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The Perks of being a Wallflower

"The Perks of being a Wallflower" by Stephan Chobsky
My favorite book.The book is about a boy named Charlie and his first year of high school through Journal entries...
My favorite qoutes from the book......

"I just need to know that someone out there listens and understands and dosen't try to sleep with people even if they chould have."

"I'm the one that beat up sean and chouldn't stop crying after he did it."

"Everytime i see this one paticular movie star on a magazine,i can't help but feel trebbily sorry for her becasue nobody respects her at all ,and yet they keep interviewing her."

"As much as i don't understand my mom and dad and as much as i feel sorry for both of them sometimes,i can't help but love them very much."

" Incidently ,i only have one cavity and as much as my dentist asks me to i just can't bring myself to floss."

"I'm only being cute here."

"I wonder if anyone is truley happy?"

"Sometimes people use thought to not participate in life."

" We accept the love we think we deserve."

"I feel infinate."

"I didn't know that other people thought thnigs about me.I didn't know that they looked."

"I am very intrested and fasinated how everyone loves each other,but no one really likes each other."

"The leaves were in full bloom when he caught up with her in front of the video archade."

"I just laid around on my bed,looking at the celling and i smiled becasue it was a nice kind of quiet."

"and how different her face looked when she relized that boys thougth she was pretty.

"I would die for you,but i won't live for you."

"I want to thanku for being one of those people who listens and understands and dosen't try to sleep with people even though you could have."

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