inn innards innate inner innermost innersole inning innings innkeeper innocence innocent innocuous innominate innovate innovation innuendo innumerable inoculate inoperable inoperative inopportune inordinate inorganic inpatient input inquest inquietude inquire inquiry inquisition inquisitive inroad inrush insalubrious insane insatiable insatiate inscribe inscrutable inseam insect insecticide insectivorous insecure insensate insensible insentient inseparable insert insertion inset inshore inside insider insidious insight insignia insincere insinuate insinuating insipid insist insistence insistent insole insolent insoluble insolvable insolvent insomnia insomuch insouciance inspect inspiration inspire inspirit instability install installment instance instant instantaneous instanter instantly instate instead instep instigate instill instinct institute institution instruct instruction instructive instructor instrument instrumental instrumentalist instrumentality instrumentation insubordinate insubstantial insufferable insufficient insular insulate insulin insult insuperable insupportable insurable insurance insure insured insurer insurgent insurmountable insurrection intact intaglio intake intangible integer integral integrate integrity integument intellect intellectual intellectualism intelligence intelligent intelligentsia intelligible intemperance intend intendant intended intense intensify intensity intensive intent intention intentional inter interaction interbreed intercalary intercalate intercede intercept intercession interchange intercollegiate intercom intercontinental intercourse intercultural interdenominational interdepartmental interdependent interdict interdisciplinary interest interesting interfaith interfere interfuse interim interior interject interjection interlace interlard interleaf interleave interline interlinear interlining interlink interlock interlocutor interlocutory interloper interlude interlunar intermarriage intermarry intermeddle intermediary intermediate interment intermezzo interminable intermingle intermission intermit intermittent intermix intern internal international internationalism internationalize internecine internee internist internment internuncio interoffice interplanetary interplay interpolate interpose interpret interpretation interracial interregnum interrelate interrogate interrogative interrogatory interrupt interscholastic interschool intersect intersperse interstate interstellar interstice intertidal intertwine intertwist interurban interval intervene interventionism interview interweave intestate intestine intimate intimidate intinction into intolerable intolerant intonation intone intoxicant intoxicate intractable intrados intramural intransigeance intransigence intransigent intransitive intrastate intravenous intrench intrepid intricate intrigue intrinsic introduce intromit introspection introvert intrude intrust intuit intuition intumesce inundate inure inurn invade invalid invalidate invaluable invariable invasion invective inveigh inveigle invent invention inventive inventory inverness inverse inversion invert invertebrate invest investigate investiture investment inveterate invidious invigorate invincible inviolable inviolate invisible invite inviting invocation invoice invoke involuntary involute involution involve invulnerable inward inwardly inwards inwrought iodide iodine ion iota irascible irate ire irenic iridescence iridium iris irk irksome iron ironbound ironclad ironic ironware ironwork irony irradiate irrational irreclaimable irreconcilable irrecoverable irredeemable irredentism irreducible irrefragable irrefutable irregular irrelevant irreligious irremediable irremovable irreparable irreplaceable irrepressible irreproachable irresistible irresolute irresponsible irretrievable irreverence irreversible irrevocable irrigate irritable irritate irrupt is isinglass island islander isle islet ism isobar isolate isolationism isomer isosceles isotope issuance issue isthmian isthmus it italic italicize itch item itemize iterate itinerant itinerary its itself ivory ivy j jab jabber jabberwocky jabot jacinth jack jackal jackanapes jackass jackboot jackdaw jacket jackknife jackleg jackpot jackrabbit jacquard jade jag jagged jaguar jail jailbird jailbreak jailer jalap jalopy jalousie jam jamb jamboree jangle janitor jape jar jardiniere jargon jasmine jasper jaundice jaunt jaunty javelin jaw jawbreaker jay jaywalk jazz jazzy jealous jeans jeer jehu jejune jell jelly jellyfish jennet jeopardy jeremiad jerk jerkin jerkwater jersey jess jessamine jest jester jet jetsam jettison jetty jewel jeweler jewelry jib jibe jiffy jig jigger jiggle jigsaw jilt jimmy jimsonweed jingle jingoism jinrikisha jinx jitney jitterbug jitters job jobber jobholder jockey jocose jocular jocund jodhpur jog joggle johnny join joiner joint joist joke joker jollification jollity jolly jolt jongleur jonquil josh joss jostle jot jounce journal journalese journalism journey journeyman joust jovial jowl joy joyful joyous joyride jubilant jubilation jubilee judge judgment judicature judicial judiciary judicious judo jug juggernaut juggle jugular juice juicy jujitsu jujube jukebox julep jumble jumbo jump jumper jumpy junco junction juncture jungle junior juniper junk junket junta juridical jurisdiction jurisprudence jurist juror jury just justice justify jut jute juvenile juxtapose k kabob kaffeeklatsch kaiser kale kaleidoscope kamikaze kangaroo kaolin kapok kaput karakul karat karate karma katydid kayak kayo kazoo kebab kedge keel keen keep keepsake keg kegler kelp ken kennel kepi kerb kerchief kernel kerosene ketch ketchup kettle kettledrum key keyboard keyhole keynote keystone khaki khan khedive kibbutz kibitzer kibosh kick kickback kickoff kickshaw kid kidnap kidney kidskin kill killing killjoy kiln kilo kilocycle kilogram kilometer kilowatt kilt kilter kimono kin kind kindergarten kindhearted kindle kindling kindly kindred kine kinetic kinfolk king kingdom kingfisher kingpin kink kinship kinsman kinswoman kiosk kip kipper kirk kirtle kismet kiss kit kitchen kitchenette kitchenware kite kith kitten kitty kleptomania knack knapsack knave knead knee kneehole kneel knell knew knickers knicknack knife knight knighthood knit knitwear knob knock knocker knockout knoll knot knothole know knowing knowledge knowledgeable knuckle kobold kohlrabi kolinsky kopeck koruna kosher kowtow kraal kraut krona krone kudos kulak kumquat kyat l lab label labial labile labor laboratory labored laborious laborsaving labour laburnum labyrinth lac lace lacerate lachrymose lack lackadaisical lackey lackluster laconic lacquer lacrimal lacrosse lactate lacteal lactic lacuna lad ladder laddie laden lading ladle lady ladybug ladyfinger ladylike ladylove ladyship lag lager laggard lagniappe lagoon laid lain lair laird laity lake lamb lambaste lambent lambskin lame lament lamia lamina laminar laminated lamp lamplighter lampoon lamprey lanai lance lancer lancet land landau landed landfall landholder landing landlocked landlord landlubber landmark landmass landowner landscape landslide landsman landward lane language languid languish languor lank lanky lanolin lantern lanyard lap lapboard lapdog lapel lapidary lapin lappet lapse lapwing larboard larceny larch lard larder large largess largo lariat lark larkspur larva laryngitis larynx lascar lascivious lash lass lassie lassitude lasso last latakia latch latchet latchkey latchstring late latecomer latent lateral latex lath lathe lather latitude latitudinarian latrine latter lattice latticework laud laudanum laudatory laugh laughingstock laughter launch launder laundry laureate laurel lava lavage lavaliere lavatory lave lavender lavish law lawbreaker lawful lawgiver lawless lawmaker lawn lawrencium lawsuit lawyer lax laxative lay layer layette layman layoff layout lazar laze lazy lazybones lea leach lead leaden leaf leafage leaflet leafstalk league leak leakage leal lean leap leapfrog learn learned learning lease leasehold leash least leastwise leather leatherneck leave leaven leavening leaves leavings lechery lectern lector lecture led lederhosen ledge ledger lee leech leek leer leery lees leeward leeway left leftist leftover leg legacy legal legalism legate legatee legation legend legendary legerdemain legging leghorn legible legion legislate legislation legislative legislature legitimate legman legume lei leisure leitmotiv lek lemming lemon lemonade lempira lend length lengthen lengthwise lenient lenitive lenity lens lentil leonine leopard leotard leper leprechaun leprosy lepton lesbian lesion less lessee lessen lesser lesson lessor lest let letdown lethal lethargy letter letterhead letterpress lettuce letup leu leukemia leukocyte lev levee level levelheaded lever leverage leviathan levitate levity levy lewd lexicography lexicon liability liable liaison liar libation libel liberal liberalism liberate libertarian libertine liberty libidinous libido librarian library libretto lice license licensee licentiate licentious lichen licit lick licorice lid lido lie lied lief liege lien lieu lieutenant life lifeblood lifeboat lifeguard lifeline lifelong lifer lifesaving lifetime lifework lift ligament ligature light lighten lighter lightface lighthearted lighthouse lightning lightproof lights lightship lightsome lightweight ligneous lignite like likelihood likely liken likeness likewise liking lilac lilt lily limb limbeck limber limbo lime limeade limekiln limelight limerick limestone limit limited limn limousine limp limpet limpid linage linchpin linden line lineage lineal lineament linear lineman linen liner linesman lineup ling linger lingerie lingo lingual linguist linguistics liniment lining link linkage links linkup linnet linoleum linseed lint lintel lion lionhearted lionize lip lipreading lipstick liquefy liqueur liquid liquidate liquor lira lisle lisp lissome list listen listless lists lit litany liter literal literalism literary literate literati literatim literature lithe lithesome lithium lithography litigant litigate litigious litmus litter litterbug little littoral liturgy livable live livelihood livelong lively liven liver liverish liverwort liverwurst livery liveryman lives livestock livid living lizard llama llano lo load loadstone loaf loam loan loanword loath loathe loathing loathly loathsome lob lobby lobe lobster local locale locality localize locate location loch lock locker locket lockjaw lockout locksmith lockstep lockup locomotion locomotive locomotor locus locust locution lode lodestar lodestone lodge lodger lodging lodgment loft lofty log logarithm loge loggerhead loggia logic logistics logjam logrolling logy loin loincloth loiter loll lollipop lone lonely lonesome long longbow longevity longhand longing longitude longitudinal longshoreman longueur look lookout loom loon loony loop loophole loose loosen loot lop lope lopsided loquacious lord lordly lordship lore lorgnette lorn lorry lose loss lost lot loth lotion lottery lotus loud loudmouthed loudspeaker lounge lour louse lousy lout louver love lovely loving low lowbrow lowdown lower lowercase lowland lowly lox loyal loyalist lozenge luau lubber lubricant lubricate lubricious lucent lucerne lucid luck lucky lucrative lucre lucubration ludicrous luff lug luggage lugubrious lukewarm lull lullaby lumbago lumber lumberjack lumberyard luminary luminous lummox lump lunacy lunar lunatic lunch luncheon luncheonette lunchroom lunette lung lunge lupine lurch lure lurid lurk luscious lush lust luster lustral lusty lute luxuriant luxuriate luxury lyceum lye lying lymph lynch lynx lyre lyric m ma macabre macadam macaque macaroni macaroon macaw mace macerate machete machicolation machination machine machinery machinist