August 22, 2001
San Antonio, TX
Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre

thanks to Diana, Alfonso, and Eva

have you been to this show also?
if so send in your review!



by Diana (originally submitted to

I got there about 2 hours ahead of time, being a wallnut and all. This is the third time this year the Wallflowers have come to San Antonio! Anyhoo, I went to buy some wallflowers shirts then went to the empty arena (it was early). Michael was on stage talking to the guys setting up, and he gave me my second autograph from him (my first was at the rodeo, read the story, its here on sidewalkannie), he's really cool. He told me to have a good time, and I said "of course i will, and likewise", but he had to leave. Ben Peeler was there but i waited till after he was done getting his things situated for a signature. He was very friendly. He gave me what he called his "long autograph" on a wallflowers postcard. The whole time i was like "yeah! ben peeler" so he smiled and signed away. Then Mario came out and i asked for an autograph when he wasnt busy and he said sure. The security guy told me I shouldnt be pestering the bad so I sat back down away from them. Another guy on stage that was helping to set up asked me for the postcard that i wanted to get signed, and mario signed it and went back to the drums (thank roadie). A few minutes later Mario came by because he wanted to make sure that i got the autograph. I thanked him, and I told him that I appreciated them coming out three times. the guys went on stage and then they played their sets. Then Rami came in and played this mind-blowing solo for "wont get fooled again" and all the guys played very awesome. Rami coaxed more people to stand up and would move along with the music, and he would jump around from keyboard to keyboard Then Mario comes in with this jaw-dropping solo and his arms are flying everywhere and you cant even tell where his hands are because hes wailing away so fast. The crowd went wild after all that. Then Jakob commented on how everyone was sitting down (with the exception of yours truly and a few others). He said something like "hey everyone looks so comfy. Can I get anyone a drink?" lol. Ben was towards the back moving along to the music (very very talented). Greg has this cool and collected calm about him when he plays. Michael had some riffs that made everyone go wild. And on occasion Jakob would alter the lyrics a bit. I was singing along the entire time, so when the lyrics were changed it just seemed funny to sing them differently than how they were being played. The entire time I was trying to get the Mellenheads to stand up. I got some people. Jakob commented on how they seemed to be becoming locals here because they have been here so often recetly, and how that when they played one headlight, it was the first time they had ever seen the crowd sitting down during one headlight. The person I went with commented on how i was a bit on the obsessed side (guilty as charged). At the end I ran up to the stage, and the security guy was trying to get me back to my seat, but then Michael gave out some pics, and some fell on the floor, I couldnt get one (but thats ok), because Mario handed out his drumsticks. Some girl took one, and I jumped to get the other and got it. (THANKS!!). its so torn apart from that solo. it was the best concert I have ever been to. Thanks guys for everything.



by Alfonso Duenez (originally submitted to

The Wallflowers were back in San Antonio for the third time this year, and it was awesome. Jakob mentioned to the crowd that he felt like a true local for being down here again. The guys opened their set with Three Marlenas and closed with Don't Be Fooled. I felt it was kind of a short set, but they played with tremendous energy. At the end of the set, Jakob shook hands with one fan, and Mario gave away his drumsticks. I certainly hope they come back again for a fourth time.



by Eva (originally submitted to

I am a huge John Mellencamp fan. I had heard of the Wallflowers, but was not familiar with them or their songs. I was in the 2nd row, so I had a great seat for the show. I liked the music, but it's hard to fully appreciate songs when you are hearing them for the first time. All of the Mellenheads were sitting, which seemed so strange to be at a concert sitting. I know now it's because they weren't familiar with the music. I saw the Wallflowers again the next night in Dallas. When I got home I immediately downloaded the songs from their setlist. I have been listening to them non-stop all week. I am blown away by the way the songs and how they are written. I'm trying to learn the words so I'll be ready to fully appreciate them when I see them again twice this month. I am so looking forward to seeing them again. I'm so glad they opened for John Mellencamp, so that I have been exposed to their music. Articles I've read about them on the internet have only reinforced the solid band they are and how damn special Jakob is. I plan to buy their CD's ASAP, and am especially looking forward to hearing the deep songs I've read about on Breach. There were two Wallflower fans sitting in front of me in S.A. for a little while. Their enthusiasm started the conversion of this Mellenhead to someone who also loves the Wallflowers.