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The guys from O-Town, previous 'Making the Band' winners, stopped back by AOL Live. They chatted about their new single, 'We Fit Together,' current tour with Britney Spears and more. See what they had to say below!

Scroll down to read the full 12.4.01 transcript...

LiveBronwyn:  All right, all you O-Town fans in AOL land, are you ready for Dan, Erik, Trevor, Ashley and Jacob? I hope you are, because they are here and ready to chat. Welcome to AOL Live, O-Town! How are you all doing tonight?

Dan:  Good.

Erik Michael:  What's up? We're doing good.

LiveBronwyn:  Good. It's great to have you on AOL with us tonight. I have to start by saying you have had fans in this chat room from as early as 2:00PM this afternoon. Such dedication. Do you guys feel the love?

Dan: I think that we definitely feel love from our fans. Ever since the beginning, they've been with us, and they've been really helping us and really giving us a spot in this business, because they stuck with us when we sucked, pretty much. And now it's come full circle, and we get to pay them back.

LiveBronwyn: All right. So what's going on in O-Town land? You're on tour with pop's reigning princess, Miss Spears. What's it like to be on that tour?

Erik Michael:  It's amazing being able to go out every night and perform in front of thousands of fans who primarily are there to see Britney Spears end up cheering for us. It's a good feeling.

LiveBronwyn:  Great. Let's see, we have a question from a member, Sarebear 504 says: Hey, guys. First, I want to congratulate you on all your success. Are you planning another U.S. tour for the next year? Back in June, I saw you guys in concert, and it was amazing. I hope to see you guys again soon. Love you, Sarah.

Dan:  We're going right after Christmas overseas for a while, tour overseas, and as far as any other tours in the U.S. go, we're waiting until we get some more material on another album and get that together before we make any plans. But as soon as that album gets put together, I mean, the tour is very -- you know, very quick to follow.

LiveBronwyn:  Great. Great. And I've heard you mention in prior interviews that you were going to work on the second album while on the road. Have you been working on it? What's that like, working on it while on the road?

Erik Michael:  Working on the second album is awesome, just being able to be very creative -- and we've learned so much in a year, putting all the skills that we've learned, you know, in a couple years that we've been doing this to use and actually going in and creating, you know, our thoughts and putting them on paper.

LiveBronwyn:  Have you been doing a lot of writing? Like what majority of the songs have you guys written?

Dan:  Actually, a majority of the things that have come towards the album so far have been by us, and that's been the main thing that has been getting the record company pumped. They've been kind of taking things from us and going, really moving off that to see what direction we want to go and what material they kind of bring towards us. So it's mainly been us so far. But, you know, we're also not going to -- the execs at the record company will bring us songs that are good for us and basically very good for the album as well.

LiveBronwyn:  LittleOTownCutie5 wants to know: What kind of sound are you going for on your next album?

Erik Michael:  Actually, hold on.

LiveBronwyn:  Take your time.

Erik Michael:  Yeah, I think the next album is definitely going to be going the same direction that our first album went in, and that was keeping it versatile and keeping it eclectic, from the rock to the pop to the hip-hop. We're going to touch on all of them and hopefully create a better album than the first one, because we have matured, and maybe show some growth, because that's what we pride ourselves on, is being able to learn from our mistakes and grow from them.

LiveBronwyn:  Oh, that's great. Let's see, speaking of like working on a new album, you've also got a new season of 'Making the Band' coming out. What can we expect from that? What's changed now that you're on MTV?

Dan:  Ashley walked into my room, so I'll relay messages. Once again, sorry?

LiveBronwyn:  The question was, what can we expect from the next season of 'Making the Band'? What's changed now that you're on MTV? What can you guys do that you couldn't do before?

Dan:  Ashley says that a lot has changed. He's saying that, you know, just being on a music-related network changes the type of footage that they're going to air, and it opens us up to an entirely new demographic. Yeah, I got it all.

LiveBronwyn:  OK. Well, speaking of 'Making the Band,' do you guys watch yourself on 'Making the Band'? Or does that make you uncomfortable?

Erik Michael:  We've really gotten past a television show, and we really fully concentrated on our music and making that work. And, you know, we watched the television show before it goes out, and I guess that's about it. We kind of treat it like old graduation footage -- you only want to watch it once.

