XAugust 15, 2001
Calgary, Alberta
Pengrowth Saddledome

thanks to Sarah
This review was originally submitted to sidewalkannie.com

have you been to this show also?
if so send in your review!



Ok folks, this is going to be a *long* one!! Some of you have been asking me for a novel so here you go :) Poor Lori was supposed to be there with me but Lor and other wallie virgins will get a chance too!! Don't worry we'll take a trip to see a show b/c I don't think they'll be returning to Alberta ever again due to the very nasty reviews in both Edmonton and Calgary. (Did u guys read them at the network? I searched Calgary papers in hopes of a better one but another one I found was even worse it said "anyone who actually enjoyed their set needs to get out more").

Anyhoo. Dan and I arrived at the Saddledome shortly after 3, about 5 hrs before the concert. The Saddledome is a very big place and we weren't sure where to go to meet them so we walked around and around in the scorching heat. We walked around back and a shiny red bus appeared and I stood out this fence wathcing it and following it but no one ever came out of it. (I think maybe it was Mellencamp's equipment and crew.) I gave up real quickly for some reason, maybe it was the heat and the fact that I never expected to meet them anyway. Sweet Dan was *so* upset on my behalf though as he really wanted me to meet them.

A while later another bus arrived so we ran back to the fenced area. I had major butterflies in my stomach!! :) And alas, out walks Mike! I shouted outto him but he couldn't hear me over the bus and left :( But then out comes Jakob and their road manager, Tim!!!! EEEEEEEEk!!! I'm surprised I was able to call out his name. But I did and he and Tim wandered over. I stuck my fingers through the fence and he shook/touched them. I told him how I've been a huge fan for 4 years and have been waiting for them to come. I don't remember much conversation there as I was kind of shocked and he seemed tired probably from the travelling. I asked if I could take his pic through the fence and I did. But then Tim suggested that I throw the camera over so that he can kind take a pic of Jake, Dan and I together. Then I very gleefully thanked Jake and he thanked us for coming and that was it:) (Afterwards I smacked myself for not asking for his autograph or giving him the Canadian souvenirs I bought for the band.) Iwas sooo excited after I met Jakob, jumping up and down and shaking. A little while later Mike did come out though and I shouted out to him and he came up to the fence. That conversation was also brief as Mike didn't seem too talkative but I got his autograph, gave him the gifts for the band and got a pic of him. I actually ended up getting quite a few pics of Mike from a bit of a distance, as he played with this dog that was tied to a truck not too far from where we are. So I got some cute pics of Mike playing and rolling around with this dog :) And kind Mike brought some water out from the Wallrus for the dog.

I saw someone who I thought was Greg (you;'re right Evie, he has lost weight and thanks to you I knew to watch for a beard:) ) and he waved to us and walked by. Then later he was by the bus on the cellphone and I felt bad as I couldn't help but watch him as it was a Wallie!! I didn't want to take him away from his phone call as when he was done he came running up to the fence with this adorable big grin on his face!!! Dan and I had a longer conversation with him then we did with the other two. I asked him how Japan was and he said they had lots of fun and that they're big sushi freaks. Like the others I told him about me being a big fan and waiting for them to come and he said that yes this is their first time to Calgary. Greg told us that we paid too much for our tickets just to see them open (95 bucks a piece!) as they're only playing for 45 mins. He told me that hopefully they'll come back and I can see them play at a club or something as it would be more intimate.. (oooh Greg wants to get intimate with me!! ahaha totally jsut kidding but that was fun to say :) ) More pics and autogrpahs and Greg was off..(btw greg did a cute very goofy pose)

