July 21, 2001
Myrtle Beach, SC
House of Blues

thanks to Susan
This review was originally submitted to sidewalkannie.com

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The show @ HOB was AMAZING!!!!!! It was a longer set then the one @ the jazz fest and there was more interaction from Jakob Dylan. I thought I was really close @ the jazz fest and I was in the first row. This time I was in the second/third row, and I was even closer than I was @ the jazz fest. It was amazing. I could see every detail even more clearly then @ New Orleans. They started off playing 3 Marlenas. I don't remember the exact order of the songs but it was amazing. He played a really long encore and talked to the crowd alot. It was awesome. Before launching into 6th Ave. Heartache, he said "This is the last time that I'm singing this song." He was great, he was throwing guitar picks into the crowd, and pulled this one girl up on stage, because she asked for a hug. And towards the end he pulled another girl up on stage, and she gave him a kiss. She was a little hesitant to let go to say the least. But he was gracious about it. There were about 3 guys in front of us that kept on pointing to Mario and asking for drumsticks. Jakob asked if they were drummers and they kept on pointing to Mario. Jake goes "Oh he's really shy, he doesn't talk much. He's very introverted." He looked over to Mario and pointed to the guys to gesture if he wanted to talk to them, and Mario shook his head "no". It was so cute. But they got drumsticks anyways. He said a lot of things to the crowd, he was very funny. They played Brand New Cadillac mid set. He introduced sleepwalker as a single off their new album. He was asking people if they were having the best time of their life & people were all screaming. He then asked how the people up there were doing. They were clapping but not as much as the people standing down by the pit area. Jakob starting waving to them w/ both hands, he got a better reaction but still not as loud. He's like "Well they're all up by the bar, so they all must be really happy!!!" He goes "This song is a new one, it is somewhere deep in our Wallflowers files" I got so excited, I thought that he was gonna play a new song that he was working on. Then he looks over @ Mike, and Mike does the intro to One Headlight. The crowd went crazy. Everyone was singing and dancing. When he was singing the part "Man I aint' change" he talked and said "Yes I have." Jakob was saying how he made it a point to come to the HOB @ myrtle beach, "…..because we care. And now that's the difference." And launched into "The Difference." Rami was great, he was dancing and kept on teasing the crowd. He's a funny chararcter. Some girls were beckoning Rami to give his hat to them. He took the hat off, smelt it, shook his head no, and put it back on his head. I thought this was so funny, during the show, Jake goes to this one guy "How old are you? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you came out to our show and all, but how old are you. We're not in the 80's no more. I don't know what this means" He was doin that gesture w/ his hand where you have your pinky, thumb, and index finger up. "I don't know what this means" It was so funny. Everyone was laughing, I'm thinking to myself "yeah what the hell does it mean." It's such a frat boy thing to do. They left and Mike, Mario, and Greg came out for the encore first. They did Song 2. Mike goes "It's Greg's idea that tonite, we introduce everyone as shit." Greg takes a little bow, and Mike introduces "On the drums is our shithead…Mario" and Ben as their "biggest shit" Mike was great for the solos on Song 2 and for "Don't Let Me Down." The rest of the band comes out, and did a really cool version of "BabyBird" During the encore, the drummer guys up front kept on gesturing and telling Jake to get more drumsticks for them. Jake kinda stopped the song and got irritated, "Enough with the drum sticks already! Do I look like a drummer to you? Who's singing this song?" and pauses for a bit and smiles "I am." He was still great enough to go get drumsticks for them to. He got 3 and leaned over to give it to them, then pulled it away, and was teasing them with it for a bit. He finally gave them 2, and threw the third one into the crowd. Before they did "The Weight," Jake asked the crowd if they would know this song or if they remembered it. While they were still playing the song, Jake goes "I'm pretty sure you should all know the chorus by now." And everyone was singing along "Take the load of Annie, take a load for free…." After the show, me and my friend waited @ the back door w/ other people for autographs. Rami was so funny, he was running back and forth and talking to this old lady who knew a friend of his or something like that. I got pics and autographs from all of them, except Mario, he didn't come out. They were all so nice to their fans, and so patient. Their manager (I'm assuming) was pretty nice too. He offered to take pics for fans that wanted one w/ Jake. The people next to me wanted one w/ Jake, so I was pushing myself out of the way and hiding, so I wouldn't be in the pic. The manger goes "U don't want to be in the pic?" I was telling him how I got mine, and didn't want to be greedy. He's like "That's so nice." He introduced himself as Tim and shook my hand. Even the people that work w/ the band are nice. Can't wait to see them again in Camden. It'll be a short set, since they're opening for John Mellencamp, but it's still better than nothing.