Welcome to Angela's Wacked Up World

Some of My Friend's Sites

Abby's World of Pure Insanity
Cheryl's Domain
Randy's Site Thingie
Bom's Cute World
Broken Into Nothing
Robbie's Page of Suckiness
Kristin's Page of Hooray for Boobies
Troy's Weird Page that Scares Me
Kyle's Cutie Page

Okay, hi AGAIN you guys and umm..the few bishes that are out there. This is Angela! Holy SMOKES as of uhh...the summer of 2002 I am now officially a FRIGGIN SENIOR! HELL FAKIN' YEAH! blah blah blah. Nobody cares about what I have to say anyhow. I'll just say now that I love my stuffed raccoon, Jay and if anybody has a problem with that..OH FRIGGIN WELL!! AH HA HA HA HA! Surfing is so friggin' rad! It's so fun and it makes you feel so good when your ride a wave and actually stand up. I know you skaters out there are like "SKATERS ARE BETTER!" and talk about how you can't do tricks surfing...but you CAN! It's harder than it looks guys. Anyhow...I absolutely love Punk Rock! I also like Techno, Trance, and Rock music. I really like Blink 182, Greenday, Jimmy Eat World, and all that punk rock stuff. (I SAW THOSE THREE IN CONCERT! WHOO!) THE ALL TIME BEST BAND to me...is NEW FOUND GLORY BABY! Lemme name some other lovely bands I like. Hmm...that would be MXPX, Riddlin' Kids, Anti Flag, Rancid, Sugarcult, Goldfinger, A Simple Plan, and lots of others! Please..be respectful toward my kind of music because you don't see me cracking on YOURS! I would like to add..that the word bish is MINE IN CAROLINA FOREST!!! So...Cheryl, Troy, and all the rest of you POSER BISH USERS...BEWARE!!!!! Hmm..what else can I say? I LOVE YOU GUYS! (You also know who you are lol ^_^)

Ok...I have something else to say now.

This Is Dedicated to Surfing

Surfing Is Life

That picture is friggin' awesome...don't you think girlies?

Isn't that the truth... ;-;

Live Journals ROCK!

Angela's Live Journal
Abby's Live Journal

GO CHECK THEM OUT NOW! That is ONLY if you wanna hear a crap load of life stories..hee hee ^_^

If you go to the dream book...there's some questions there that I'd LOVE for you to answer...heh heh. >:D (The Bravenet one has weird questions too, but the dream book is the best!!)

Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never boastful or conceited. It is never rude or selfish. It does not take offense and is not resentful.


"A little piece of paper with a picture drawn
floats on down the stream until the wind is gone.
and the memory now is like the picture was then.
When the paper's crumbled up, it can't be perfect again."
-Linkin Park (I love them!)

Okay you guys, make sure to go to Abby's page because she wants to start up some huge message board thingie..blah blah. (You better do it..or else...) ^_^

Some info about my bishes.

Some retarded poems to see.

My views on medieval and thingies like that..hmm...

If I have stuff on Medieval junk, I have to add fairies!

These are some cutie pets! You CAN Adopt some too.
Cutie Pets
My friends and I adopted babies...take a look at them! You can adopt one too!
Our Cutie Babies
These are OUR shops.
Our Shops
These are my friends as little Munchkins! ^_^
The Munchkins

Profiles of My Friends

My Profile















Jon B





If I left anybody else out on this profile thingie just tell me cuz I don't have a clue when it comes to remembering peoples sometimes. So dun feel bad if I didn't add ya! Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I also don't have all the time in the world to be doing these profiles too.

Some tears are precious enough to be pearls.
Your pearls will become mine to keep.


These are my shoutouts! HEH HEH!
Shout Out Thingies
This is a page for all the gothics out there!
Gothic Peoples
I wanted to dedicate a page to beautiful STARS...ahh..
Beautiful Stars
This is what I think about discrimination!!!!!
I'm making pages for the holidays and so far all I have is St. Patrick's Day.
St. Patrick's Day Tribute
Here's some quote thingies...
Quote Thingies
Some lyrics that I like...

This is dedicated to all those umm..cute couples out there!
This is for LINDSEY! >:D
For Lindsey

See that pikachu up there? It deserves to trip and fall!

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

That is just the cutest little link Troy made for me up above! You can use it to link to my page too! ^_^


Email: KinkyBisha@hotmail.com