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The Order of Command
The events in the band are handled by an orderly and bureaucratic system of power and rule. The ranks of this chain of command are listed below. In a given section, the order of commands goes from highest chair to lowest. In this way, there shall always be a backup plan for any problems which may occur.
The Trumpet Section Leaders
Omnipotent Deities (OOPS, already listed them!!!!)
Trumpet Alumni
Brass Alumni
Other high brass players
The pole at the Coliseum
Honorary Brass (Bari Saxes--20-J defectors)
French Horns/Mellophones
Honorary Woodwinds (Soprano Sax)
Our mutes
Percussion Alumni
Maynard Fergueson
Woodwind Alumni
Saxophones (Tenor, Alto)
People in the stands
Jazz Band
Drum Majors

The Powers of the Trumpet Section Leaders
STL-1 Regardless of their current chair, Kevin Manning and Joel Brannon shall be the unchallenged Trumpet Section Leaders. This shall be applicable to Marching Season only.
a. In Concert Season, whoever is first chair shall inherit some of the "Trumpet Section Leader" privileges.
STL-2 The Trumpet Section Leaders are exempt from any and all rules they don't feel like following with the exception of STL-2 and all STLHL rules.
STL-3 a. All persons of rank lower than the omnipotent deities attempting to give themselves rights shall be deported for trial and punishment.
STL-4 During Wind Ensemble auditions, the directors shall forfeit the standard 4 minute test for a promise that the Trumpet Section Leaders that they have practiced their scales and can play them.
STL-5 All music, both in concert season and marching season, shall be selected by the Trumpet Section Leaders.
STL-6 The Trumpet Section Leaders have the exclusive right to determine the Wind Ensemble trumpet roster.
STL-7 a. When the Trumpet Section Leaders challenge a person, any challenge involving the person being challenged shall be immediately nullified.
b. In the event that a trumpet player wishes to challenge either of the section leaders for their title, they lose.
STL-8 a. The Trumpet Section Leaders shall have the exclusive right to nominate honorary brasses.
b. The Trumpet Section Leaders shall have the exclusive right to designate honorary woodwinds in situations requiring the most extreme punishment available.
c. All votes on honorary titles shall be approved by a two-thirds majority of the trumpet section, with the section leaders' votes counting as one-third plus one each.
d. If a brass player if afflicted with "honorary woodwind" status, he/she shall be referred to as "freebrass." All other brass shall be "truebrass."
STL-9 Only Trumpet Section Leaders may mix arrangements.
STL-10 A penalty of death is an option always available to the Trumpet Section Leaders.
STL-11 ONLY the Trumpet Section Leaders may in any way modify or misinterpret these rules. All interpretations are subject to the whim of the Trumpet Section Leaders.
STL-12 No freshman may EVER obtain the title of Trumpet Section Leader.
STL-13 Contrary to common belief, the Trumpet Section Leaders were never freshmen.

The Powers of Woodwinds
WIN-1 a. The only people with fewer rights than freshmen are woodwinds.
b. Yes, this means that woodwinds have LESS than no rights.
WIN-2 a. The status of Honorary woodwind shall revoke all privileges and rights given to the afflicted brass player(s). During this time, all truebrass shall shun the freebrass.
b. During this time of mourning, the afflicted freebrass shall not speak to a truebrass unless specifically ordered to do so. Failure to comply shall result in permanent loss of brass status. The former brass must then choose their new denomination: woodwind or percussion.
WIN-3 Should a woodwind attempt to be cool, they shall be placed in solitary confinement until they have regained their sanity.
WIN-4 a. Asking a woodwind, other than those designated as honorary brass by the trumpet section leader, any question requiring an intelligent answer, shall be illegal.
b. In an emergency, the above law shall be voided on a per case basis with written consent from the Trumpet Section Leaders.
WIN-5 The words loser and woodwind may be used interchangeably.
WIN-6 a. No woodwind shall be given an unaccompanied solo greater than 5 sec. in length, for any reason.
b. Should a woodwind desire a solo longer than the allotted 5 sec, he/she must be accompanied by a brass player (preferably a trumpet player).
WIN-7 Siblings of woodwinds shall have the right to band-subsidized therapy.
WIN-8 a. A woodwind's four responses are: "Yes, sir," "No, sir," "I do not know, sir," and "No excuse, sir."
b. Any other other responses given without permission shall be referred to STL-10.

The Powers of Trumpets
TRM-1 During tuning, the tuner shall be re-calibrated so that the trumpets shall always be in tune.
TRM-2 a. Tempo shall be determined by neither the director nor the drum majors, but solely by the trumpets.
b. Any trumpet repeatedly playing a tempo which does not in any way relate to that of his fellow trumpets shall be awarded the trumpet medal of valor, to be presented at the band awards banquet.
TRM-3 Whenever the trumpets are playing Pep Band music, they are by definition playing melody.
TRM-4 a. When a trumpet player has lost all sense of rhythm and melody in a song, they shall immediately begin alternating between any first and open notes above C.
b. Should a trumpet player be unable to play notes above C, they shall be stripped of their horn and immediately denoted as an honorary woodwind with no possibility of parole.
TRM-5 All trumpet players incapable of reaching C above the treble clef by the end of marching season their junior year shall be permanently barred from the wind ensemble.
TRM-6 No trumpet shall ever be used to create the image of rustling wind.
TRM-7 Horse whinnies may be performed only by certified personnel.
TRM-8 All trumpet players remember, It Takes Two to Tango!!!