mackerel mackinaw mackintosh macrocosm macron macroscopic mad madam madame madcap madden madder madding made mademoiselle madhouse madman madras madrigal maelstrom maenad maestro magazine magdalen magenta maggot magi magic magician magisterial magistral magistrate magnanimous magnate magnesia magnesium magnet magnetic magnetism magnetize magneto magnificent magnifico magnify magniloquent magnitude magnolia magpie maharaja maharani mahatma mahogany mahout maid maiden maidenhair maidenhood maidservant mail mailbox mailed mailman maim main mainland mainmast mainsail mainsheet mainspring mainstay mainstream maintain maisonette maize majesty majolica major majordomo majority majuscule make makeshift makeup maladapted maladjusted maladminister maladroit malady malaise malamute malapert malapropism malapropos malaria malcontent male malediction malefactor malefic maleficent malevolent malfeasance malformation malfunction malice malign malignant malinger malison mall mallard malleable mallet mallow malmsey malnourished malnutrition malocclusion malodorous malpractice malt maltreat mambo mamma mammal mammary mammon mammoth man manacle manage management manager manana manciple mandamus mandarin mandate mandatory mandible mandolin mandragora mandrake mane manege manes maneuver manful manganese mange manger mangle mango mangrove manhandle manhattan manhole manhood manhunt mania maniac manicure manicurist manifest manifestation manifesto manifold manikin manipulate mankind manlike manly manna manned mannequin manner mannerism mannerly mannish manoeuvre manor manque mansard manse manservant mansion manslaughter manslayer mansuetude manta manteau mantel mantelet mantelpiece mantilla mantis mantle manual manufactory manufacture manumit manure manuscript many manyfold map maple mar maraschino marathon maraud marble marbling marcel march marchioness mare margarine marge margent margin marginalia margrave marigold marihuana marina marinate marine mariner marionette marital maritime marjoram mark markdown marked market marketplace markka marksman markup marl marlin marlinespike marmalade marmoreal marmoset marmot maroon marplot marquee marquess marquetry marquis marquise marquisette marriage marrow marrowbone marry marsh marshal marshmallow marsupial mart marten martial martin martinet martingale martini martyr marvel marvelous marzipan mascara mascot masculine mash mask masochism mason masonry masque masquerade mass massacre massage masseur masseuse massif massive mast master masterful masterly mastermind masterpiece mastership masterstroke masterwork mastery masthead masticate mastiff mastodon mastoid masturbation mat matador match matchbook matchlock matchmaker matchwood mate material materialism materialize materiel maternal maternity math mathematics matinee matins matriarch matriculate matrimony matrix matron matter matting mattins mattock mattress maturate mature matutinal matzo maudlin maul maunder mausoleum mauve maverick mavis maw mawkish maxilla maxim maximal maximum may mayapple maybe mayflower mayhem mayonnaise mayor maypole maze mazurka me mead meadow meadowlark meager meal mealtime mealymouthed mean meander meaning meantime meanwhile measles measly measure measurement meat meatball meatman mecca mechanic mechanical mechanics mechanism mechanistic mechanize medal medalist medallion meddle meddlesome medial median mediate medic medicable medical medicament medicate medicinal medicine medico medieval mediocre meditate medium medley medulla meed meek meerschaum meet meeting meetinghouse megacycle megalomania megalopolis megaphone megaton melancholia melancholy melange meld melee meliorate mellifluous mellow melodeon melodious melodrama melody melon melt meltwater member membership membrane memento memo memoir memorabilia memorable memorandum memorial memorize memory men menace menage menagerie mend mendacious mendicant menfolk menial meningitis menopause menses menstruation mensurable mensuration mental mentality menthol mention mentor menu meow mephitic mercantile mercenary mercer mercerize merchandise merchant merchantable merchantman mercurial mercury mercy mere meretricious merge merger meridian meringue merino merit meritorious mermaid merman merriment merry merrymaking mesa mesalliance mesdames mesdemoiselles mesh meshwork mesmerize mesquite mess message messeigneurs messenger messieurs messmate mestizo met metabolism metal metallurgy metalware metalwork metamorphosis metaphor metaphysics metastasis mete metempsychosis meteor meteoric meteorite meteoroid meteorology meter methane method methodize methodology meticulous metier metre metric metrical metro metronome metropolis mettle mettlesome mew mews mezzanine miasma mica mice microbe microcopy microcosm microfilm micrometer micron microorganism microphone microscope microscopic mid midday midden middle middlebrow middleman middlemost middleweight middling middy midge midget midland midmost midnight midpoint midriff midshipman midships midst midstream midsummer midway midweek midwife midwinter midyear mien miff might mighty mignonette migraine migrant migrate mikado mike mil milch mild mildew mile mileage milepost milestone milieu militant militarism militarize military militate militia militiaman milk milkmaid milkman milksop milkweed mill milldam millennium millet milliard millieme milligram millimeter milliner millinery milling million millionaire millpond millrace millstone millstream millwright mime mimeograph mimetic mimic mimosa minaret minatory mince mincemeat mind mindful mine minelayer mineral mineralogy minestrone minesweeper mingle miniature minimal minimize minimum minion miniscule minister ministrant ministry mink minnesinger minnow minor minority minster minstrel mint minuend minuet minus minuscule minute minuteman minutia minx miracle mirage mire mirror mirth misadventure misanthrope misapply misapprehend misappropriate misbegotten misbehave misbeliever miscalculate miscall miscarry miscegenation miscellaneous miscellany mischance mischief mischievous miscible misconceive misconduct misconstrue miscount miscreant miscue misdeed misdemeanor misdirect misdoing miser miserable misery misfeasance misfile misfire misfit misfortune misgiving misgovern misguidance mishandle mishap mishmash misinform misinterpret misjudge mislay mislead mislike mismanage mismatch misname misnomer misogynist misplace misplay misprint misprision mispronounce misquote misread misrepresent misrule miss missal missend misshape missile missileman missilery missing mission missionary missioner missive misspell misstate misstep mist mistakable mistake mistaken mister mistletoe mistral mistreat mistress mistrial mistrust misty misunderstand misunderstanding misuse mite miter mitigate mitt mitten mix mixture mizzen mnemonic moan moat mob mobile mobilize mobster moccasin mock mockingbird mode model moderate moderator modern modernism modernize modest modicum modify modish modiste modular modulate module mogul mohair moiety moil moire moist moisten moisture molar molasses mold moldboard molder molding mole molecule molehill moleskin molest moll mollify mollusk mollycoddle molt molten moly molybdenum moment momentary momentous momentum monarch monarchist monarchy monastery monastic monasticism monaural monetary money moneyed moneymaker monger mongrel monism monition monitor monitory monk monkey monkeyshine monkshood monocle monody monogamy monogram monograph monolingual monolith monologue monomania monophonic monopoly monorail monosyllable monotheism monotone monotonous monoxide monseigneur monsieur monsignor monsoon monster monstrance montage month monument monumental moo mood moody moon moonbeam moonlight moonlighter moonscape moonshine moonstone moonstruck moor mooring moorland moose moot mop mope moppet moraine moral morale moralist morality moralize morass moratorium morbid mordant more moreover mores morgue moribund morn morning morocco moron morose morpheme morphia morphine morphology morris morrow morsel mortal mortar mortarboard mortgage mortician mortify mortise mortuary mosaic mosey mosque mosquito moss mossback most mostly mot mote motel motet moth mothball mother motherhood motherland motif motile motion motivate motive motley motor motorboat motorcade motorcar motorcycle motorize motorman motortruck mottle motto moue mould moult mound mount mountain mountaineer mountainside mountaintop mountebank mounting mourn mournful mourning mouse mouser mousse moustache mousy mouth mouthpart mouthpiece mouthwash move movement mover movie mow much mucilage muck muckraker mucus mud muddle muddleheaded mudguard mudslinger muezzin muff muffin muffle muffler mufti mug muggy mugwump mukluk mulatto mulberry mulch mulct mule muleteer mull mullein mullet mulligan mulligatawny mullion multicolored multifarious multiform multimillionaire multiple multiplication multiplicity multiply multitude mum mumble mummer mummy mumps munch mundane municipal municipality munificent munition mural murder murk murmur murrain muscatel muscle musculature muse musette museum mush mushroom mushy music musicale musician musicology musk muskellunge musket musketry muskmelon muskrat muslin muss mussel must mustache mustang mustard muster musty mutable mutate mutation mute mutilate mutiny mutt mutter mutton mutual muumuu muzzle my mycology myna myopia myriad myrmidon myrrh myrtle myself mystery mystic mystical mysticism mystify mystique myth mythology n nab nabob nacelle nacre nadir nag naiad naif nail nainsook naive naivete naivety naked name nameless namely nameplate namesake nankeen nap napalm nape napery naphtha naphthalene napkin napoleon narcissism narcissus narcosis narcotic narcotize nard naris narrate narrative narrow narthex narwhal nasal nascent nasopharynx nasturtium nasty natal natality natatorial natatorium nation national nationalism nationalist nationality nationalize nationwide native natty natural naturalism naturalist naturalize naturally nature naught naughty nausea nauseate nautch nautical nautilus naval nave navel navigable navigate navy nay neap near nearby nearsighted neat neath neatherd neb nebula nebulize nebulosity nebulous necessary necessitate necessitous necessity neck neckband neckerchief necklace neckline neckpiece necktie necrology necromancy necropolis necrosis nectar nectarine nee need needful needle needlepoint needless needlewoman needlework needs needy nefarious negate negation negative negativism neglect negligee negligent negligible negotiant negotiate negus neigh neighbor neighborhood neighboring neighborly neither nelson nemesis neoclassic neodymium neologism neology neon neonatal neophyte neoplasm neoteny nepenthe nephew nephritis nepotism neptunium nerve nervous nervy nest nestle nestling net nether nethermost netherworld netting nettle nettlesome network neural neuralgia neurasthenia neuritis neurology neuron neurosis neurotic neuter neutral neutralism neutrality neutralize neutrino neutron never nevermore nevertheless nevus new newborn newcomer newel newfangled newfashioned newfound newish newly newlywed newness news newsboy newscast newsletter newspaper newspaperman newsprint newsreel newsstand newsworthy newsy newt next nexus niacin nib nibble nice nicety niche nick nickel nickelodeon nicker nickname nicotine niece nifty niggard niggling nigh night nightcap nightclothes nightclub nightdress nightfall nightgown nighthawk nightingale nightly nightmare nightshade nightshirt nightstick nighttime nil nimble nimbus nincompoop nine ninepins nineteen ninety ninny ninnyhammer niobium nip nipper nipple nippy nirvana nisei nit niter nitrate nitrogen nitroglycerin nitwit nix no nobelium nobility noble nobleman nobody nocturnal nocturne nocuous nod noddle noddy node nodule