LiveBronwyn:  I understand that. OK, we have some questions from our Kids Only members as well. Cynthia says: What is your favorite cologne, and why? Any of you can field that one.

Dan:  Ashley, what's your favorite cologne?

Erik Michael:  Trevor says Chrome or Polo Sport.

LiveBronwyn:  All right. Anyone else want to throw in on that one?

Dan:  Dan says he doesn't wear cologne, but girls always comment on the smell of his deodorant.

Erik Michael:  Ditto.

LiveBronwyn:  You must be using a good deodorant there. You might want to share that with other people later.

Dan:  It's a secret.

LiveBronwyn:  Oh, OK. Let's see, I saw an e-mail that you had put together for your street team members, and it gave us a couple tidbits to look forward to. It said Ashley had a new hair color. People want to know what color it is.

Dan:  What's the question?

LiveBronwyn:  They want to know what color Ashley's hair is.

Dan:  Ashley, they want to know what hair color you've got.

Erik Michael:  He'll say auburn.

Dan:  He says auburn.

LiveBronwyn:  What do you say?

Dan:  The rest of us say -- I would say it definitely was very blond for a second. Ashley just says he was experimenting, that's all.

LiveBronwyn:  Gotcha. OK. The e-mail also said that Jacob... is Jacob there, or is he still missing?

Erik Michael:  He's still missing.

LiveBronwyn:  It says Jacob has two new tattoos. What are they?

Dan:  They're on the butt.

Erik Michael:  He has two new tattoos, one on the backside of his forearm, right above the elbow.

LiveBronwyn:  OK.

Erik Michael:  It's two of the same symbols. The symbol is --

Dan:  Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

Erik Michael:  And Trinity rings.

LiveBronwyn:  How many does that make total? Do we know?

Erik Michael:  One with the cross. I think he counts the one on his back as one. I'm going to go one, and two on his... yeah, three.

LiveBronwyn:  OK. Also in that e-mail, Erik, it says you have changed your personal taste... We added Jacob. Hi, Jacob. Glad you can join us.

Jacob:  Hey.

LiveBronwyn: Back to Erik for a second. It said, Erik, you've changed your personal taste and style. What can we expect? Give us at least a hint.

Erik Michael: Can you repeat the question?

LiveBronwyn:  Yeah. In that e-mail, it said that you have changed your personal taste and style. What can we expect? I guess it's trying to say you changed your style.

Erik Michael:  No, I don't necessarily think I've changed my style. I've just been able to express myself the way I've always expressed myself.

LiveBronwyn:  All right. Let's see, Ashley'sAngel827, one of our members, says: Hey, guys, I was just wondering, what's your favorite part of touring with Britney so far? Thanks a lot, and she loves you.

Dan:  Jake? Jake?

Jacob:  Yeah.

Dan:  Want to take that one?

Jacob:  Nope.

Dan:  Nope? All right. I think the best part about it for us is we do get to go out in front of 20,000 people a night. And it opens us up. I mean, it's good exposure for us, being on, you know, one of the -- the biggest tour out this year, probably, and it's going to be one of the biggest, because of her status. It's a very good opportunity for us, and I think it's just good that we get to take advantage of that.

LiveBronwyn:  All right. Over here in AOL land, we were wondering... you used to have an e-mail address where fans could write you and you write back. Do you still have that address, and do you still have time to write back?

Dan:  Ashley is over here saying that -- he says that most of our e-mails are given to us through the fan club. And if we write, usually e-mail's written and sent out through the fan club, through the president of the fan club or our main Web page,

LiveBronwyn:  Do you guys think that getting your start through 'Making the Band' has helped or hurt you among your peers in the music industry? Have they been receptive of you, the music industry?

Jacob:  As far as our peers in the music industry, I only think it could hurt at the beginning, because it's kind of like an invasion, and it's something different. You know, we were the first band of our kind. But I think after all the hard work, and still, continually, we're earning that respect.

LiveBronwyn:  All right. OTownsAngel1555 -- going back to touring and doing the show and making an album, she wants to know which do you like better, being in the studio recording music or being on tour and doing shows?

Erik Michael:  I think we love every aspect of it, from being in the studio and being creative -- and, you know, expressing your feelings through song and having them on the disc so you can play it in your car, I mean, that's just an incredible feeling. But it's still invigorating to be on stage in front of 20,000 people. And, you know, even with the television show, we've been given an outlet to really talk to our fans and, you know, everyone who watches the show, all the real people. We love every aspect of it. It's an incredible opportunity we've been given.

