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*January 20, 2002*

-Chapter 11 of In Your Hands has been posted!! :) Join my new Yahoo! Mailing List for frequent updates!

-New song of the week coming soon.

-Change of update list. Read below for instructions on how to join! =)

Hey guys!! Well as you know "Listbot" is shutting down its free services so that means that I am finding a new home, just like every other Listbot user out there. =) So I've moved my list to Yahoo!, and this means that all new members AND all old members as well MUST register to my new list at Yahoo. This is how:

Subscribe to Orangegenie3
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Wait for the registration email to appear in your mailbox, and simply reply to the email. Thank ya. =) Simple enough, right? ;)

If you do not want to join at Yahoo! but would still like to receive updates about the site via email, please email me at OraNgE and you will be placed on an "email only" list. If possible though, please subscribe with Yahoo! Thank you. =)


*Always follow your heart and let your heart fulfill your dreams*

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