nodulose noel noggin noise noisemaker noisome noisy nomad nomenclature nominal nominate nominative nominee nonage nonagenarian nonce nonchalant noncombatant noncommittal nonconductor nonconformist noncontributory noncooperation nondescript none nonentity nones nonesuch nonetheless nonintervention nonmetal nonpareil nonpartisan nonplus nonprofit nonresident nonresistance nonrestrictive nonscheduled nonsense nonskid nonstop nonsupport nonunion noodle nook noon noonday noontide noontime noose nor norm normal normalize north northeast northeaster norther northwest nose nosebleed nosegay nosepiece nostalgia nostril nostrum nosy not notability notable notarial notarize notation notch note notebook noted noteworthy nothing nothingness notice noticeable notify notion notional notorious notwithstanding nougat nought noun nourish nourishing nourishment nova novel novelette novelize novelty novena novice novitiate now nowadays noway nowhere nowise noxious nozzle nth nuance nub nubbin nubble nubile nuclear nucleus nude nudge nudism nugatory nugget nuisance null nullify numb number numberless numerable numeral numerate numerator numerical numerology numerous numismatics numskull nun nuncio nuptial nurse nursemaid nursery nurserymaid nurseryman nursling nurture nut nutcracker nuthatch nutmeg nutpick nutria nutrient nutriment nutrition nuts nutshell nutty nuzzle nylon nymph o oaf oak oakum oar oarlock oarsman oasis oat oatcake oath oatmeal obbligato obdurate obedient obeisance obelisk obese obey obfuscate obi obit obituary object objectify objective objurgate oblate oblation obligate obligation oblige oblique obliterate oblivion oblivious oblong obloquy obnoxious oboe obscene obscurantism obscure obsequious obsequy observable observance observant observation observatory observe obsess obsession obsidian obsolescent obsolete obstacle obstetrics obstinate obstreperous obstruct obstruction obstructionist obtain obtrude obtuse obverse obviate obvious ocarina occasion occasional occidental occlude occult occupancy occupant occupation occupy occur occurrence ocean oceangoing ocelot ocher octagon octave octavo octet octogenarian octopus octoroon octosyllabic ocular oculist odd oddball oddity oddment odds ode odious odium odometer odor odyssey oesophagus of off offal offbeat offence offend offense offensive offer offertory offhand office officeholder officer official officialdom officialism officiant officiate officious offing offish offset offshoot offshore offspring offstage oft often oftentimes ogle ogre ohm oil oilcloth oilskin ointment okra old olden oldster oleaginous oleander oleo oleomargarine olfactory oligarchy olio olive omelet omen ominous omit omnibus omnipotent omnipresent omniscient omnivorous on once oncoming one onerous oneself onetime ongoing onion onionskin onlooker only onrush onset onshore onslaught onto onus onward onyx oodles ooze opal opalescent opaque ope open openhanded opening openwork opera operable operate operation operative operetta ophthalmic ophthalmology opiate opine opinion opinionated opium opossum opponent opportune opportunism opportunity oppose opposite oppress oppression opprobrious opprobrium opt optic optical optician optics optimal optimism optimum option optometry opulent opus or oracle oral orange orangeade orangery orangutan orate oration orator oratorical oratorio oratory orb orbit orchard orchestra orchestrate orchid ordain ordeal order orderly ordinal ordinance ordinary ordination ordnance ordure ore organ organdy organic organism organist organization organize organza orgasm orgiastic orgulous orgy oriel orient oriental orifice oriflamme origami origin original originate oriole orison ormolu ornament ornate ornery ornithology orotund orphan orphanage orris orthodontia orthodontics orthodox orthoepy orthography orthopedics ortolan oscillate oscilloscope osculate osier osmium osmosis osprey ossify ossuary ostensible ostentation osteopathy ostler ostracize ostrich other otherwise otherworld otiose otter ottoman oubliette ought ounce our ours ourselves oust ouster out outbalance outbid outboard outbound outbreak outbuilding outburst outcast outclass outcome outcrop outcry outdated outdistance outdo outdoor outdoors outer outermost outface outfield outfight outfit outflank outflow outfox outgeneral outgo outgoing outgrow outgrowth outguess outhouse outing outlandish outlast outlaw outlay outlet outline outlive outlook outlying outmaneuver outmoded outnumber outpatient outplay outpoint outpost output outrage outrageous outrank outre outreach outrider outrigger outright outrun outsell outset outshine outside outsider outsize outskirts outsmart outspoken outspread outstanding outstay outstretched outstrip outward outwardly outwear outweigh outwit outwork outworn ova oval ovary ovation oven ovenbird over overact overage overall overalls overarm overawe overbalance overbearing overboard overburden overcast overcharge overcloud overcoat overcome overdo overdraw overexpose overflow overgrow overhand overhang overhaul overhead overhear overjoy overkill overland overlap overlay overleap overlook overlord overly overmaster overmatch overmuch overnight overpass overplay overpower overreach override overrule overrun overseas oversee overshadow overshoe overshoot oversight oversize oversleep overspread overstate overstay overstep overstuffed oversubscribe overt overtake overthrow overtime overtone overtop overtrick overture overturn overweening overweigh overwhelm overwrought oviparous ovoid ovule ovum owe owl owlet own ox oxblood oxbow oxcart oxford oxidation oxide oxidize oxyacetylene oxygen oyster ozone p pa pabulum pace pacemaker pacer pachyderm pachysandra pacific pacifier pacifism pacify pack package packer packet packsaddle packthread pact pad padding paddle paddock paddy padlock padre paean pagan page pageant pageboy pagination pagoda paid pail pain painstaking paint paintbrush painting pair paisley pajamas pal palace paladin palaestra palanquin palatable palate palatinate palatine palaver pale paleface paleography paleontology palette palfrey palimpsest palindrome paling palinode palisade pall palladium pallbearer pallet palliate pallid pallor palm palmate palmer palmetto palmistry palmy palomino palpable palpate palpitate palsy palter paltry pampa pamper pamphlet pan panacea panache panama panatela pancake panchromatic pancreas panda pandemic pandemonium pander pandowdy pane panegyric panel paneling panelist pang panhandle panic panicle panjandrum pannier pannikin panoply panorama pansy pant pantaloons pantheism pantheon panther pantie pantomime pantry pants pap papa papacy papal papaw papaya paper paperback paperhanger paperweight papilla papillote papist papoose paprika papyrus par para parable parabola parachute parade paradigm paradise paradisiacal paradox paraffin paragon paragraph parakeet parallax parallel parallelogram paralysis paralyze parameter paramount paramour paranoia parapet paraphernalia paraphrase paraplegia parasite parasol parathion paratrooper paratroops paratyphoid parboil parcel parch parchment pard pardon pardoner pare paregoric parent parenthesis paresis parfait pariah parietal paring parish parishioner parity park parka parkway parlance parlay parley parliament parliamentarian parlor parlour parlous parochial parody parole paroxysm parquet parquetry parrakeet parricide parrot parry parse parsimony parsley parsnip parson parsonage part partake parterre parthenogenesis partial partible participate participle particle particular particularize parting partisan partition partitive partly partner partridge parturition party parvenu pas pasha pass passable passage passageway passbook passe passel passenger passerine passim passing passion passive passkey passport password past pasta paste pasteboard pastel pastern pasteurize pastiche pastille pastime pastor pastoral pastrami pastry pasturage pasture pasty pat patch patchwork pate paten patent paterfamilias paternal paternalism paternity path pathetic pathfinder pathogenic pathology pathos pathway patience patient patina patio patois patriarch patrician patrimony patriot patristic patrol patrolman patron patronage patronize patronymic patroon patsy patter pattern patty paucity paunch pauper pause pave pavement pavilion paving paw pawn pawnbroker pawnshop pay paycheck paymaster payment payoff payroll pea peace peacemaker peacetime peach peacock peafowl peahen peak peaked peal peanut pear pearl peasant peashooter peat pebble pecan peccadillo peccary peccavi peck pectin pectoral peculation peculiar pecuniary pedagogue pedagogy pedal pedant peddle pedestal pedestrian pediatrics pedicab pedigree pediment pedometer peduncle peek peel peeling peen peep peephole peer peerless peeve peevish peewee peg peignoir pejorative pelage pelagic pelf pelican pellagra pellet pellucid pelt pelvis pemmican pen penal penalize penalty penance penates pence penchant pencil pendant pendent pending pendulous pendulum penetrate penetrating penguin penholder penicillin peninsula penis penitent penitentiary penknife penman penmanship pennant penni pennon penny pennyroyal pennyweight pennywise penology pension pensive pent pentagon pentameter penthouse pentomic penultimate penumbra penurious penury peon peony people pep pepper peppercorn peppermint peppery pepsin peptic per peradventure perambulate perambulator percale perceive percent percentage percentile percept perceptible perception perceptive perceptual perch perchance percipient percolate percussion perdition perdurable peregrination peremptory perennial perfect perfectible perfection perfectionist perfecto perfidy perforate perforce perform performance perfume perfumery perfunctory pergola perhaps perigee peril perimeter period periodic periodical peripatetic periphery periphrasis perique periscope perish perishable peristalsis peristyle peritonitis periwig periwinkle perjury perk permafrost permanent permeable permeate permissible permission permissive permit permutation pernicious peroration peroxide perpendicular perpetrate perpetual perpetuate perpetuity perplex perplexed perquisite persecute persevere persiflage persimmon persist persnickety person personable personage personal personality personalize personalty personate personify personnel perspective perspicacity perspicuous perspire persuade persuasion pert pertain pertinacious pertinent perturb peruke peruse pervade perverse perversion pervert peseta pesky peso pessimism pest pester pesthouse pesticide pestiferous pestilence pestilent pestle pet petal petard peter petiole petite petition petrel petrify petrol petrolatum petroleum petticoat pettifog pettish petty petulant petunia pew pewter pfennig phaeton phalanx phalarope phallus phantasm phantasmagoria phantasy phantom pharaoh pharisaical pharisee pharmaceutical pharmacology pharmacopoeia pharmacy pharos pharynx phase pheasant phenobarbital phenol phenomenon phial philander philanthropy philately philharmonic philippic philistine philodendron philology philosopher philosophize philosophy philter phiz phlebitis phlebotomy phlegm phlegmatic phloem phlox phobia phoenix phone phoneme phonetics phonograph phonology phony phosphate phosphorescence phosphorus photo photocell photocopy photoelectric photoengrave photoengraving photoflash photogenic photograph photography photomicrograph photomural photon photoplay photosensitive photosynthesis phrase phraseology phrasing phrenology phylactery phylum physic physical physician physicist physics physiognomy physiography physiology physiotherapy physique pi pianissimo pianist piano piaster piazza pibroch picaresque picayune piccalilli piccolo pice pick pickaback pickaninny pickax pickerel picket pickings pickle picklock pickpocket pickup picky