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This is me, obviously

Okay I may not be much to look at but this is me so,.. The first pic is two years old and the second one is more recent. My name is Barbara and yes I hate my name. I have never known a Barbara my age. The only ones I know are old bus drivers or Romance novelists and I HATE romance books! I am 17 (18 in May!) and I curently attend Phoenix High school Right here in Atlanta,..well actually the school is in Lawernceville but I live closer to Atlanta. I am a happy grrl now after getting through my teen-age depression/feel bad for myself years and I look foword to every day.I enjoy punk rock and some metalish types of music. My fav. Bands are Tilt and Bif naked of course. You can im me at Tiltbiffy or email me here

<b> Say Barbara you freak,..Why a Page on Bif?</b>

Well I love Bif's music and I love the ideas that she stands for. She is a really honest gal and that is respectable. I love that she stands for non-violence because of personal things that have happened to me and loved ones. She is someone I and other chick-a's can look up to. Also Bif is very talented. She sings, models, acts (Lunch with Charles!), and draws amongst other things. She is like a super wonderwomen. I personally have never met Bif but maybe someday! If u have and want to share yer experience or if u just want to say what bif means to u just mail me and I will create a fan page about why people love bif!!!! Thanks for comming to the site!