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Name: Jay

AKA: Jumbo Freak

Jay was a pretty normal guy for the majority of his life. What happened, you ask? One day, while walking to his job as a cat food tester, Jay was bitten by a radioactive monkey that had escaped from a nearby testing facility. For reasons modern medicine cannot explain, Jay ended up with the strength of 100 men, the ability to fly, an invulnerability to most substances (except peanut butter...oops, sorry Jay, that one kinda slipped out) and something the rest of Moneyshot lacks, morals.

Finally having a use for the tights in his closet, Jay donned a mask and fought for truth, justice and the Communist Way as Comrade Bolshevik. Unfortunately, with the fall of Communism, Jay didn't have much to fight for. So, Jay flew to America and worked as a circus strongman.

But the bug bit Jay again, and soon he was a superhero again. Under the psuedonym Jumbo Freak, jay soon rid Chicago and its surrounding suburbs of most of its evil supervillains, except for his arch-nemesis, Dr. German Shepherd. While prowling Burbank for the canine's lair, he over heard Moneyshot practicing. Gliding down to the garage they were practicing in, Jumbo proceeded to punch his way through the wall and devour Moneyshot's old drummer, Dr. Insano (they should have known better). Invested with a supernatural knowledge of Insano's drumming technique, Jumbo picked right up where the band left off.

Jay's interests include modern dance, watercolor painting and bench-pressing CTA buses.

Jay's goals include thanking that monkey for his superhuman abilities (if you know where this monkey is please contact Jay) and ridding the world of the scourge that is Dr. German Shepherd.

Contact Jay