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Name: Bud

AKA: Johnny Switchblade Action Punk

Birthday: April 20

Abandoned by his real parents, Florida Evans of the t.v. show "Good Times" and Emmanuel Lewis, Bud was raised by a kindly family of billy goats in western Arkansas, which explains his manners.

One day, as Bud was practicing his innate musical ability by banging on a turtle shell by the creek, Dr. Sigmund freud, the Father of Psychology, took note of the man the local papers, well the Weekly World News anyway, had dubbed, "The Billygoat Boy." Dr. Freud taught young Bud to speak, to read, indeed to appreciate the finer things in life.

Bud traveled the world, hobnobbing with the elite. For this, the elite obtained a restraining order. Crushed, Bud soon found new meaning in his love of music. While in the Himalayas, perfecting his Buddhist chants, Bud had a vision.

Hopping the next bus to America (money was tight in those days), Bud placed an ad in the personals section of a local newspaper. After Chris, Jay, John and Scott showed up and began drinking all his beer, they decided, in a drunken stupor, to start a band. Each of them drew a slip of paper out of a hat to see what instrument he would play. And thus Moneyshot was born.

Bud's interests include Ultimate Fighting, Ancient Sanskrit and pants.

Bud's goals include one day singing like Maurice Chevalier (in fact, the band sometimes calls him Maurice; sometimes they call him Space Cowboy or Gangster of Love, too) and owning pants.

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