September 8, 2001
Wantagh, NY
Jones Beach Amphitheatre

thanks to Ben

have you been to this show also?
if so send in your review!



Hey, my name is Ben. I saw the Wallflowers last night at Jones Beach. They were really good. Unfortunately, the area was more than half empty for them because most of the people who bought the tickets only wanted to see John Mellencamp. How i went to this was actually a really funny story. My friend Jess calleed me up yesterday at around 5 and told asked me if i wanted to go to the John Mellencamo concert cuz she wanted someone to go with. Now, going with Jess, this wouldnt be a normal concert cuz her dad works for Columbia Records, so when we went, we went VIP style! From VIP parking, to hanging out backstage, to meeting John Mellencamp, to VIP seats on the side of the satge! It was fucking awsome! I didnt get to meet any of the wallflowers, although i wanted to. I didnt even know that they were opening for john until they started. I was backstage and a song started, and i was like... "Hey, i know that song, but i dont think that thats John Mellencamp..." so i asked Jess's dad who was opening for him, and he was like "The Wallflowers". I was like, HOLY SHIT! I'm not a huge fan, but i do like their music and i had no idea that id be seeing them live too! They were really good. I dont know the names of the songs they played except i know that they played "Sleepwalker", "One Headlight" and they also played a The Who cover... They only played about a 30 or 45 minute set, but it was really good. Jacob switched guitars almost every song! Unfort, during one of his songs, one of the guitar stings snapped. (I think it was the A string which i still can't figure out cuz i've been playin guitar for a little while, and i've never heard of a low guitar string snapping...) Lucky, it was at the end of a song and a roadie ran up and gave him a new guitar to start the next song. John Mellencamp was really good too. His set was like 60 or 90 minutes. It was also kinda sort, but it was still really good. Anyway, thats about all i have. Thanx for listening.



by Michelle (originally submitted to

Alyssa and I got there at around 6:45 and we went in, but the security guard saw one of my cameras so I had to go and put it away in the bushes outside the theatre. He didn't see my other one so i did get a few pictures. We went inside and we went over to the merchandise table and I went a little nuts. I got a spiffy sticker, keychain, and 2 shirts. heehee. I wanted to change into one of my new shirts (it says "it doesn't matter who walks in the joke is still the same" and it has a W with wings and it says the wallflowers), so I sat on the bench and changed under my shirt that i was wearing, and then i took off the top layer, so no skin was actually revealed. Sometime in the changing time, I put my ticket in the sleeve of the other new sweatshirt so that it wouldn't get lost. Then I couldn't remmeber where I had put it. So we decide we'll just go in and see what happens. The guy said "no ticket no seat, especially up here in front" (we had 7th row orchestra seats)so we started to freak a little. But then I remembered where it was and peace was restored. We sat down and then we remembered that we had to make a sign, so we made a giant W symbol. That was fun. but when we were making it, out of the corner of my eye, I see Ben Peeler! So I almost got up to talk to him, but decided against it because there was too much annoying security around me and around him. We were finishing the W sign when the lights dimmed. We were assuming that it was Will Hoge, the opening act, so we continued to then, we hear the opening chords to sleepwalker. At this point we go insane. We stood up, screamed and started to belt out every word to every song. And they are damn good live. All the recordings of their live stuff makes them sound bad compared to the night's performance. Wow...right, so here's the setlist as i think i remember it correctly (right songs, I think it's in the right order): SLEEPWALKER- nice opener...Jake changed a lot of the melody LETTERS FROM THE WASTELAND-wow. They played sooooooo well on this song. 6th AVENUE HEARTACHE-The best live version i've ever heard. Rami did some jumping and clicking of his heels like a leprachan...sooo cute 3 MARLENAS- Damn good performance by all...Greg was a cute little head bopper. Mike had an amazing solo, and everyone was just spiffy I'VE BEEN DELIVERED- Suprise of the night, this was Alyssa and my favorite song off breach and they haven't played it all tour long so our loud screaming intensified. (interrupt song to be yelled at by security guard for standing when other people around me are sitting. wanted to kick him in nuts, restrained self) I have never heard this song live before so I was totally blown away by how amazing it was. ONE HEADLIGHT-Jake changed some of the words. but it was awesome. wow. THE DIFFERENCE- This band can ROCK. They were soooo into everything. Mario is wonderful...Greg is adorable...Jake is beautiful...Mike is amazing....and Rami is just awesome. WON'T GET FOOLED AGAIN- Now, I have a live version of this song, and it means nothing compared to how this was live. Rami started out with that spiffy riff on the keyboards and then he's playing it with one hand and with the other he makes a signal to clap for, so we do some sort of shrill was good. Mario's drum solo was soooo goood. II couldn't take my eyes off him. (I dont think I blinked for the entire show). So that was the walllflowers part. We stood there for a few minutes as i regained feeling in my body and then we went out to get something to drink. wallflowers rock my world forever. best night of my life. We went back and suffered through 2.5 hours of John Mellencamp. god he sucks. I swore he was going to have a heart attack on stage while playing the same damn songs over and over. He has no originality...all the songs are the same. ugggg. And then he told us that the last time he was at jones beach, he did have a heart attack and had to be rushed to the hospital. We were rolling by that point. So he FINALLY finished at about 11:15 and we mosey on out and find my other camera that i had to hide in the prickly bushes outside the stadium, owwyy. then we came home,and that is my wallflowers concert story. email me and i can probably say more stuff.