picnic picot pictorial picture picturesque piddle piddling pidgin pie piebald piece piecemeal piecework pied pieplant pier pierce piety piffle pig pigeon pigeonhole piggish piggyback pigheaded pigment pigmentation pigmy pignut pigpen pigskin pigsty pigtail pike piker pikestaff pilaster pilchard pile pilfer pilgrim pilgrimage piling pill pillage pillar pillbox pillion pillory pillow pillowcase pilot pilotage pilothouse pilsner pimento pimiento pimp pimpernel pimple pin pinafore pincer pinch pincushion pine pineapple pinfeather ping pinhole pinion pink pinkeye pinkie pinnace pinnacle pinnate pinochle pinpoint pinprick pinstripe pint pinto pinup pinwheel pioneer pious pip pipe pipeline piping pipkin pippin piquant pique piquet piracy pirate pirouette piscatorial pismire pistachio pistil pistol piston pit pitch pitcher pitchfork pitchman piteous pitfall pith pithecanthropus pithy pitiable pitiful pitiless piton pittance pituitary pity pivot pixie pizza pizzeria placard placate place placebo placement placenta placer placid placket plagiarize plague plaid plain plainclothesman plainspoken plaint plaintiff plaintive plait plan plane planet planetarium plangent plank planking plankton plant plantain plantation planter plaque plash plasma plaster plastic plat plate plateau platen platform plating platinum platitude platoon platter platypus plaudit plausible play playacting playback playbill playboy playgoer playground playhouse playmate playpen playsuit plaything playwright plaza plea plead pleasant pleasantry please pleasing pleasurable pleasure pleat plebe plebeian plebiscite plebs plectrum pledge plenary plenipotentiary plenitude plenteous plentiful plenty plethora pleurisy plexus pliable pliant pliers plight plinth plod plop plot plover plow plowboy plowman plowshare ploy pluck plucky plug plum plumage plumb plumber plumbing plume plummet plump plunder plunge plunger plunk pluperfect plural plurality pluralize plus plush plutocracy plutonium pluvial ply plywood pneumatic pneumonia poach pock pocket pocketbook pocketknife pockmark pocosin pod podiatry podium poem poesy poet poetaster poetry pogrom poignant poilu poinsettia point pointed pointer poise poison poke poker poky polar polarity polarization polarize pole poleax polecat polemic polestar police policeman policy policyholder polio poliomyelitis polish polite politesse politic political politician politick politico politics polity polka poll pollack pollen pollination polliwog pollster pollute polo polonium poltergeist poltroon polyclinic polygamy polyglot polygon polymath polymer polynomial polyp polyphony polysyllabic polysyllable polytechnic polytheism polyunsaturated pomade pomegranate pommel pomp pompadour pompano pompon pompous poncho pond ponder ponderous pone pongee poniard pontiff pontificals pontificate pontoon pony ponytail poodle pool poop poor poorhouse pop popcorn pope popeyed popgun popinjay poplar poplin popover poppy poppycock populace popular populate population populous porcelain porch porcine porcupine pore pork porker pornography porous porphyry porpoise porridge porringer port portable portage portal portcullis portend portent portentous porter porterhouse portfolio porthole portico portiere portion portionless portly portmanteau portrait portraitist portraiture portray pose poser poseur posh posit position positive positron posse possess possession possessive possible possum post postage postal postboy postcard postconsonantal postdate postdoctoral poster posterior posterity postern postgraduate posthaste posthole posthumous postilion postlude postman postmark postmaster postmistress postmortem postnasal postnatal postoperative postpaid postpone postscript postulant postulate posture postwar posy pot potable potage potash potassium potation potato potbelly potboiler potboy poteen potent potentate potential pother potherb pothole pothook potion potluck potpie potpourri potsherd potshot pottage potter pottery pouch poult poulterer poultice poultry poultryman pounce pound pour pourboire pourparler pout poverty powder power powerboat powerhouse powwow pox practicable practical practice practitioner praetor pragmatic pragmatism prairie praise praline pram prance prank praseodymium prate pratfall pratique prattle prawn pray prayer prayerful preach preadolescence preamble prearrange preassigned prebend prebendary precancel precancerous precarious precaution precede precedent preceding precentor precept preceptor precinct preciosity precious precipice precipitate precipitation precipitous precis precise precisian precision preclude precocious preconceive preconcerted precondition precook precursor predacious predate predatory predecease predecessor predesignate predestination predestine predetermine predicable predicament predicate predict predigestion predilection predispose predominate preeminent preempt preen preexist prefab prefabricate preface prefect prefer preference preferment prefigure prefix preflight preform pregnant preheat prehensile prehistoric prejudge prejudice prelate preliminary prelude premature premed premedical premeditate premier premiere premise premium premix premonition prenatal preoccupation preoccupied preoccupy preoperative preordain prepare preparedness prepay preponderate preposition prepossess prepossessing prepossession preposterous prepuce prerecord prerequisite prerogative presage presbyopia presbyter presbytery preschool prescience prescribe prescription presence present presentiment preserve preset preshrunk preside president presidio presidium press pressman pressroom pressure pressurize prestidigitation prestige presto presume presumption presumptuous presuppose pretend pretense pretentious preterit preterminal preternatural pretext pretty pretzel prevail prevalent prevaricate prevent preview previous prevision prewar prey price priceless prick prickle pride priest prig prim primacy primal primarily primary primate prime primer primeval primitive primogenitor primogeniture primordial primp primrose prince princeling princess principal principality principle principled prink print printable printing prior priory prism prison prisoner prissy pristine prithee privacy private privateer privation privet privilege privileged privy prize prizefight prizewinner pro probable probate probation probationer probative probe probity problem problematic proboscis procathedral procedure proceed proceeding proceeds process procession processional proclaim proclivity procrastinate procreate proctor procurator procure prod prodigal prodigious prodigy produce product production proem profane profanity profess profession professional professionalism professionalize professor proffer proficient profile profit profiteer profligate profound profuse progenitor progeny prognathous prognosis prognostic prognosticate program progress progression progressive prohibit prohibition project projectile projectionist projector prolegomenon proletarian proletariat proliferate prolific prolix prologue prolong prom promenade promethium prominent promiscuous promise promising promissory promontory promote promoter prompt promptbook promptitude promulgate prone prong pronoun pronounce pronounced pronouncement pronto pronunciamento proof proofread prop propaganda propagandize propagate propane propel propellant propeller propensity proper propertied property prophecy prophesy prophet prophetic prophylactic propinquity propitiate propitious propman proponent proportion propose proposition propound proprietary proprietor propriety propulsion prorate prorogue prosaic proscenium proscribe prose prosecute proselyte prosody prospect prospectus prosper prosperity prosperous prostate prosthesis prostitute prostrate prosy protagonist protect protection protectionist protector protectorate protege protein protest prothalamion protocol protomartyr proton protoplasm prototype protozoan protract protractor protrude protuberance protuberant proud prove provenance provender provenience proverb provide providence provident providential province provincial provision provisional proviso provoke provost prow prowess prowl proximate proximity proximo proxy prude prudent prune prurient pry psalm psalmody pseudo pseudonym psyche psychiatry psychic psychoanalysis psychology psychopath psychosomatic ptomaine pub puberty public publican publication publicist publicity publicize publish puck pucker pudding puddle puddling pudgy pueblo puerile puff pug pugilism pugnacious puissance puke pukka pul pulchritude pule pull pullet pulley pullover pulmonary pulmotor pulp pulpit pulpwood pulsate pulse pulverize puma pumice pummel pump pumpernickel pumpkin pun punch puncheon punctilio punctilious punctual punctuate punctuation puncture pundit pungent punish punishment punitive punk punkin punster punt puny pup pupa pupil puppet puppy purblind purchase purdah pure purebred puree purgative purgatory purge purify purism puritan purity purl purlieu purloin purple purport purpose purr purse purser pursuance pursue pursuit purulent purvey purview pus push pushcart pushover pusillanimous pussy pussyfoot pustule put putative putout putrefy putrid putsch putt puttee putter putty puzzle pya pygmy pyjamas pylon pyorrhea pyramid pyre pyromania pyrotechnics python pyx q qintar quack quacksalver quad quadrangle quadrant quadratic quadratics quadrennial quadrennium quadrilateral quadrille quadripartite quadrivium quadroon quadruped quadruple quadruplet quaff quagmire quahog quai quail quaint quake qualification qualify qualitative quality qualm quandary quantitative quantity quantum quarantine quarrel quarry quart quarter quarterback quarterdeck quarterly quartermaster quarterstaff quartet quarto quartz quash quasi quatrain quaver quay quean queasy queen queer quell quench querulous query quest question questionable questionnaire quetzal queue quibble quick quicken quickie quicksand quicksilver quickstep quid quiescent quiet quietude quietus quill quilt quince quinine quinsy quint quintessence quintet quintuplet quip quire quirk quirt quisling quit quite quits quittance quiver quixotic quiz quizzical quoit quondam quorum quota quote quoth quotidian quotient qursh r rabbet rabbi rabbinate rabbit rabble rabid rabies raccoon race racecourse racehorse raceme racism rack racket racketeer raconteur racy radar radarscope radial radiant radiate radiator radical radii radio radioactivity radiocarbon radiogram radiograph radioisotope radiology radiotelegraph radiotelephone radiotherapy radish radium radius radon raffia raffle raft rafter rag ragamuffin rage ragged raglan ragout ragtime ragweed raid rail railing raillery railroad railway raiment rain rainbow raincoat raindrop rainfall rainstorm raise raisin raja rake rakish rally ram ramble rambler rambunctious ramie ramify ramp rampage rampant rampart ramrod ramshackle ran ranch rancid rancor rand random rang range ranger rangy rani rank ranking rankle ransack ransom rant rap rapacious rape rapid rapier rapine rapport rapprochement rapscallion rapt rapture rare rarebit rarefy rascal rash rasher rasp raspberry rat ratchet rate rather ratify rating ratio ratiocination ration rational rationale rationalism rationality rationalize ratline rattan rattle rattler rattlesnake rattletrap rattling rattrap raucous rauwolfia ravage rave ravel raven ravening ravenous ravine ravioli ravish raw rawboned rawhide ray rayon raze razor razz reach react reaction reactionary reactive reactor read reading ready reagent real realism reality realize really realm realtor realty ream reamer reap rear rearward reason reasonable reassure rebate rebel rebellion rebellious rebirth reborn rebound rebuff rebuke rebus rebut rebuttal recalcitrant recall recant recap recapitulate recede