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Moneyshot played O'Malley's on Nov. 28th and, as usual, the show was a resounding success!

The boys played most of their old favorites, and added some new ones for the show. Included in the set were two new Moneyshot originals, "Our Stuff" and "Finally Legal." "Finally Legal" is available on the new Moneyshot four-song EP "Undercover," which sold well at the show. How can you beat a $5 price tag for the good times and in-your-face rock that a Moneyshot cd provides?

In the grand Moneyshot tradition, fans who stuck around got to hear an impromptu jam session. Moneyshot did covers of "Story of My Life," by Social D, "I Wanna Be Your Dog," by Iggy Pop and "Creep," by Radiohead.

Check out the schedule on this website so you can find out how to be the latest casualty in Moneyshot's guerilla war on good music and good taste.

See the pictures here!