LiveBronwyn:  Speaking of dealing with fans and being out there in front of them, how do you feel when you are confronted by them and they tell you how strongly they feel about you or how you've changed their life or how you've influenced them? How does that make you feel?

Jacob:  Honestly, for me, and I think for the rest of the guys, that's part of our inspiration, because the show becomes overwhelming at times, and when we get approached with those comments of how we inspired somebody or changed somebody's life, that's what keeps it worthwhile for us.

LiveBronwyn:  Let's see. DisneyMackGirl, a member, says: Aloha, guys. Just curious, what is one song you guys have written or performed that you would love to do a remake of?

Erik Michael:  There's a lot of them. Know that whatever song we do, we would have to be able to do it and add our own twist on it. So we'd be very selective with the song. It's not an easy question.

LiveBronwyn: You've got a large fan base out here in AOL, and they chat a lot on the message boards, and they have little chat rooms and stuff. Do you guys ever surf the Internet, possibly AOL or anywhere else, to see what people are saying, or do you kind of stay away from that?

Dan:  We don't have a lot of time to check out the fan sites. But I know that a lot of guys have this -- I know our moms keep up with it quite regularly, and they tend to every once in a while fill us in. But we don't concern ourselves too much with it. We try to do whatever, and the Internet is a beast in its own, you know. Things are going to get spread a heck of a lot faster than they ever could just because of that. Mom keeps us informed.

LiveBronwyn:  So she keeps you informed of the rumors. What's the wildest rumor you've heard about yourself?

Dan:  I remember I heard a rumor that me and Jacob had a joint wedding. We had a joint wedding.

LiveBronwyn:  Who were you getting married to?

Dan:  Our girlfriends at the time. It was just funny. Why we would have a joint wedding, I don't know. And it said where the honeymoon was. It was a very planned-out rumor. It was very funny to us.

Continued from page 1

LiveBronwyn:  On the note of like rumors and inside tidbits, what's your worst habit?

Dan:  Ashley's saying that he's late a lot.

LiveBronwyn:  We saw that tonight.

Dan:  Yes.

LiveBronwyn:  If you have these bad habits, do you have any New Year's resolutions to fix them, or what are your New Year's resolutions?

Dan:  I actually have two relatively small ones. I want to keep learning how to play the guitar, keep practicing and improve on what I already know on the guitar, and I want to also get back in the gym and start working out a lot more, start eating healthier and living a healthier lifestyle.

LiveBronwyn:  Great. Anybody else got a New Year's resolution they want to share?

Erik Michael:  Continue to work as hard. Actually, to work harder than I did last year.

LiveBronwyn:  You want to make yourself better there, Erik, huh?

Erik Michael: Mm-hmm.

LiveBronwyn:  That takes us to the holidays. What are you guys planning for the holidays? I know Britney's tour ends on the 21st. What else is going on after that for the holidays that you guys get to do?

Jacob: Most of our holidays are spent working. We get to go home for a while, then we're coming to New York City for New Year's to perform on the MTV stage.

LiveBronwyn:  Wow. That will be big.

Jacob:  Yeah, we're looking forward to that, actually.

LiveBronwyn:  Great.

Jacob:  Then we'll be heading overseas to Europe to tour for about six weeks.

LiveBronwyn:  All right, so you don't get a lot of downtime with the family, huh?

Jacob:  Not as much as we want.

LiveBronwyn:  I remember that from last season.

Jacob:  It's pretty much the same.

LiveBronwyn: When you get to go home and you see your families and you see your friends, do people treat you different, or do your families treat you different, or are you the same hometown guys you were before?

Dan:  I think it's always awkward for about five minutes, and then everything is always the same. You know, your friends and family are the people that keep us grounded, and they're the ones that really make us want to stay the people we were before we left. We don't want to ever go home and somebody say, "Man, you guys changed a lot," because that's not good. The only thing we want to do is grow, that's it. We don't want to change and upset people that know us well.

LiveBronwyn:  Right. OK. OK, guys, here's your chance. It's getting near Christmas. What do you want under the tree this year?