receipt receivable receive receiver receivership recency recent receptacle reception receptionist receptive receptor recess recession recessional recessive recipe recipient reciprocal reciprocate reciprocity recital recitation recite reckless reckon reckoning reclaim recline recluse recognition recognizance recognize recoil recoilless recollect recollection recommend recommendation recompense reconcile recondite reconnaissance reconnoiter reconsider reconstitute reconstruct reconstruction record recorder recording recount recoup recourse recover recreant recreate recreation recriminate recruit rectal rectangle rectify rectilinear rectitude recto rector rectory rectum recumbent recuperate recur red redbreast redcap redcoat redden reddish redeem redemption redhead redistrict redolent redoubt redoubtable redound redress redskin reduce reduction redundancy redundant redwood reed reef reefer reek reel reenforce reeve refection refectory refer referee reference referendum refill refine refined refinement refinery reflect reflex reflexive reforest reform reformation reformatory reformer refract refraction refractory refrain refresh refreshment refrigerate refuge refugee refulgence refund refurbish refuse refute regain regal regale regalia regard regarding regatta regency regenerate regent regicide regime regimen regiment regimentals region regional register registrar registration registry regnal regnant regress regret regular regulate regulation regurgitate rehabilitate rehash rehearing rehearsal rehearse reign reimburse rein reincarnation reindeer reinforce reinstate reiterate reject rejoice rejoin rejoinder rejuvenate relapse relate related relation relationship relative relativity relator relax relaxation relay release relegate relent relentless relevance relevant reliable reliance relic relict relief relieve religion religious relinquish reliquary relique relish reluctance reluctant rely remain remainder remains remand remark remarkable remedial remedy remember remembrance remind reminisce reminiscence reminiscent remiss remission remit remittance remnant remodel remonstrance remonstrant remonstrate remorse remote remount remove remunerate remuneration remunerative renaissance renal renascence rencontre rend render rendezvous rendition renegade renege renew renewal renounce renovate renown rent rental renunciation reorganize repair reparation reparative repartee repast repay repeal repeat repeated repel repent repercussion repertoire repertory repetition repetitious repetitive repine replace replacement replenish replete repletion replica reply report reportedly reporter repose repository repossess reprehend reprehensible represent representation representative repress reprieve reprimand reprisal reproach reprobate reprobation reproduce reproof reprove reptile republic republican repudiate repugnance repugnant repulse repulsion repulsive reputable reputation repute reputed request requiem require requirement requisite requisition requite rerun resale rescind rescript rescue research resemblance resemble resent reserpine reservation reserve reserved reservist reservoir reside residence residency resident residential residual residuary residue residuum resign resignation resigned resilient resin resist resistor resolute resolution resolve resolved resonance resonant resonator resort resound resource respect respectable respecting respective respiration respirator respite resplendent respond respondent response responsibility responsible responsive rest restaurant restaurateur restitution restive restless restoration restorative restore restrain restrained restraint restrict restriction result resume resurrect resurrection resuscitate retail retain retainer retake retaliate retard retch retention retentive reticent retina retinue retire retired retiring retort retouch retrace retract retread retreat retrench retribution retrieve retriever retrograde retrospect return reunion rev revamp reveal reveille revel revelation revenge revenue reverberate revere reverence reverend reverent reverential reverie revers reversal reverse reversion revert review reviewer revile revise revitalize revival revive revivify revocable revocation revoke revolt revolting revolution revolutionary revolutionist revolutionize revolve revolver revue revulsion reward rhapsody rhenium rheostat rhesus rhetoric rheum rheumatism rhinestone rhinoceros rhizome rhodium rhododendron rhomboid rhombus rhubarb rhyme rhythm rial rib ribald riband ribbon riboflavin rice rich riches rick rickets rickety ricochet rid riddle ride rider ridge ridgepole ridicule ridiculous riel rife riffraff rifle rift rig rigger rigging right righteous rightful rightly rigid rigmarole rigor rile rill rim rime rind ring ringer ringleader ringlet ringworm rink rinse riot rip riparian ripe ripen riposte ripple ripsaw rise riser risibility risible risk risque rite ritual rival rivalry rive river riverside rivet rivulet riyal roach road roadability roadbed roadside roadstead roadster roadway roam roan roar roast rob robbery robe robin robot robust rock rockbound rocker rocket rocketry rod rode rodent rodeo roe roebuck rogation roger rogue roil roister role roll roller rollick rollicking romance romantic romanticism romp romper rood roof rooftop rooftree rook rookie room roomette roommate roost rooster root rootlet rootstock rope rosary rose roseate rosemary rosette rosewood rosin roster rostrum rosy rot rotary rotate rote rotogravure rotor rotten rotund rotunda rouble roue rouge rough roughage roughen roughhew roughhouse roughneck roughshod roulette round roundabout roundelay roundhouse roundup rouse roustabout rout route routine rove rover row rowboat rowdy rowel royal royalist royalty rub rubber rubbish rubble rubicund rubidium ruble rubric ruby rudder ruddy rude rudiment rue ruff ruffian ruffle rug rugged ruin ruination ruinous rule ruler rum rumba rumble ruminant ruminate rummage rummy rumor rump rumple rumpus rumrunner run runabout runagate runaround runaway rundown rune rung runlet runnel running runny runoff runt runway rupee rupiah rupture rural ruse rush rusk russet rust rustic rusticate rustle rut rutabaga ruthenium ruthless rye s saber sable sabotage sac saccharin saccharine sacerdotal sachem sachet sack sackcloth sacrament sacred sacrifice sacrilege sacristan sacristy sacrosanct sad sadden saddle saddlebow sadiron sadism safe safeguard safekeeping safety saffron sag saga sagacious sagamore sage sagebrush sago said sail sailboat sailing sailor saint saintly sake salacious salad salamander salami salary sale salesgirl salesman saleswoman salient saline saliva sallow sally salmon salon saloon salt saltpeter saltwater salubrious salutary salutation salute salvage salvation salve salver salvo samarium same sample sampler sanatorium sanctify sanctimonious sanction sanctity sanctuary sanctum sand sandal sandbank sandblast sandhog sandman sandpaper sandpiper sandstone sandwich sane sang sanguinary sanguine sanitarium sanitary sanitation sanitize sanity sank sans sap sapient sapling sapphire sappy sapsucker sapwood sarcasm sarcophagus sardine sardonic sarsaparilla sash sassafras sassy sat satang satanic satchel sate sateen satellite satiate satiety satin satinwood satire satisfaction satisfactory satisfy satrap saturate saturnine satyr sauce saucepan saucer saucy sauerkraut saunter sausage saute sauterne savage savant save savior savor saw sawdust sawhorse sawmill saxophone say saying scab scabbard scaffold scaffolding scald scale scallion scallop scalp scalpel scamp scamper scan scandal scandalmonger scandium scant scantling scanty scapegoat scapegrace scar scarab scarce scarcely scare scarecrow scarf scarlatina scarlet scatter scavenge scavenger scenario scene scenery scent scepter sceptic schedule schematic scheme schilling schism schismatic schizophrenia scholar scholarship scholastic school schoolboy schoolfellow schoolgirl schoolhouse schoolmarm schoolmaster schoolmate schoolmistress schoolroom schoolteacher schooner sciatica science scimitar scintilla scintillate scion scissors sclerosis scoff scold scone scoop scope scorch score scorn scorpion scoundrel scour scourge scout scow scowl scrabble scramble scrap scrapbook scrape scratch scrawl scrawny scream screech screen screw screwball screwdriver scribble scribe scrim scrimmage scrimp scrip script scripture scrivener scroll scrotum scrub scruff scruple scrutinize scrutiny scuba scud scuffle scull scullery scullion sculptor sculpture scum scupper scurf scurrilous scurry scurvy scutcheon scuttle scythe sea seabird seaboard seacoast seafarer seafaring seafood seagoing seal sealskin seam seaman seamanship seamstress seamy seaplane seaport sear search searchlight seashore seasick seaside season seasonable seasoning seat seaward seaway seaweed seaworthy sebaceous secede secession seclude seclusion second secondary secondhand secrecy secret secretariat secretary secrete secretion secretive sect sectarian sectary section sectional sector secular secularism secure security sedan sedate sedative sedentary sedge sediment sedition seduce sedulous see seed seedling seedtime seek seem seeming seemly seep seer seesaw seethe segment segregate segregationist seigneur seine seismic seismograph seize seldom select selection selectman selenium self selfish selfless selfsame sell selvage selves semantic semantics semaphore semblance semen semester semicolon semiconductor semifinal semifluid semilunar seminar seminary sempstress sen senate senator send senile senior seniority senna sensation sensational sensationalism sense sensibility sensible sensitive sensitize sensor sensory sensual sensuous sent sentence sententious sentient sentiment sentimental sentinel sentry sepal separable separate separation separatist separator sepia sepsis septic sepulcher sepulchral sepulture sequel sequence sequent sequester sequestrate sequin sequoia sera seraglio seraph sere serenade serene serenity serf serge sergeant serial series serious sermon serpent serpentine serrate serried serum servant serve service serviceable serviceman servile servility servitor servitude sesame sessile session set setback settee setter setting settle settlement seven seventeen seventy sever several severally severe sew sewage sewer sewerage sewing sex sextant sextet sexton sexual shabby shack shackle shad shade shading shadow shaft shag shaggy shake shaker shaky shale shall shallop shallow sham shamble shambles shame shamefaced shampoo shamrock shanghai shank shanty shape shapeless shapely shard share sharecropper shareholder shark sharkskin sharp sharpen shatter shave shaving shawl she sheaf shear shears sheath sheathe sheave shed sheen sheep sheepfold sheepish sheepskin sheer sheet sheeting sheik shelf shell shellac shellfish shelter shelve shepherd sherbet sheriff sherry shew shibboleth shield shift shiftless shifty shill shilling shimmer shimmy shin shinbone shine shiner shingle shiny ship shipboard shipmate shipment shipping shipshape shipworm shipwreck shipyard shire shirk shirr shirring shirt shirting shiver shoal shoat shock shocking shoddy shoe shoemaker shone shook shoot shop shopkeeper shopworn shore shorebird shorn short shortage shortcake shortcoming shortcut shorten shortening shorthand shorthanded shorthorn shortly shortsighted shortstop shortwave shot shotgun should shoulder shout shove shovel show shower showman showy shrapnel shred shrew shrewd shrewish shriek shrift shrike shrill shrimp shrine shrink shrinkage shrive shrivel shroud shrub shrubbery shrug shuck shudder shuffle shun shunt shut shutter shuttle shuttlecock shy sibyl sick sicken sickle sickness side sidearm sideboard sidelong sidepiece sidereal sidestroke sidetrack sidewalk sideways siding sidle siege