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  • Welcome 2 The Bassment The Kradels Banner & Linx Exchange here is where you can linx to The Kradel you will find Her Banners/Linxs below with Istuctions on conditions K?

    "If your banners not here And you wanted posted In the Bassment just please email me at

  • With Attention Makatt In the Subject line

    I'll Check it out & If it meets my approvel This where it will be found K? It's Kina Under Going Some MAJOR Reconstucion Please Excess The Mess But It Will Be Rocking In No Time!

    I'm Soooo... Glad You Found The Bassment! In The process of Updating it as of May 2012

    Attention !!

    There mite be some adult content In my site such as language only in the music.& Im not resonable for what others have on there Sites! Wanted you to know the facts....... So e-mail if you have any problems or disputes with my site. Also if I have any broke links Please let me know!
    Thank you : §~ =^..^= ~§

    YOUR NOW IN THE KRADEL BASSMENT! Have YOU SEEN ITS ATTIC? IT ROCKS EVEN HARDER! Just Click On One of the Kradels Banners & Your There!

  • Lots of Links I've found 4 U !
  • Hope Thease pages are helpfull 2 all There for things I have found to help out Not Only Musicians & Lyricest & MUSIC LOVERS!! (Song Writters)ect...ect by the way Do you write I would love to here from you ! Now On to The Linxs!

    You can either go page by page like your on Webtv/MsnTv now are use this Drop Down to Go Direct.

    §~Kradels Banners~§

    "Soooo U wont 2 linx to the Kradel?" Thats Kool..

    But please Please Trasload Gif 2 your Server as AF dose Not allow direct linxing! are find you a site like Photo Bucket are mabe yahoo? I'll povided a couple of linxs as such for you at the bottom k?

    And as far as Your banners I anit got anymore space to upload here Angelfire Only gives me 20Mb Im at 19.9 now!

    sooo I'll have to dirtecly link to your banner (sorry about that) so please make sure where ever your banner is I can linx to it!

    & There's just 1 more thing I take pride In my site & how she looks so If 4 ANY reason your banners stop showing up here First I'll email you And tell you the prb you have 3dazs to contact me If I dont hear from you it will be removed k? well seem like alot here but nit really just want to have & keep this Awsome site Rocking Hard!

    Just Click Linx Below .....Please Allow Banners 2 Load.... just CCP and for any reason the codes stop working Please let me know...... thanks.......=^..^= (((( MEOW ))))

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