Dan:  Ashley says days off. Ashley says days off. I didn't really ask -- my mom asked me what I want. I couldn't tell her anything.

Erik Michael:  I really have no wants. I have everything I want, because I'm doing what I love to do every day, and I get to make people happy. So I mean, honestly, I don't have to ask for anything for Christmas forever.

LiveBronwyn:  That's a great answer. Another one of our Kids Only members, Kony, says: What is your favorite song on your CD?

Erik Michael: 'All or Nothing.'

LiveBronwyn:  Why is that?

Erik Michael:  It's extremely relatable. I'm sure it's relatable to our fans, but it's also relatable to us, because we actually live on the road. Most of our relationships happen over the phone, whether it be our mom or girlfriends or just our friends. And just the line, just one simple telephone call, it means so much to us. I'm sure it means a lot to the fans too, but it really holds a special place in our hearts.

LiveBronwyn:  It's one of my favorite songs. Since you brought it up, Erik, the ladies all want to know who is single. I looked in on the chat rooms all day, and that question kept popping up. So who is single?

Jacob:  Trevor.

LiveBronwyn:  Trevor is single, or Trevor is answering?

Dan:  Trevor is single.

LiveBronwyn:  Is that the only one speaking up?

Dan:  We're all dating, and some of us are taken. But you know, it is very tough, what we do, and our relationships are unorthodox, and any relationship that we're in is hard. So we just take it day to day.

LiveBronwyn:  Cheer8681 wants to know if you're planning to release any more singles before your new album comes out.

Jacob:  We are, as of right now. There was talk of another single. But as of right now, we're going to move forward with recording the second record.

LiveBronwyn:  Great.

Jacob: We want to get something out new from that as soon as April.

LiveBronwyn: I know everyone's looking forward to that new CD. But how's the response been to your new DVD, the 'Live From New York' CD you put out, I think it was on the 27th?

Erik Michael:  The fans, with their incredible demand, have allowed us to go gold, which is very, very cool. We want to take the time to thank them so very much, because getting on stage is a big part of who we are. And, you know, people got a dose of the album, and now they're really getting a dose of us and why we -- why O-Town is where O-Town is right now.

LiveBronwyn:  What plans do you guys have for the future outside of O-Town? Did you want to do -- I read that some of you possibly wanted to do acting and branching out. So if you weren't doing O-Town right now, what would you be focusing on?

Dan: Ashley's nodding his head yes to acting. He says that's something he definitely wants to get into. I know myself and pretty much everybody else wants to involve themselves more in the writing process and producing. And the rest of the things will just have to iron themselves out as time goes.

LiveBronwyn:  All right. What can we expect from your show? I know I'm personally going to the one in December here in D.C., and it's the last show of the tour. What can I expect to see? I'm assuming you'll be singing 'All or Nothing.' Other than that, what can I expect to see from you guys?

Jacob:  You can expect just a very torn-down show. It's us, up close and personal with our band on a very small, intimate stage, and it's high energy the entire time. It's really focused on the music.

LiveBronwyn:  Great. So we get to see you guys running around singing your hearts out, huh?

Jacob:  Oh, yeah. Screaming, singing, dancing and sweating. It's a great time.

LiveBronwyn:  Great. Let's see. You're in New York right now. What are you working on in New York? You have a show coming up?

Erik Michael:  We have Madison Square Garden tomorrow with Britney Spears. We've been doing lots of promotion. Of course, if you're in New York, you always do promotion and press and things like that. The majority of the reason why we're here is just for the Britney show in Madison Square Garden.

LiveBronwyn:  Touring with Britney, I'm sure, has been a big excitement. Has it been all you dreamt it would be? You had the smaller tour of your own before that, then you hopped on with Britney. How has that transitioned? I was about to say, Trevor, you were excited when I saw you on MTV last weekend.

Erik Michael:  Trevor says, "Oh, God!"

LiveBronwyn:  I heard him.

Erik Michael:  He said it was a blast, it is a blast, and she's very, very nice.

LiveBronwyn:  Do you guys get to see her as much as you want to?

Jacob:  Do you get to see her as much as you want? He gets to see her.

LiveBronwyn:  He made the comment he has to see her about once a week. I thought that was funny. It's been great having you guys on. We're coming to the end here. What do you want to tell your fans, or what do you want everyone in AOL land to know before you go?