sierra siesta sieve sift sigh sight sighted sightly sign signal signalize signatory signature signboard signet significance significant signify signpost silage silence silencer silent silhouette silica silicate siliceous silicon silicone silicosis silk sill silly silo silt silver silverware simian similar simile similitude simmer simonize simony simper simple simpleton simplicity simplify simulate simultaneous sin since sincere sinecure sinew sinful sing singe single singleton singletree singular sinister sink sinker sinuous sinus sip siphon sir sire siren sirloin sirocco sirup sisal sister sisterhood sit site situated situation six sixpence sixteen sixty sizable size sizzle skate skein skeleton skeptic skepticism sketch skew skewer ski skid skiff skill skillet skillful skim skimp skimpy skin skinflint skinny skintight skip skipper skirmish skirt skit skittish skulk skull skullcap skunk sky skylark skylight skyline skyrocket skyscraper skyward skywriting slab slack slacken slacker slag slain slake slalom slam slander slang slant slap slash slat slate slattern slaughter slaughterhouse slave slaver slavery slavish slaw slay sleazy sled sledge sledgehammer sleek sleep sleeper sleepy sleet sleeve sleigh sleight slender sleuth slew slice slick slicker slide slider slight slim slime sling slingshot slink slip slipknot slipper slippery slipshod slit slither sliver slobber sloe slogan sloop slop slope sloppy slot sloth slouch slough sloven slovenly slow sludge slug sluggard sluggish sluice slum slumber slumberous slump slung slunk slur slush slut sly smack small smallpox smart smash smattering smear smell smelt smelter smilax smile smirch smirk smite smith smithereens smithy smock smog smoke smokestack smolder smooth smorgasbord smote smother smudge smug smuggle smut smutch snack snaffle snag snail snake snap snapdragon snapshot snare snarl snatch sneak sneaker sneer sneeze snicker snide sniff sniffle snip snipe snippy snitch snivel snob snobbery snoop snooze snore snorkel snort snout snow snowdrop snowfall snowplow snowshoe snowstorm snub snuff snuffle snug snuggle so soak soap soapstone soar sob sober sobriety sobriquet soccer sociable social socialism socialize society sociology sock socket sod soda sodden sodium soever sofa soft softball soften soggy soil soiree sojourn sol solace solar solarium sold solder soldier soldiery sole solecism solemn solemnize solicit solicitor solicitous solicitude solid solidarity solidify soliloquize soliloquy solitaire solitary solitude solo solstice soluble solution solve solvency solvent somalo somber sombrero some somebody someday somehow someone somersault somerset something sometime sometimes somewhat somewhere somnambulism somnolent son sonar sonata song songbird songster sonic sonnet sonorous soon soot sooth soothe soothsayer sop sophism sophist sophistic sophisticated sophistry sophomore soporific soprano sorcery sordid sore sorghum sorority sorrel sorrow sorry sort sortie sot soubrette souffle sough sought soul soulful sound soup sour source souse south southeast southeaster southwest souvenir sovereign sovereignty soviet sow sox soy soybean spa space spaceman spaceship spacious spade spaghetti span spangle spaniel spank spanking spar spare sparing spark sparkle sparrow sparse spasm spastic spat spate spatial spatter spatula spavin spawn spay speak speakeasy spear spearmint special specialist specialize specialty specie species specific specification specify specimen specious speck speckle spectacle spectacular spectator specter spectral spectroscope spectrum speculate speech speed speedboat speedometer speedway speedwell spell spellbinder spellbound speller spelunker spend spendthrift spent sperm spermatozoon spew sphere spheroid sphincter sphinx spice spicule spider spigot spike spill spillway spin spinach spinal spindle spindling spindly spine spinet spinster spiral spire spirit spirited spiritual spiritualism spirituous spirochete spirt spit spitball spite spittle spittoon splash splatter splay spleen splendid splendor splenetic splenic splice splint splinter split splitting splotch splurge splutter spoil spoke spoken spokesman spoliation sponge sponsor spontaneous spoof spook spool spoon spoor sporadic spore sport sportsman spot spotlight spotter spotty spousal spouse spout sprain sprang sprat sprawl spray spread spree sprig sprightly spring springboard springtime sprinkle sprinkling sprint sprite sprocket sprout spruce sprung spry spud spume spun spunk spur spurge spurious spurn spurt sputter sputum spy spyglass squab squabble squad squadron squalid squall squalor squander square squash squat squaw squawk squeak squeal squeamish squeegee squeeze squelch squib squid squint squire squirm squirrel squirt stab stabile stabilize stable staccato stack stadium staff stag stage stagecoach stagger staging stagnant stagnate staid stain stair staircase stairway stake stalactite stalagmite stale stalk stall stallion stalwart stamen stamina stammer stamp stampede stance stanch stanchion stand standard standardize standby standing standpipe standpoint standstill stank stanza staphylococcus staple star starboard starch stare starfish stark starling start startle startling starve starveling state statecraft stately statement stateroom statesman static station stationary stationer stationery statistics statuary statue statuesque statuette stature status statute statutory staunch stave staves stay stead steadfast steady steak steal stealth stealthy steam steed steel steelyard steep steeple steeplechase steer steerage stein stellar stem stench stencil stenography stentorian step stepbrother stepchild stepfather stepladder stepmother stepparent steppe stepsister stereo stereophonic stereoscope stereoscopic stereoscopy stereotype stereotyped sterile sterilize sterling stern sternum stethoscope stevedore stew steward stick sticker stickler sticky stiff stiffen stifle stigma stigmatize stile stiletto still stillborn stilt stilted stimulant stimulate stimulus sting stingy stink stint stipend stipple stipulate stir stirring stirrup stitch stoat stock stockade stockbroker stockholder stockinet stocking stockpile stocky stockyard stodgy stoic stoke stole stolen stolid stomach stomacher stone stood stooge stool stoop stop stoppage stopper stopwatch storage store storehouse storekeeper storeroom storied stork storm story storyteller stotinka stout stove stow stowaway straddle strafe straggle straight straightedge straighten straightforward straightway strain strait straiten straitlaced strand strange stranger strangle strangulate strangulation strap strapless strapping stratagem strategy stratify stratosphere stratum straw strawberry stray streak stream streamer streamlet streamlined street streetcar strength strengthen strenuous streptococcus streptomycin stress stretch stretcher strew stria stricken strict stricture stride strident strife strike strikeout striking string stringency stringer stringy strip stripe stripling strive stroboscope strode stroke stroll strong stronghold strontium strop strophe strove struck structure struggle strum strumpet strung strut strychnine stub stubble stubborn stubby stucco stuck stud studding student studied studio studious study stuff stuffing stuffy stultify stumble stump stun stung stunk stunning stunt stupefy stupendous stupid stupor sturdy sturgeon stutter sty style stylish stylist stylus stymie styptic suave sub subaltern subatomic subcommittee subconscious subcontinent subcutaneous subdivide subdue subject subjective subjoin subjugate subjunctive sublet sublimate sublime sublunar sublunary submarine submerge submerse submit subnormal subordinate suborn subpoena subscribe subscription subsequent subservience subside subsidiary subsidize subsidy subsist subsistence subsoil subsonic substance substandard substantial substantiate substantive substation substitute substratum substructure subterfuge subterranean subtile subtitle subtle subtract subtrahend subtropical suburb suburbanite subvention subvert subway succeed success succession successive successor succinct succor succotash succulent succumb such suchlike suck sucker suckle suckling sucre sucrose suction sudden suds sue suede suet suffer sufferance suffering suffice sufficiency sufficient suffix suffocate suffragan suffrage suffragette suffragist suffuse sugar sugarcane sugarplum suggest suggestion suggestive suicide suit suitable suitcase suite suiting suitor sulfa sulfanilamide sulfate sulfide sulfur sulfuric sulfurous sulk sulky sullen sully sulphur sultan sultana sultry sum sumac summarize summary summation summer summerhouse summit summon summons sumptuous sun sunbonnet sunburn sundae sunder sundial sundown sundries sundry sunfish sunflower sung sunk sunken sunlight sunlit sunrise sunset sunshade sunshine sunspot sunstroke sunup sup superabundant superannuate superb supercargo supercilious superego superficial superfluous superhighway superimpose superintend superior superlative supernal supernatural supernumerary superpose superscribe supersede supersonic superstition superstructure supervene supervise supine supper supplant supple supplement suppliant supplicant supplicate supply support suppose supposed supposing supposition suppository suppress suppurate supremacy supreme surcease surcharge surcingle sure surefire surety surf surface surfboard surfeit surge surgeon surgery surgical surly surmise surmount surname surpass surplice surplus surprise surrender surreptitious surrey surrogate surround surroundings surtax surtout surveillance survey surveying survive susceptible suspect suspend suspender suspense suspension suspicion suspicious sustain sustenance suture suzerain svelte swab swaddle swag swage swagger swain swallow swallowtail swam swamp swan swank swansdown swap sward swarm swart swarthy swash swashbuckler swastika swat swath swathe sway swear sweat sweater sweep sweeping sweepstakes sweet sweetbread sweetbrier sweeten sweetheart sweetmeat swell swelter swept sweptwing swerve swift swig swill swim swimming swindle swine swing swipe swirl swish switch switchboard switchman swivel swollen swoon swoop sword swordfish swordplay swordsman swore sworn swum swung sybarite sycamore sycophant syllabication syllabify syllable syllabus syllogism sylph sylvan symbol symbolism symbolize symmetry sympathize sympathy symphony symposium symptom synagogue sync synchronize synchronous syncopation syncope syndicate syndrome synergism synod synonym synopsis syntax synthesis synthetic syphilis syphon syringe syrup system systematize systemic systemize systole t tab tabby tabernacle table tableau tablecloth tableland tablespoon tablet tableware tabloid taboo tabor tabular tabulate tachometer tacit taciturn tack tackle tacky tact tactic tactics tactile tadpole taffeta taffrail taffy tag tail tailcoat tailor taint take takeoff taking talc tale talent talesman talisman talk talkative tall tallow tally tallyho talon tam tamarack tamarind tambourine tame tamp tamper tan tanbark tandem tang tangent tangerine tangible tangle tango tank tankard tanker tanner tannery tannin tantalize tantalum tantamount tantrum tap tape taper tapestry tapeworm tapioca tapir taproom taproot taps tapster tar tarantula tardy tare target tariff tarn tarnish taro tarpaulin tarpon tarry tart tartan tartar task taskmaster tassel taste tasty tat tatter tatterdemalion tatting tattle tattletale tattoo taught taunt taupe taut tavern taw tawdry tawny tax taxi taxicab taxidermy taxonomy taxpayer tea teach teaching teak teal team teamster teamwork tear tease teasel teaspoon teat technic technical technicality technician technique technocracy technology tedious tedium tee teem teens teeny teepee teeter teeth teethe teetotal telecast