Gothic ?

After watching the movie " The Outsiders " my english teacher assigned a project to our class about different social groups. The directions were very vauge, so me and my partner decided to intervive a person who was " goth " . My partner was going to intervive a " prep ". She never pulled her part through,(actually she did,she made me change this.I forgot) but since the assignment was so vauge we didn't get a bad grade. Anyway, i interviewed my friend Amanda who is " goth ". I thought her answers were so good that i would put them up for all of you to read........


Q: Do you like being called a "freak"? Why?


A: No. In the old days, freaks were in shows. Monsstrocites. Think i like being associated with that? But people are stupid, so they do it anyway.


Q: Do you call yourself a "freak"? If so , why?


A: I'm different than most. Even from some of the "goth" wannabes at this school. But were all people. We all have souls and minds and feelings. More people should take that into consideration.


Q: Do you hate "preps"? If so, why?


A: I hate no one. Many hate me. I don't like people who try to fit in to avoid being made fun of.


Q: Would you ever become a "prep"?


A: No. I set my own style. Most of the "preps" wouldn't know what " being yourself" if it bit them on the @$$.


Q: Do you have "preppy" friends?


A: I have happy friends, perky friends, blah,blah. I don't put limitations or catigories on people.


Q: Would you ever hang out with a "prep"?


A: Yeah. As long as they prove intelligent enough, and are nice. But that goes for anyone.


Q: Do you ever sometimes wish you were a "prep"? Why?


A: No. Being "goth" fits me. My morbid spiratual brilliant soul. Light hurts my eyes. I wear black. Manson is a sweet person. And i enjoy peoples mean comments. It just proves in time that i'm smarter.


Q: Would you ever date a "prep"?


A: No. But only because i'm already engaged to my soulmate. And he is quite "goth"


Q: Could you ever wear "preppy" clothes? Why?


A: Dosen't fit my personality. And all the other comments said.


Q: Do you like the way our school is now; freaks vs. preps, or whould you change it and us all be together?


A: I'm not full of hatred. People who fight are ignorant idiots. Even the teachers dicgraminate us sometimes. Some kids at this school were made into the "personal jesus's" of society. People take them down, and nail them, thinking God would like this. Well they're idiots as well. We are all one and the same. Our souls look the same. Just because the outer shells are different dosent mean we're "bad and evil" even the "normal ones" have evil and bad among them. Read more. That helps.

Take Me Home, Baby !