Dan:  First of all, we just want to thank every single person who came and decided to talk with us today. We want to apologize for those of you who we didn't get to answer, and we hope to answer your questions next time we get a chance to talk. And I'd like to say thank you for your undying loyalty to a cause, because we really feel that music is our cause, and we have a job to do, and that's to get better and better. And we just thank the fans for being there for us.

Erik Michael:  Watch for us on tour. Watch for the new album and 'Making the Band' in January on MTV.

LiveBronwyn:  Great. I know you've got 'We Fit Together' out there as a single, and it's still a single on 'TRL.' Definitely the fans should promote the items for you, make it bigger. It's been so great having you guys out there. I'm so glad you joined us. You can get back to your Billboard Awards and see what is going on. I look forward to chatting with you again. Thank you very much.

Dan:  Bye. Have a good night.

Erik Michael: Bye.

Copyright 2001 America Online, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Portions of this transcript may be edited by AOL to correct spelling, punctuation and/or remove any material that violates AOL's Terms of Service. chat, June8,2001

O: All:
What's up, thanks for coming, and we're looking foward to answering a lot of questions!
J: I am doing a lot better, walking around pretty much fine, but can't pick up anything yet. I'm going to join the guys on the road and start singing again, but I won't be able to dance for a little while.
Who inspires you guys to be in this industry?
T: Before we all had individual inspirations as far as music, but now, we kind of inspire each other...
What is the food they hate most in the world?
A: I hate sweet potatoes. Trevor hates beets, sour cream and guacamole. Erik also hates olives. Dan hates lime beans.
J: Peas! I hated when my typical mom said you can't leave the table until you eat your peas! Put em all in your mouth, go to the bathroom and spit em out!
Do you ever wish you guys were together longer before you were forced into the spotlight?
E: Yes...I don't think things would be the same but if we hadn't been rushed into the spotlight this week, but's its very special to be a part of something that no one has ever been a part of...
The cameras were in your face a lot, and we saw a lot of private moments, did you have any input for the editing of the show?
D: We had none at all. You know we knew that we were on camera all the time, so we knew that everything we did was documented, and that's the price we pay. We can't put everything into an episode, we realize that, and we just hope the fans realize that as well.
T: If we had editing rights, there would be no content in the story at all, just party stuff!
what is in your cd player right now? What music do you enjoy listening to?
E:I actually have the unreleased copy of the Dr. Dolittle 2 soundtrack. Trevor has the same...We happen to have a song on that soundtrack called We Fit Together and it also incorporates a bunch of other great artists, Product G&B, Luther Vandross, Deborah Cox, and great newcomers...
D: I have a group called City High. (in his CD player) They were on MTV today.
Ok here's you're chance to prove who the ladies man of the group is...(what's a good)pick up line...c'mon!!!"
Pick up lines are corny! You just go up and try to start a normal conversation.
J:I second that.
A:I don't think any of us would use an acutal pickup line unless it was a joke.
D:I'd much rather have a girl come and try to pick me up.
What advice would you give to kids who want to grow up and be a star like you?
J: Don't ever think that becoming a star is going to make you happy and fix all your problems. It gives you more actually. In some cases.

