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Joline Marie Brown

Name: Joline Marie Brown

Date of Birth: December 30, 1982

Age: 17

Birth Place: Morgan City, Louisiana

Where You Live: Amelia, Louisiana

Work Place: McDonalds

Favorite Color: Blue…light blue preferably

What would you like to achieve with this group: Well I love to sing, so this group's great for me…especially since I'm in it with one of my best friends. But in this group, I only want to make people happy with music like I've been for so many years.

What 'Xpressions' means to you: It's not only a word…It's an attitude. Nah. I'm just kidding. Xpressions is not only a group of girls who sing, it's a group of friends that stick together through thick and thin. We will always be like that no matter what. Not only will we sing and love to sing, we'll do it together every step of the way. In other words, it's a friendship also because the friendship that I have right now with Amanda is the best and strongest.

What would you like to say to your friends: Wow. All my friends are just great. Y'all are the greatest dudes. Y'all really are. I don't think I would have ever even wanted to sing if it wasn't for all of you. Y'all truly are the best and every one of you will always be in my heart no matter what happens. Luv y'allz!

What would you like to say to the visitors of this site: Thanks for visiting. I appreciate it a whole lot. I know we're not the 'biggest hit' or anything, but it means a whole lot that you come just to check out how things are. Thanks and hopefully Xpressions will be coming to an arena near you soon.

What would you like to say to your future fans: I'd just like to say a very early thank you just for listening because I know that without y'all...there will never be an 'Xpressions"

Shoutouts: First off, I'd like to say hey and thanks to Amanda, you're my best friend and without you, I don't think I would have had the strength and courage to get through my life for the past two years….I'd also like to say "Wuzzup!" to all my homegirls and boys, Jeannie….Just remember GIGI…."Who's Bad?", E-Ride…Hey sis! Wuzzup?, MiMi…I'll see you July 1st-16th!, KaKa…Hey gurlie!, My lil cuz's Morgan, Skylar, Brenden, Kaley, and Haley, my parents and my brothers, my other relatives, MawMaw, Nanny, Uncle Robert, all my neighbors, well y'all are all family…so 'hey' again! All my peeps at Micky D's! All my MCHS friends. To all the people who told me to go for my dreams and for those who kept asking me to sing for them…THANKS! To all the nice doctors who revived me from birth…without y'all…I wouldn't be here today. Thanks to God for giving me a chance at life…well a second chance should I say. For that, I am very thankful for! Thanks to all my family that I don't get to see all the time, I thank you just for being there. Special thanks to my PawPaw. He would have done anything for me and he would have been very happy to see me doing what I love. I know this isn't everyone, but I just want you to know that each and every one of you are and will always be in my heart. I love all of y'all and peace out!

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