telecommunication telegram telegraph telegraphy telemeter telepathy telephone telephony telephoto telescope telescopic teleview televise television tell teller telling telltale tellurium temblor temerity temper temperament temperance temperate temperature tempest tempestuous template temple tempo temporal temporary temporize tempt temptation ten tenable tenacious tenancy tenant tenantry tend tendency tender tenderfoot tenderhearted tenderize tenderloin tendon tendril tenement tenet tenfold tennis tenon tenor tenpenny tenpin tense tensile tension tent tentacle tentative tenuous tenure tepee tepid tequila terbium tercentenary teredo term termagant terminal terminate terminology terminus termite tern terrace terrain terrapin terrestrial terrible terrier terrific terrify territorial territory terror terrorism terrorize terse tertiary tessellate test testament testator tester testicle testify testimonial testimony testis testy tetanus tether tetrameter text textbook textile texture thallium than thane thank thanksgiving that thatch thaw the theater theatrical thee theft thegn their theirs theism them theme themselves then thence thenceforth thenceforward theocracy theology theorem theoretical theorize theory theosophy therapeutic therapeutics therapy there thereabouts thereafter thereat thereby therefor therefore therefrom therein thereof thereon thereto thereunto thereupon therewith therewithal thermal thermodynamics thermometer thermonuclear thermoplastic thermosetting thermostat thesaurus these thesis thespian thew they thiamine thick thicken thicket thickset thief thieve thievery thigh thimble thin thine thing think thinner third thirst thirteen thirty this thistle thistledown thither thitherward thole thong thorax thorium thorn thorough thoroughbred thoroughfare thoroughgoing thorp those thou though thought thoughtful thoughtless thousand thrall thralldom thrash thrasher thread threadbare thready threat threaten three threefold threepence threescore threnody thresh threshold threw thrice thrift thrill thrive throat throaty throb throe thrombosis throne throng throttle through throughout throughway throve throw thrum thrush thrust thud thug thulium thumb thumbscrew thumbtack thump thunder thunderbolt thunderclap thundercloud thunderhead thunderous thundershower thunderstorm thunderstruck thus thwack thwart thy thyme thymus thyroid thyself tiara tibia tic tick ticker ticket ticking tickle ticklish tidbit tide tideland tidewater tidings tidy tie tier tiff tiffin tiger tight tighten tightfisted tightrope tights tightwad tile till tillage tiller tilt tilth timber timberline timbre timbrel time timekeeper timeless timely timepiece times timetable timeworn timid timorous timothy timpani tin tinct tincture tinder tinderbox tine tinfoil tinge tingle tinker tinkle tinny tinplate tinsel tinsmith tint tintinnabulation tintype tinware tiny tip tippet tipple tipster tipsy tiptoe tirade tire tired tireless tiresome tissue tit titan titanic titanium titbit tithe titillate titivate title titled titmouse titter tittle titular to toad toadstool toady toast toaster toastmaster tobacco tobacconist toboggan tocsin today toddle toddy toe toenail toffee tog toga together toggery togs toil toilet toiletry toilette toilworn token told tolerable tolerance tolerate toll tollgate tomahawk tomato tomb tomboy tombstone tomcat tome tomfoolery tomorrow tomtit ton tonality tone tong tongs tongue tonic tonight tonnage tonneau tonsil tonsillectomy tonsillitis tonsorial tonsure too took tool toot tooth toothache toothbrush toothpick toothsome top topaz topcoat tope toper topic topical topknot topmast topmost topography topping topple tops topsail topsoil toque tor torch tore toreador torment torn tornado torpedo torpid torpor torque torrent torrential torrid torsion torso tort tortilla tortoise tortuous torture toss tot total totalitarian totality totalizator tote totem touch touchdown touching touchstone touchy tough toughen toupee tour tourist tourmaline tournament tourney tourniquet tousle tout tow toward towel toweling tower towering towhead town townsfolk township townsman townspeople towpath toxemia toxic toxicology toxin toy trace tracery trachea tracing track tract tractable tractate traction tractor trade trademark trader tradesman tradespeople tradition traduce traffic tragedian tragedienne tragedy tragic trail trailer train training trainload trainman trait traitor trajectory tram trammel tramp trample trance tranquil tranquilize tranquilizer transact transaction transatlantic transcend transcendent transcendental transcendentalism transcontinental transcribe transcript transcription transept transfer transference transfigure transfix transform transfuse transgress transient transistor transit transition transitive transitory translatable translate translucent transmigrate transmission transmit transmitter transmute transoceanic transom transonic transpacific transparent transpire transplant transport transpose transship transubstantiation transverse trap trapdoor trapeze trapezoid trappings traps trapshooting trash trauma travail travel travelogue traverse travertine travesty trawl tray treacherous treachery treacle tread treadle treadmill treason treasure treasurer treasury treat treatise treatment treaty treble tree trefoil trek trellis tremble tremendous tremolo tremor tremulous trench trenchant trencher trencherman trend trepan trepidation trespass tress trestle trey triad trial triangle triangulate tribe tribesman tribulation tribunal tribune tributary tribute trice triceps trichinosis trick trickery trickle trickster tricky tricolor tricuspid tricycle trident tried triennial trifle trifling trifocals trig trigger trigonometry trill trillion trilogy trim trimeter trine trinity trinket trio trip tripartite tripe triple triplet triplex triplicate tripod triptych trireme trisect trite tritium triturate triumph triumvir triune trivet trivial trivium troche trochee trod trodden troll trolley trollop trombone troop trooper troopship trope trophy tropic troposphere trot troth troubadour trouble troublemaker trough trounce troupe trousers trousseau trout trow trowel troy truant truce truck truckage truckle truckload truculent trudge true truffle truism trump trumpery trumpet truncate truncheon trundle trunk truss trust trustee trustful trustworthy trusty truth truthful try trying tryst tsar tub tuba tube tuber tubercle tubercular tuberculate tuberculosis tuberose tuberous tubing tubular tubule tuck tucker tufa tuft tug tugboat tuition tulip tulle tumble tumbledown tumbler tumbleweed tumbrel tumid tumor tumult tumultuous tun tuna tunable tundra tune tuneful tuneless tungsten tunic tunnel tunny tuque turban turbid turbine turbojet turboprop turbot turbulence turbulent tureen turf turgid turkey turmoil turn turnbuckle turncoat turner turnery turning turnip turnkey turnout turnover turnpike turnspit turnstile turntable turpentine turpitude turquoise turret turtle turtledove turves tusk tussle tussock tutelage tutelar tutelary tutor tutorial tuxedo twaddle twain twang tweak tweed tweet tweezers twelve twelvemonth twenty twice twiddle twig twilight twill twin twine twinge twinkle twinkling twirl twist twister twit twitch twitter two twofold twopence twopenny twosome tycoon tying tyke tympanum type typecast typeface typescript typesetter typewrite typewriter typewriting typhoid typhoon typhus typical typify typist typographer typography tyrannical tyrannize tyrannous tyranny tyrant tyro tzar u ubiquitous udder ugly ukase ukulele ulcer ulcerate ullage ulster ulterior ultimate ultimatum ultimo ultra ultraconservative ultrafashionable ultramarine ultramodern ultramontane ultrasonic ultraviolet ululate umbel umber umbilicus umbra umbrage umbrella umiak umpire umpteen unable unabridged unaccompanied unaccountable unaccounted unaccustomed unadorned unadulterated unadvised unaffected unalienable unalloyed unanimous unarm unarmed unassailable unassuming unattached unavailing unavoidable unaware unawares unbalanced unbar unbearable unbeatable unbeaten unbecoming unbeknown unbelief unbelievable unbeliever unbend unbending unbiased unbidden unbind unblessed unblushing unbodied unbolt unborn unbosom unbounded unbowed unbridled unbroken unbuckle unburden unbutton uncanny uncap unceasing unceremonious uncertain uncertainty unchain uncharitable unchaste unchristian uncial uncircumcised uncivil uncivilized unclad unclasp uncle unclean uncleanly unclench uncloak unclose unclothe uncoil uncomfortable uncommitted uncommon uncommunicative uncompromising unconcern unconcerned unconditional unconditioned unconquerable unconscionable unconscious unconstitutional uncontrollable unconventional uncork uncounted uncouple uncouth uncover uncritical uncross unction unctuous uncurl uncut undaunted undeceive undecided undemonstrative undeniable under underact underage underarm underbelly underbid underbred underbrush undercarriage undercharge underclassman underclothes underclothing undercoat undercoating undercover undercroft undercurrent undercut underdeveloped underdog underdone underdrawers underestimate underexpose underfeed underfoot undergarment undergird undergo undergraduate underground undergrowth underhand underhanded underlie underline underling underlip underlying undermine undermost underneath undernourished underpants underpart underpass underpay underpinning underplay underprivileged underproduction underrate underscore undersea undersecretary undersell undershirt undershot underside undersigned undersized underskirt underslung understand understanding understate understood understudy undersurface undertake undertaker undertaking undertone undertow undertrick undervalue underwaist underwater underwear underweight underworld underwrite undesirable undeviating undies undo undoing undoubted undress undue undulant undulate undulation unduly undying unearned unearth unearthly uneasy unemployed unemployment unending unequal unequaled unequivocal unerring uneven uneventful unexampled unexceptionable unexpected unfailing unfair unfaithful unfamiliar unfasten unfavorable unfeeling unfeigned unfetter unfit unfix unfledged unflinching unfold unfolded unforgettable unformed unfortunate unfounded unfrequented unfriendly unfrock unfruitful unfurl ungainly ungenerous ungird ungodly ungovernable ungraceful ungracious ungrateful ungrounded unguarded unguent ungulate unhallowed unhand unhandsome unhandy unhappy unharness unhealthy unheard unhinge unhitch unholy unhook unhorse unicameral unicellular unicorn unicycle unification uniform uniformity unify unilateral unimpeachable uninhibited unintelligent unintelligible unintentional uninterested uninterrupted union unionism unionize unique unison unit unitary unite united unity univalve universal universality universe university unjust unkempt unkind unkindly unknowing unknown unlace unlade unlatch unlawful unlearn unlearned unleash unless unlettered unlike unlikelihood unlikely unlimber unload unlock unloose unloosen unlovely unlucky unman unmanly unmanned unmannerly unmask unmeaning unmeet unmentionable unmerciful unmindful unmistakable unmitigated unmoor unmoral unmoved unnatural unnecessarily unnerve unnumbered unobtrusive unoccupied unorganized unpack unparalleled unparliamentary unpeg unpile unpin unpleasant unplumbed unpopular unprecedented unpredictable unpretentious unprincipled unprintable unprofessional unprofitable unqualified unquestionable unquestioning unquiet unquote unravel unread unreal unreasonable unreasoned unreasoning unreconstructed unreel unregenerate unrelenting unremitting unreserved unrest unrestrained unriddle unrighteous unripe unrivaled unrobe unroll unroof unruffled unruly unsaddle unsaved unsavory