A: I'm looking foward to being out on our summer tour. I think for me one of my favorites thing is to be out on the road. We get to perform every night, that's the greatest experience. I can't wait to get out on the road this summer.
What's your favorite song to perform?
E: Lately we've been getting such a great reaction from All or Nothing, and it's been very powerful to perform.
J: Love should be a crime
T: When we're out on tour I think my favorite to perform is Girl
What's your new single and video going to be?
D: We're still in the midst of figuring all that out. Our focus now is All or Nothing, then we'll go from there, and see what everyone is looking for from us, and then we'll probably do the opposite.
Would u rather eat a hamster, be naked on MTV, or be attacked by a hundred raving old girlfriends? btw, we love you, we saw you on GMA! We tried to see you, and we had VIP passes, but we weren't allowed in. We still love you though.
J: Ooohh, those all suck! You need at least ONE good answer
D: Knowing Trevor I doubt he would have any problem going on MTV naked.
T: That's cause Dan couldn't get one girlfriend, let alone 100!
What has been the most memorable concert you have done?
T:I'd have to say the Hammerstein Ballroom in NYC, when we received our platnium album from Clive Davis. Clive came on stage and interrupted our show to present us with our first platinum album.
E: It would have to be our first Good Morning America. That was one of the turning points where people really started recognizing us for our talent, not because we were on a television show.
Hey guys! what's the weirdest, craziest, most attention getting sign a fan has ever held up at a concert?
T: There have been a lot of them...Jacob I want you to take me under your wood... Trevor I want 2 69 you...there are quite a few! Dan Do Me...It did throw me off and I did mix the next couple of dance moves.
Jacob, are you planning to do more writing?
D: All of us are definitely planning on doing more writing, we came together really fast so we didn't have enough time, but now we are taking our time to make ours songs have more of an impact on the next album.
If you could be remembered for just one thing, what would u want it to be?
E: I just want to leave people saying that Erik impacted my life in a positve way.
T: I just want to be remembered for my determination and drive.
A: I want to be remembered as inspirational.
I heard a rumor about you and BSB being friends, is that true?
A: We're not really friends, we're acquaintances with a lot of the groups. We've seeen them here and there, we actually presented an award to them on stage. We don't go hang out or anything, we're defintely acquaintances, and have passed each other at certain award shows.
What do you guys think about Napster?
T: When I was in college I was all about napster.
A:I think if napster could be regulated so it didn't hurt the songwriter, then it would be a great thing. The only bad thing about napster is the way it takes away from the art of the songwriter. And that's how they make their living.
Are you guys going to watch yourself on TV tonight?
D: Of course, unfortunately we are going to be performing at 8 pm. Hopefully we'll catch the second half hour of us. We make sure we catch every episode, we want to know how big of idiots we look like, or if we are going to look like idiots
How do you feel abot ABC pulling MTB from the schedule during May sweeps?
E: It's disappointing, very...It was really an ego hurt, we put a lot of time and effort into the show, to have them pull it at such a time when we could prove ourselves, was disappointing. At the same time, we're not telelveison stars, we're musicians, and if that's how the televison show is going to go, we're still going to be O-town.
I'm listening to Sensitive. Who's the most sensitive in the group?
O: Trevor! has beeing a star affected your life?
A: In so many ways it would be hard to say, but one of the main changes now is that we get recognized a lot and the fact we can go anywhere in the world, places we've never been, and people know all about us. From making the band, or they know the music, and that's a weird thing to go someplace you've never been and have people know who you are.
What animal would best describe u and why?
E: I think I'd definitely be a dolphin.
T: I think I'd be a little cub cause like they said I'm all sensitive and cuddly
A: I'd be some kind of bird, I'm not sure what kind, any kind other than a penguin and a woodpecker.
T: I'm going to give Jacob an animal, he would be a tiger, something that is very self involved and could live on it's own and fend for itself.
D: I'm going to get kind of deep, I'm kind of like a peacock, in the beginning I'm not much to look at, but once i open up...
Sixers or Lakers?
E: Sixers all the way! This is Trevor.
T: That was not Trevor...I'm all about the Lakers.
D: Everybody in the group besides Trevor is rooting for the Sixers just to see how Trevor will react.
A: Ever since Dan found out he could do a great impression of Dikembe Mutumbo I've fallen in love with the Sixers.
J: Lakers
Who spends the most thinking and looking at theirself in the mirror?
T: We all do. None of us can walk by a mirror without looking at it!
Do your songs have any special meanings to you?
A: Each time we start a new song we put everything we have into it, whether it's a song we're written or one we're just going to record.
D: But only to a certain extent right now, on this album, a lot of the songs on this album aren't ours. So we have to do songs from a totally different place than we would as a writer.
What is the most important thing you learned in this whole experience?
