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Welcome To The Crypt Of The Vampire Mistress
My page isn't very exciting - it's the only one I have done on my lonesome and I am proud of it because I have absolutely no knowledge oh HTML stuff.... Just a few basics.
On this page you will find out some stuff about me...... My friends and family.... likes, dislikes, etc...
A collection of my favourite photos and JPGs and maybe the odd GIF I have found while surfing.....
My favourite links to some really great sites. I used to have the weekly Australia top 10 singles and albums.... But because that needed to be updated each week, I have decided to scrap that.

If you want to contact me for any reason at all.... Maybe suggest something for my site that I don't have already.... Anything at all, you can email me at


And when you're finished, please don't forget to autograph my guestbook :o)
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Last updated 27th October 2001