A girl arrived at the fence who said she doesn't have tix and she wants to meet Jakob. I got the impression that she wasn't much of a fan, at least not of the whole band. Dan and I watched her try to get past the security guards..I had a feeling she could find a way through tho Dan told me not to worry that she wouldn't. 3 Mellencamp fans arrived then too..And a little while later someone walked out of the bus who I decided must be Rami even though I didn't recognize his *bright red and blond streaked* hair!! Esp. since i've been out of the Wall-loop for a while so i was used to his longer hair but this was bright shorter spiked hair. I called him over and just like the others, it was more of hands touching through the fence, pics and autographs. I asked him how Japan was and how the food was and ahha all I remember him saying was "Yeah I ate some funky shit..some fish intestines and everything!" The Mellencamp fans got his autograph too even though they had no idea who he was -but i filled them in later- and that girl posed with him through the fence. (oh yeah, unlike mike and greg i got a pic kind of with Rami as he told me to throw it over the fence and he'd hold it out. and it turned out quite well. i took my photos to 1 hour photo immediately the day after :) )

Then we waited around for Mario but for some reason, we didn't see him and it was an hour until the concert. One of the Mellencamp fans said to me "wow you must be pretty happy, you met 4 of the 5 including the lead singer!" and he was right i was extremely happy, i did not expect it to be that easy!! I wished I had thought of interesting things to say so that the conversations weren't so brief but who's complaining!! :) and the show was sooo awesome!! I was watching to see if the crowd liked the Wallies since they didn't in Edmonton *supposedly* and it really seemed like they did! our seats really weren't that great considering the price we paid. luckily we were beside the stage even though we were way up there. So I could look down and make them out not too badly. And with binoculars it was even better!! I made sure to find Mario w/ the binoculars since I didn't meet him, too bad i didnt see saw him smile :( Watching Jake's facial expressions was great as he was so intense (not "lacklustre", "sleepy" or "reluctant" as the reviewers claim.)

The setlist was : Three Marlenas/Letters from the Wasteland/ 6th ave/ Sleepwalker/Heroes/ one Headlight/ The Difference/ The Who's "Won't Get Fooled Again". So only 8 songs and it went by soo fast but it was still enjoyable. Jakob didn't interact quite as much with the audience as I would have liked but he said "everyone looks comfortable, looks like u have good seats. Yet why is everyone sitting. When I got to shows I always stand because that means that I am having a good time. But I'm American so that's different. I see a pattern in Canadian shows" A few rows stood up "Oh there,that's good, don't you feel better now?" (those aren't exact quotes but pretty close.) And later one he commented on how great it was travelling and coming to new places (though sadly he didn't sound too enthused) "we've never been here before so in case you are confused...we're the wallflowers!"I was happy to hear cheers after he said that. The Who cover really brought the house down, a lot of ppl were really excited about that one.

I'm probably forgetting something important but I guess there's not much to say from a 45 mins set. I was in total heaven though, i could not believe it, i was so happy. Dan was getting a little misty eyed seeing me so happy. I guess that is why he insisted on doing this all for me as he wanted to see me extremely happy, and boy did he ever!! :) We left right after their set as I wouldn't care to see Mellencamp and I figured the Wallies would be leaving then anyway. When dan and I returned to the fenced area there was a guy sitting there with what I excitedly realized was Breach and BDTH covers!! I was so excited to see another Wallie fan that i took his pic :) He said that Mike already came out and he met him. While we were studying the back entrance way, who walked out but that girl from before!! grr she didn't even have a ticket for the show but she *somehow* got backstage to watch the show from there and hang with the band for free! Anyhoo Rami walked out and Dave (this is this other WF fan) and I shouted out to him. He came up and signed Dave's cd and talked to us for a little while. He asked if i enjoyed the show and i gave a very enthusiastic yes!! I got the impression that he really understood how much the WF and their music meant to me as he was right up at the fence and intently listening to what I was saying and what point when I had my fingers through the fence he laced his fingers through mine!!! He spoke of (by the way, i don't know if he was just drunk or nomally like this but he was sure ..uh..blunt?) he said that when you play an opening act you want to play loud so that you're noticed and we told him that they certianly did. and he said something about "we just wanted to show the fucker.." and the way he said it we were pretty sure that he was speaking about Mellencamp.. Rami was very energized :) dave told him about how for himself, BDTH brings back so many memories as at every party they had in high school they drank and smoked dope to BDTH. haha..oh boy..He also spoke of how he doesn't have much money so of the few things he owns is BDTH, Breach and a WF poster. Dave and I did talk though and he really does lvoe their music (even though he's not obsessed like me and they're not his fave) so that;s cool.Oh and Rami spoke of how he and the band were going to stick around in Calgary tonight and go to some bars..(boy i was tempted to find away to show up -if i knew which one-or ask about it but i thought they need their space and probably want to be left alone.) I asked Rami if he's seen Mario and he said that he should be coming out soon. (after all mario used to be my fave, i don't think i have one anymore, and i hadn't seen him yet!)

