August 18, 2001
Chicago, IL

thanks to Brittany
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have you been to this show also?
if so send in your review!



I had my first Wallflowers concert experience on August 18th and I have to say it was great! The only bad thing about it was that The Wallflowers were opening for John Mellencamp so there set was entirely to short. Only about 45 minutes. Me and my friend, Lia, got there at about 5:00 so we could get good spots (We had lawn seats) We weren't able to go get our spots till around 6:45. The concert didn't start till 8:00. According the Tweeter Center website Will Hodge was supposed to perform but I don't what happened to his band. So the Wallflower up first and they launched right into Three Marlenas. I have to say I just sat there dumfounded that whole time. It wasn't until they went into Letters From a Wasteland that I started enjoying the music. Jakob talked first after that song. He said "I hope you all enjoyed that one. Now I think we will do something a little more familiar" Then jumped into 6th Avenue Heartache. I'm not sure the exact order of the rest of the songs but they also played...Sleepwalker, One Headlight, Heroes, The difference. It was real short. Before they went into One Headlight, most people were still sitting So Jake said "I have to say something, and I think I'll only have to say it once. This is a rock and roll show. You all look like a good lookin group so I don't want to have to keep reminding you." He paused for about 10 seconds and everyone (Well the Wallflower fans) were screaming and a bunch of people stood up and Jake said "Well that's nice but I was just going to remind you to buy a T-shirt on your way out" Then they went into One Headlight. The last song they did really hyped me up. I know its not one of theirs but I didn't catch the name of it, if he even said it. It was a really fast paced song that featured Rami on the Keyboard and Mario on the drums. Mario's solo kicked a*s. The band was really getting into the song. They were all dancing all over the place. Rami was REALLY getting into it. I saw Mario throw some drumsticks into the crowd and Mike threw a guitar pick and then they left I was like NNOOO! I wanted them to come back ssoo bad. I wanted more! But it wasn't to be. There was 15 minute intermission and in that time I went a bought a Wallflowers key chain and sticker. Then Mellencamp came on and he was okay. I was never a big Mellencamp fan but I did enjoy him. Me and Lia left at about 10:30 because we had a 2 hour drive home. I found the tour busses, but they were blocked off by a big gate and a guard. I tried to persuade him to let us in but didn't work. Tweeter Center Security was very tight. I wasn't able to meet any of The wallflowers but next time they come around, I will be front row center!