unsay unscathed unschooled unscientific unscramble unscrew unscrupulous unseal unsearchable unseasonable unseat unseemly unsegregated unselfish unsettle unsettled unshackle unshaped unsheathe unship unshod unsightly unskilled unskillful unsnap unsnarl unsophisticated unsought unsound unsparing unspeakable unspotted unstable unsteady unstop unstrap unstrung unstudied unsubstantial unsuitable unsung untangle untaught unthinkable unthinking untie until untimely unto untold untouchable untoward untried untrue untruth untune untutored untwine untwist unused unusual unutterable unvarnished unveil unvoiced unwarrantable unweave unwell unwept unwholesome unwieldy unwilling unwind unwise unwitting unwonted unworldly unworthy unwrap unwritten unyielding unyoke unzip up upbeat upbraid upbringing upcoming update updraft upend upgrade upgrowth upheaval uphill uphold upholster upholstery upkeep upland uplift upmost upon upper upperclassman uppercut uppermost uppish uppity upraise uprear upright uprising uproar uproarious uproot upset upshot upside upstage upstairs upstanding upstart upstate upstream upstroke upsurge upswept upswing uptake uptown upturn upward upwind uranium urban urbane urbanite urbanity urbanize urchin urea uremia ureter urethra urge urgent uric urinal urinalysis urinary urinate urine urn ursine urticaria us usable usage use useful useless usher usual usufruct usurer usurious usurp usury utensil uterus utile utilitarian utilitarianism utility utilize utmost utopia utopian utter utterance uttermost uvula uxorious v vacancy vacant vacate vacation vacationist vacationland vaccinate vaccine vacillate vacuity vacuous vacuum vagabond vagary vagina vagrancy vagrant vagrom vague vail vain vainglorious vainglory valance vale valediction valedictorian valedictory valence valency valentine valet valetudinarian valiant valid validate validity valise valley valor valorization valse valuable valuate valuation value valued valve valvular vamoose vamp vampire van vanadium vandal vandalism vandalize vane vanguard vanilla vanish vanity vanquish vantage vanward vapid vapor vaporing vaporize vaporizer vaporous vapory vaquero varia variable variance variant variation varicolored varicose varied variegate varietal variety variorum various varlet varnish varsity vary vascular vase vasomotor vassal vassalage vast vasty vat vatic vaudeville vault vaulted vaulting vaunt veal vector veer veery vegetable vegetal vegetarian vegetate vegetation vegetative vehemence vehement vehicle veil veiling vein velar veld velleity vellum velocipede velocity velour velum velvet velveteen venal venation vend vendee vender vendetta vendor veneer venerable venerate venereal vengeance vengeful venial venison venom venomous venous vent ventilate ventilation ventral ventricle ventriloquism ventriloquy venture venturesome venturous venue veracious veracity veranda verb verbal verbalize verbatim verbena verbiage verbose verboten verdant verdict verdigris verdure verge verger verify verily verisimilitude veritable verity vermeil vermicelli vermiform vermifuge vermilion vermin vermouth vernacular vernal vernier veronica versatile verse versed versicle versification versify version verso verst versus vertebra vertebral vertebrate vertex vertical verticillate vertiginous vertigo vervain verve very vesicant vesicle vesper vespers vespertine vessel vest vestal vestee vestibule vestige vestment vestry vestryman vesture vet vetch veteran veterinarian veterinary veto vex vexation vexatious via viable viaduct vial viand viaticum vibrant vibrate vibration vibratory viburnum vicar vicarage vicarious vice vicegerent vicennial viceregal viceroy vichyssoise vicinage vicinal vicinity vicious vicissitude victim victimize victor victoria victorious victory victual victualer vicuna vide videlicet video vie view viewpoint vigesimal vigil vigilance vigilant vigilante vignette vigor vigorous vile vilify villa village villager villain villainous villainy villein villenage villous villus vim vinaigrette vincible vindicate vindication vindictive vine vinegar vinegary vineyard vinous vintage vintner vinyl viol viola violable violate violation violence violent violet violin violinist violist violoncellist violoncello viosterol viper virago viral vireo virgin virginal virginity virgule viridescent virile virtu virtual virtue virtuosity virtuoso virtuous virulent virus visa visage viscera visceral viscid viscose viscosity viscount viscountess viscous viscus vise visibility visible vision visionary visit visitant visitation visitor visor vista visual visualize vita vital vitality vitalize vitals vitamin vitiate vitreous vitrify vitriol vitriolic vittle vituperate viva vivace vivacious vivacity vivid vivify viviparous vivisection vixen vizard vizier vizor vocable vocabulary vocal vocalic vocalist vocalize vocation vocationalism vocative vociferate vociferous vodka vogue voguish voice voiced voiceless void voile volatile volcanic volcano vole volition volley volleyball volplane volt voltage voltaic voltmeter voluble volume volumetric voluminous voluntary volunteer voluptuary voluptuous volute vomit voodoo voodooism voracious vortex votary vote votive vouch voucher vouchsafe vow vowel voyage voyageur vulcanite vulcanize vulgar vulgarian vulgarism vulgarity vulgarize vulnerable vulpine vulture vulva vying w wabble wacky wad wadable wadding waddle wade wader wadi wafer waffle waft wag wage wager waggery waggish waggle wagon wagoner wagonette wagtail wahoo waif wail wailful wain wainscot wainscoting wainwright waist waistband waistcoat waistline wait waiter waitress waive waiver wake wakeful waken wale walk walkout walkover walkway wall wallaby wallboard wallet walleye wallflower wallop wallow wallpaper walnut walrus waltz wampum wan wand wander wanderlust wane wangle want wanting wanton wapiti war warble warbler warbonnet ward warden warder wardrobe wardroom wardship ware warehouse wareroom warfare warhead warily wariness warless warlike warlock warlord warm warmhearted warmonger warmth warn warning warp warpath warplane warrant warranty warren warrior warship wart warthog wartime wary was wash washable washbasin washboard washbowl washcloth washer washerwoman washhouse washing washout washroom washstand washtub washwoman washy wasp waspish wassail wastage waste wasteland wastepaper wastrel watch watchband watchcase watchdog watchful watchmaker watchman watchtower watchword water waterborne watercolor watercourse watercress waterfall waterfowl waterfront waterline waterlogged waterloo watermark watermelon waterpower waterproof watershed waterside waterspout watertight waterway waterwheel waterworks watery watt wattage wattle wave wavelength wavelet waver wavy wax waxen waxwing waxwork waxy way waybill wayfarer waylay wayside wayward wayworn we weak weaken weakfish weakling weakly weakness weal weald wealth wealthy wean weapon weaponless wear wearisome weary weasand weasel weather weatherability weatherboard weathercock weatherglass weathering weatherman weatherproof weathertight weatherworn weave web webbed webbing wed wedding wedge wedlock wee weed weedy week weekday weekend weekly ween weeny weep weeping weevil weft weigh weight weightless weighty weir weird welcome weld welfare welkin well wellborn wellspring welsh welt welter welterweight wen wench wend went wept were werewolf west western westernize wet wether wetland whack whale whaleboat whalebone whaler wharf wharfage wharfinger what whatever whatnot whatsoever wheal wheat wheedle wheel wheelbarrow wheelbase wheelchair wheeler wheelhorse wheelhouse wheelwright wheeze wheezy whelk whelm whelp when whence whenever whensoever where whereabouts whereas whereat whereby wherefore wherein whereof whereon wheresoever whereto whereupon wherever wherewith wherewithal wherry whet whether whetstone whey which whichever whichsoever whicker whiff whiffletree while whilom whilst whim whimper whimsical whimsy whine whinny whip whipcord whiplash whippersnapper whippet whippletree whippoorwill whipsaw whir whirl whirligig whirlpool whirlwind whirlybird whish whisk whisker whiskey whisper whist whistle whit white whitebait whitecap whitefish whiten whiteness whitewall whitewash whitewood whither whithersoever whiting whitish whitlow whittle whiz who whodunit whoever whole wholehearted wholesale wholesome wholly whom whomever whomsoever whoop whopper whore whorl whose whoso whosoever why wick wicked wicker wickerwork wicket wickiup wide widen widespread widgeon widow widower width wield wiener wife wifeless wig wiggle wiggly wight wigwag wigwam wild wildcat wilderness wildfire wildfowl wildlife wildwood wile wiliness will willful willies willing williwaw willow willowware willowy willpower wilt wily wimple win wince winch wind windage windbag windblown windbreak windburn winder windfall windflower winding windjammer windlass windmill window windowpane windowsill windpipe windproof windrow windshield windstorm windswept windup windward windy wine winegrower winepress wineshop wing winged wingspan wingspread wink winker winkle winner winning winnow winsome winter wintergreen winterize wintertide wintertime wintry wipe wire wiredraw wirehaired wireless wiretap wireworm wiring wiry wisdom wise wiseacre wisecrack wish wishbone wishful wisp wisteria wistful wit witch witchcraft witchery witching witenagemot with withal withdraw withdrawn withe wither withers withhold within without withstand withy witless witness witted witticism witting witty wive wives wizard wizardry wizened woad wobble woe woebegone woeful woke woken wold wolf wolfhound wolfram wolfsbane wolverine woman womanhood womanish womankind womanlike womanly womb wombat womenfolk won wonder wonderful wonderland wonderment wondrous wont wonted woo wood woodbine woodchopper woodchuck woodcock woodcraft woodcut woodcutter wooded wooden woodenware woodland woodlot woodman woodnote woodpecker woodpile woodruff woodshed woodsman woodsy woodwind woodwork woody woodyard wooer woof wool woolen woolgathering woolly woolsack woozy word wordbook wording wordplay wordy wore work workable workaday workbag workbasket workbench workbook workbox workday worker workhorse workhouse working workingman workman workmanlike workmanship workout workroom workshop worktable world worldling worldly worldwide worm wormhole wormwood worn worrisome worry worrywart worse worsen worship worshipful worst worsted wort worth worthless worthwhile worthy would wound wove woven wrack wraith wrangle wrap wraparound wrapper wrapping wrasse wrath wrathful wreak wreath wreathe wreck wreckage wrecker wren wrench wrest wrestle wrestling wretch wretched wriggle wriggler wring wringer wrinkle wrist wristband wristlet wristwatch writ write writer writhe writing wrong wrongdoer wrongful wrongheaded wrongly wrote wroth wrought wrung wry wryneck wurst x xebec xenia xenon xenophobia xeric xerophilous xerophthalmia xerophyte xylem xylophone y yacht yachting yachtsman yahoo yak yam yammer yank yanqui yap yard yardage yardarm yardman yardmaster yardstick yarn yarrow yaw yawl yawn yaws yclept ye yea yean yeanling year yearbook yearling yearlong yearly yearn yearning yeast yeasty yell yellow yellowish yelp yen yeoman yeomanry yes yesterday yesteryear yet yew yield yielding yodel yoga yogi yogurt yoke yokel yolk yon yonder yore you young youngish youngling youngster younker your yours yourself youth youthful yowl ytterbium yttrium yuan yucca yule yuletide yummy z zany zeal zealot zealous zebra zebu zed zeitgeist zenana zenith zephyr zeppelin zero zest zigzag zinc zing zinnia zip zipper zippy zircon zirconium zither zloty zodiac zombie zonal zone zoo zoogeography zooid zoology zoom zoomorphism zoophyte zoospore zounds zucchetto zwieback zygote zymase