Anyhoo...Then Greg walked by and waved, not realizing I guess that there was another fan he didn't meet before. Dave shouted out "will u sign my cd" so Greg walked up. He asked us how the show was and we raved about it of course!!!greg told me that he knew I was out there so he played extra hard for me. (wow!) I asked how the Edmonton show was and he said good, that it was in a big place just like this one. He said that the band has been talking about how much they prefer smaller venues. Dave suggested clubs they could play at and we tried to convince them to come again. Greg said he would do what he could to come back for their next album. He ensured that we enjoyed the show and that we could hear from where we were sitting. We asked about Mario and Jakob's whereabouts and he said he'd send them up. And sure enough, he ran to a group of ppl and pointed to us. Next I saw Ben Peeler and I shouted out to him and he ran up here. ( he had a champagne glass in his hand and i think he was little tipsy. Maybe he was just excited and happy though, who knows :) i thought that of Rami, but then i felt that that's just the way he is, more outgoing and such than the rest of the band.) We had a good talk with Ben but unfortunately I can't remember much of it :( I know we wished him a happy bday as it was his bday the day of the concert (yesterday, the 15th),jakob announced it during the show. I remember that Ben was glad to see us though and we talked for a bit.

Then Mario walked by with Tim and we shouted out and he waved but didn't seem to have any intention of stopping. I saw Tim gesture to us and speak to Mario so I had a feeling that Mario actually didn't want to come up but Tim was telling him he should. Tim shouted out "he'll be back". And sure enough, a few mins later Mario came running. That was probably the shortest convo, I don't remember much of that. :( He pushed himself right against the fence and i leaned against it and he made a fun and cute pose, so that was cool. And he was smiling which was good too! (Jill, I should have asked him if he was going to your house after the show :p haha a couple of years ago jill and i used to have a pretend game of sharing custody of mario) Later jakob came back with Tim (everyone at the BB is right, Tim is sooo nice!)!! I told Jakob how much worth the wait it was and he leaned against the fence and i saw his gorge baby blues intently listening to me and...yeah..what can i say.. I just really felt that they know how much i appreciated them, and i also got the impression that they appreciated me as i was there hours before and after and i don't think they felt too welcome here. :( When Dave was meeting Jakob, i let him talk to him since i already had met Jakob and he didn't and I asked Tim for his autograph. He seemed quite surprised and was like" i'm just the road mananger." me: "I know, we know who you are!!" Tim: "you do??" me: "yes there's a pic of u on the official site and i've heard about you!" Anyway Tim seemed very surprised and thanked me for talking to him and asking him for his autograph. Really nice guy!! I wish I could remember more of the conversations with the boys!! I do remember Jakob having a chuckle about feeling like he was in jail with this fence between us!

So that's it! The incredible day of my life that was just over 24 hours ago. I never ever expected to meet them at all! I'm so surprised at how well everything turned out. My EXTREME happiness was unfortunately ruined when i went to the BB when i woke up and Sarah Ray had posted "poor sarah D saw the WF for the first time at the show that had such bad reviews" and then someone else said "i've never seen anyone dedicate so much of an article to dissing the opening act" I was scared to read this article. Normally I wouldn't care about critics, except it took the Wallies long enough to get here and i want that wonderful day to happen again! oh well I'm determined to travel when i can,to shows. Dan and I said that on our honeymoon we'll go to several WF shows :) (he became a much bigger fan as he was impressed with how nice the guys were and fun to talk to) Though considering that I'm not planning to get married for a loong time, I said I didn't know if they'd even still be touring then. But they better!!!