Melissa Johnson took one last sip of her mocha latte, and took a glance at her watch. The glowing light read, “11:48 AM”. ‘Where is he,’ her mind pondered, ‘he was supposed to meet me here half an hour ago!’

Millions of thoughts floated into Melissa’s mind. All--good, bad, happy, sad, etc. He could be hurt, or perhaps....no. Melissa couldn’t imagine....could he?! NOOO!! He loved her and she loved him! He would never....

Her thoughts were interupted by the ringing of her cell phone. ‘It better be him,’thought Melissa, ‘and he better have a good reason for being late!’

“Hello?” Questioned Melissa, in a strong, yet timid voice.

“Missy, is it you?” Asked Justin Randall Timberlake, her since child-hood friend, and longtime lover.

“No....OF COURSE it is me, Justy!! You’re late, so I have been worrying about you, baby!” Melissa’s coice softened as soon as she heard Justin’s soothing voice rush over her.

“I’m sorry babe! You knowhow busy I am...especially with this new album coming out....I got called in...AGAIN!!” Exasperated Justin, who sounded tired, and nnot to mention ANNOYED!

“It’s okay, Justy! As long as you are all right! Next time, though, could you call me earlier? I’ve been sitting here, drinking mocha lattes, and thinking...all ALONE!” Laughed Melissa. She could NEVER stay mad at Justin...she loved and cared about him way too much!!

“I knew you’d understand! Okay, well, Johnny is giving me looks over here, so I’ll call you as soon as possible! Love ya Missy!” Said Justin, finishing with his kisses he always did when he got off the phone with her.

“Okay, Justy! Talk to ya later!” She hung up, yet had a big grin on her face. At least she knew that her baby was safe, working on their (*NSYNC) new album.

Melissa took out her keys, as she headed outside and to her ‘99 Honda Civic. Justin always offered to buy her a new, more sporty car, but she was conservative, and refused to take Justin’s offer. She was a strong minded brunette, who refused to get a big ego because her boy toy was famous. That was one of the many reasons Justin loved her so much.

Melissa turned on the radio and heard the DJ jabbering on about some contest. She rolled her eyes and popped in the new Staind CD, “Break the Cycle.” She may have a popstar BF, but she was a true rocker!! She turned it to “It’s Been Awhile” and put it on full blast.

Melissa was jamming to the tunes, when a certain thought popped into her mind. She had forgotten to ask Justin when he was off work! DuH!! If they were going out later that night, she needed to know WHEN!!

She turned down the music, and pulled out her cell, right as her car crept to a stop at the red light, in the busy intersection. She had memorized Johnny’s work # by heart: 547-6662. Whenever they were in the studio, GF’s and family had to call the “work line” instead of personal #’s...unless it was an emergency. She personally thought the rules were pointless, but followed them anyways!

“Hello?” Asked Johnny’s hearty, “I am ready for business” voice. Melissa loved Johnny...he was a great man!

“Hey Johnny, it’s Melissa! Can I speak to Justin for a quick moment, please?” Asked Melissa.

“Well, I would, if her was here!” Johnny’s responce was.

Melissa was stumped. Someone was lying to her. Who? She knew Justin never would. WAIT!! Thought Melissa. Justin must haveleft already! He finished early and went home early! That HAD to be it!

“Oh, I see!” Said Melissa. “He left already! Okay, thanks Johnny!”

“Well, he never came in! The album was finished a while ago! Like a month, about! He hasn’t been in here for at least 3 weeks!” Replied Johnny, matter~of~factly.

“You mean, Justin never came in here? But.....he....”

“Well, I KNOW he hasn’t been in here Missy! I’m not sure what he has been telling you, but he has NOT been in here!! Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have Britney Spears on the other line, and we are discussing her upcoming album!” And with that, Johnny hung up on her.

Melissa was furious! Someone was lying to her!! And she was gonna find out, whether she could handle the truth or not!

*~*~*~*To Be CoNtInUeD*~*~*~*
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