My Music

These are the bands i think have enormus potential...

Good Charolette

Good Charolette is a punk rock band straghit out of Annapolis,Maryland.Benji,Paul,Joel and Billy are four extreamly talented young men.Benji on gutair,Paul on bass,Billy on gutair and Joel on vocals(their current drummer quit).Benji and Joel created the band and they are also twins.They have a self-titled album out and there first single is "little things".They also sing the themesong for the mtv cartoon "Undergrads".


Sara,Chris and Sean have been performing together for over a decade,and there only in there early 20's! Chris is a accomplished fiddle player and they can turn any person into a bluegrass fan! There first single is "When you come back down." There songs are very calm and beautiful.They have a self-titled album out.


Coldplay is 5 guys from England.They are headed by chris Martin,who has a sweet voice and beautiful,romantic lyrics. Their latest album "paracutes" was named one of Rolling Stones top 20. There first single from the album is "yellow" and their cd is really