Dayzee's Review of PopOdyssey


Okay, the opening acts were OK. Tonya Mitchell, can you say Britney wannabe!! Lil' Romeo okay. BBmak Awesome with a capital A.

Then right at 9:00 after 2 hours of being yelled at by Steve Fatone for not being loud enough they start the whole Pop thing with Joey and then the monk thing. That seemed ot take 4ever. But when they finally came out they had on the coolest punl outfits with spray painted words on them. I recall JC having D&G and Justin had Dirty Pop on theirs.

Then they do the TUMH/IWYB REMIX. They are on the right side of the stage during most of this and that takes them into GMHS and if you ask me I think they shortened it some. Justin didn't start singing first JC did and then they went into the courus and Justin ended it the way he used to on the Ain't no stoppin' us now tour.

Next is the song ?the 2 of us? or someting like you? I'm not recalling the name. This is when they are on the stairs that come down from the middle of the screen, I think. They are on this little escalator thing that takes them to the bottom of the stage and then they dance. I reallly liked this song it had slow parts and then it would be fast enough to dance to. They did this cool thing with there hands, they held like peace signs for 2 and waved them around. You'll see if you go.

The funny horse thing was next Lance talking about all this crazy stuff and Chris looking like a ghetto cowboy with this way to small hat and a huge gun. They go thorough this thing and you see the guys dressed up like cowboys and they are take pictures all over the place. One is in front of the golden arches and some other ones are at NSYNC concerts, during those they are holding up signs and so are some girls behind them, so use your binoculars to read the small stuff.

Of course now is Space Cowboy and they some out of the top of the stage on the cables. Justin was in the back at the begining and then moved to the left side and JC on the right. They then are dropped on the high stage and dance to that for a little. They then slowwly get back up on the stage, not before dances on the catwalk a little. Then comes the part I had been waiting for, the BULLS!!!!!!!!! Let me tell you, JC was really into it. Chris was sooo funny he was acting like such a fool. Justin was on the far left then I think it was Joey, JC, Chris and Lance across the stage. That was just awesome. I'm almost speechless.

Then they end that song and Chris stays out he pretened to stick his head in the bull's rear end and says someting like, don't go in there, it was funny. He then talks about this being the first and last time he ever wears chaps. He then proceeds to do the srtip tease, while the mother in front of us covers her 9 yr olds eyes. He lays down and jiggles around.

TIPY is next, now I am wondering if at the beginning of the song when Justin was singing if he was having hand held mic problems. We could barely hear him through the first verse of the song. I could tell that he was messing with his ear pieces and the volume around his waist. He had to finish the song using his other around the ear mic? Kinda sad. This version was the Grammy version and it was beautifull. The crowd was funny becasue they still sang it the old way out of habit!!

The B&W footage for Gone was amazing. Right before Justin starts singing the song the screen shows a closeup of him with a tear in his eye. This alnog with the remarkably beautiful song brought tears to my eyes. He sings almost the entire song lead. During the song they are sitting on these steps that resembled the back of the first CD case. They show a clip of the guys trying to cheer Justin up. It's pretty funn when Lane (i think) pullls JC's finger!!

IGBM is next. TOYS, TOYS, TOYS, 1,2,3,to the 4, big bouncy balls and girl dancer sums that up. This is when they so the crowd particpation thing. JC and Lance's side yell "Ya'll know that we came to rock" and Joey and Chris say "Give us some of that Dirty Pop". I don;t think that went very well. There was too much ecohing and I couldn't understand the other side when they yelled.

NextI remember the high stage bwing the spot for the next medley of new songs. The one called Fallen that Chris leads in is one of the prettiest new slow songs on the album. This is also when Joey does the fan mai; thing.

Somewhere around here I think is the Celbrity song. I didn't really like this, maybe it was all the girls up there and they were slutty ones too. The vdeo clips were good during this.

JC does the phone conversation thing. His "girlfriend" stands on the stage having a converstaion with him back and forth. All the guys are driving, the best part of this is when Chris and Justin call on three way. Chris is climbing all over the car and Justin is driving a little boat, I can't remember if he had a shirt on during this or not.

Next I think is the most broing part, the " ????? 8 " sorry it was so boring I forgot waht they sauid. This non-NSYNC guy plays a fake piano in a stupid silver suit for a long time.

Next I think was the Back against the wall thing with e the velcro/trampoline thing. Girls were in this too.

Game Over and BBB were the finale songs. The dance for game over is really wierd. And BBB is great as always.

These 5 capsules come on the stage and then the guys climb in and in about a minute they dissappear. Followed by fireworks and you know by this time they are on the tour bus and gone.

Now that I think about it I forgot NSA. Well they sang it and it was rockin.

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