E: One thing we've learned out of this experiece, is that there is no limitation as what we can accomplish, and there is no limitiation to our way of thinking. We have all evolved since the process began and we continue to. And I didn't know I could do that
What's your favorite holiday?
T: 4th of July
This question is for Dan: Have u every felt out of place in the group- that you didn't belong as much as the other guys did, since you weren't picked the first tine around?
D: Actually I did to be honest. But it was a growing process and I also knew I wasn't going to fit in right away because they had bonded over a long period of time. It was just a matter of taking my time until I felt totally comfortable.
Who spends the most time in the shower?
E: I think I do. I do a lot of singing in the shower. Actually I do a lot of my songwriting in the shower.
What aspect do each of you bring to O-Town?
T: I think I bring a certain aspect in rehersal as to wanting to get stuff done and really pushing the guys to work and being on their a game when they come to rehearsals.
I feel like I bring a certain "musicality" because I played piano from a very young age and also play guitar and that comes in handy not only playing some songs on our album, but also being able to write with the group and separately.
D:I think maybe I bring a certain middle ground, a voice of reason sometimes
How do you pick who gets to be the painter?
T: We actually pick from the ground, our manager goes out ahead of time and picks the girls.
Will there be a third season of MTB?
A: We don't know because they have the option of seven seasons if they want.
It just depends on how well the band does this season and also depends on if ABC doesn't pick a third season, there is a possibility MTV might
Is O-town making another album and when is it due to come out?
E: We are going to make another album, we're currently writing it now to submit material to Clive. But when that will happen, we have no idea, because All or Nothing is doing so well. And we also did a song for the Dr. Doolittle 2 soundtrack which could be a single, so it's going to be awhile till another album
Has Ashley gotten any better with putting away bowls?
O: No!
What were the guys like in high school? quiet? jock?
T: I was just Mr.Everything. I loved school, I was an athlete, I was in theater, I was an extra curricular man. I had hundreds of friends, high school was the greatest time of my life.
E: I was a partier. I was involved in extra curricular activities but for the most part I just loved the social atmosphere of high school.
D: I guess I was kind of a quiet guy, but everyone knew me, I was quiet and kind of a teacher's pet, but I was real into sports and music and stuff.
Do you guys actually watch MTB?
O: We always watch it, there isn't an episode we haven't seen more than once. It's interesting for us to see how they edit it together. They shoot roughly 200 hours a week and they have to turn it into a 22 minute story. It's interesting.
Do any of you consider yourself Bootylicious?
T: I don't think Booty's are tasty at all!
E: I second!
Do any of you have tattoos?
O: Jacob has one on his lower back, that's it.
Is the fame everything you expected?
E: fame is a lot more than people expect it to be, especially in our business, it's a lot of work. it's great that people listen to our music, but there are a lot of problems and stress that you would never think of, and it does have a negative effect on you sometimes
What song will always get you up onto the dancefloor?
A: bille jean by Michael Jackson
T: rump shaker by wrecks and effects
D: it takes two by rob base
E: anything by notorious B.I.G.
how was it like when you receive your gold and platnium awards 2 days in a row when you were in Toronto?
O: it was actually captured by the cameras, and it will be cool for the fans to see one of our dreams come true, it happened in Canada first, and then in New York.
do you prefer playing to a teenage crowd, or to an older 20s?
T: it doesn't really matter, we just like preforming in general to any crowd. a young crowd has a certain energy, an older crowd has a different one, a crowd full of dudes has another one. we just love performing.
ha What do u guys think of photo shoots and promotional stuff like that?
J: we understand it is a big part of the industry now to always do press, so it's a major part of what we do, but it's not as fun as getting on stage, it's just part of our work
have you every tried snowboarding before?
A: oh yeah, and Jacob did too. we're trying to get a snowboarding retreat in the mountans somewhere so we can get our minds straight, next time we have some free time
Happy early b-day Ashley! are u excited to be finally turing twenty?
A: Thank u very much! and I am very exctied to be turing 20, I can't believe this last year passed so quickly... I'm not a teenageer anymore so that means no more excuses. I can't use a lot of excuses I've been using!
What star do u look up to or have a crush on?
A: I've had a crush on Terry who played Lois Lane in the TV series Superman. I'venever met her.
T: Elizabeth Shue from Adventures in Babysitting, when I was about 8 yrs old, and I haven't met her either.
E: Tiffani Amber-Theissen from Saved by the Bell. And when I met her, it was incredible because she knew my name! And the crush actually got bigger
T: We'd like to thank everyone for joining us and asking us such good questions. we're looking foward to next week and hope you guys enjoy the show tonight
All: thanks and we love you!
E: peace!
D: sayanara
A: Until next time!
T: Hasta Luego!
E: Adios!
T: see ya!
E: until next time!
A: I said that!
O:Thanks for joining us guys
Chat with the guys every Friday night in JUNE!! Go to for more info! Chats begin at 9:00pm eastern/pacific. (8:00pm central)
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