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Name: Chris

AKA: "Awesome Bass Solo" Chris

Genetically engineered in the year 3010, Chris was trained to be the perfect assassin. His grueling training regimen included a stint at the Julliard School of Music in New York or somewhere like that. There Chris perfected his awesome bass solos, specializing in the ability to mesmerize his targets. When his prey least expected, chris would strike like a rabid mongoose and disappear into the night air.

However, Chris learned his superiors had targetted him for extermination, due to his refusal to take part in the attempted coup against Emperor Billy Carter XVI. Appropriating a time machine from his masters, Chris escaped to the 1990's.

Once there, Chris joined Rancid, although he has no proof of this. The rest of the band doesn't believe him either, but no one wants to argue with this seething cauldron of rage.

Chris' interests include jai alai, awesome bass solos and staring into space.

Chris' goals include...well, no one actually knows what Chris' goals are. He plays things kind of close to his chest, you know?

Contact Chris