The Laws of Etiquette
ETI-1 a. Arrogance in the trumpet ranks is strictly forbidden.
b. This rule shall not be applicable to those enrolled in public schools, private schools, home-schooling, or the alumni of these schools. This law shall also be void for all males, females, and aliens from planets you've probably never even heard of yet.
ETI-2 a. When being criticized by a fellow trumpet player, the correct response is to repeat a phrase randomly selected from the following list, and repeat it at regular intervals, regardless of what the person is saying. The List: Yes, I Understand, Very Insightful, How Deep, and I Stand Awed at the Deep Reaching Greatness of your Genius.
b. Trying this with the section leaders is just NOT a good idea (See STL-10).
ETI-3 a. Obeying the orders of a drum major can and will be punishable by death.
b. In the event of an extreme emergency, the aforementioned law shall be ignored. A status of emergency may only be declared by the section leaders.
ETI-4 a. All wind ensemble trumpet players must keep records of something in their band folders.
b. These records need not be kept current.
ETI-5 No maps in size greater than 3' x 3' shall be unfolded during any rehearsal, regardless of the stupidity of doing nothing.
ETI-6 a. In the event that wind ensemble is not playing and symphonic band is, wind ensemble players have the right to play in the symphonic band that day.
b. There shall be no vice-versa for this rule.
ETI-7 Possession of a concealed piccolo trumpet without a permit may be considered a misdemeanor.
ETI-8 Placement of a trumpet upright upon the knee during a concert is forbidden.
ETI-9 Should more than one-half the band attend a band party, it shall be declared a failure and all participants shall return to their homes.
ETI-10 The use of music to play any song in Southerners repertoire shall be considered treason of the highest degree.
ETI-11 The most heinous crime a trumpet player can commit is the destruction of this rule book. Anyone found guilty of such an act shall be automatically designated an honorary woodwind.
ETI-12 All players of rank equal to or higher than honorary brass shall be addressed by the first name of the person, the conjunction, "of," and the person's instrument, as in Kevin of Trumpet.
ETI-13 The order of command shall also be applicable in lines of all sorts, especially including lines to use the phone, uniform checkout lines, and bathroom lines.
ETI-14 So long as the Trumpet Section Leaders are able to overhear, any gossip may be made about any member of the band at any time.

Auditions, Challenges, and Sectionals
ACS-1 a. Solos during the marching season are determined by talent and ability.
b. Should more than 1 player be found to actually possess talent or ability, it shall be the final decision of the highest ranking member of the chain of command present at the time.
ACS-2 So that judgments may be made solely upon the directors' current moods, no trumpeter shall be allowed to see the challenge ballots.
ACS-3 The winner of a challenge has every right to do the happy dance.
ACS-4 In the event that the trumpets are forced to hold a sectional, the participants shall make no progress. Failure to comply with this rule shall result in death by piccolo / oboe duet.
ACS-5 a. All marching band sectionals shall be held in a location far away from the school, so that the trumpets may goof around as much as they please.
b. Following such sectionals, the number of merit points and the time involved shall be wholly distorted when reported to the director.
ACS-6 a. As a refreshing change in band policy, challenges shall be declarable in a downward direction.
b. Anyone doing so shall be shot on sight.

Other Laws of Importance
OTH-1 a. Make no mistake about it: Freshmen Have NO Rights.
b. This rule shall be revoked for any freshman Trumpet Section Leader.
c. Since there never will be a freshman Trumpet Section Leader, ignore clause B.
OTH-2 Sale of the magic lip-rejuvenation potion (DCT) to minors shall be strictly forbidden.
OTH-3 a. All silver horns owned privately by students shall be assigned to the highest chairs, with the highest chair receiving first pick of the available horns.
b. Since most Southerners Trumpets have silver horns; exceptions: Stephanie Couey (because she DOES HAVE a silver horn), Torrie Boyd (because he is Sexual Chocolate), and Hunter Moss (because he is Brass Caption Head), shall be exempt from this rule.
OTH-4 Mr. B's admission of guilt on any issue shall be regarded as an omen. All persons hearing the omen shall fast from their horns for three days.
OTH-5 a. Any and all music submitted by students as suggestions for next year's marching show will be immediately ruled out by the directors. b. Unless suggested by the Trumpet Section Leaders.
OTH-6 a. In the event that marching drill involves pictures, the successful completion of these pictures shall be considered an omen, and all trumpet players shall immediately sacrifice a goat.
b. Should a goat be unavailable, a woodwind may be substituted.
OTH-7 a. All band students must have the fight song, Dixie, and Quilting Party memorized before the conclusion of marching season, their freshman year.
b. All music shall be memorized before the first game. Clause a. applies to those pieces of music and the trumpet players' time at JSU.
OTH-10 No law may be passed which in any way restricts, prohibits, or taxes caffeine.
OTH-11 What exactly is this discipline thing???
OTH-12 The Trumpet Section Leaders reserve the right to change, modify, edit, or amend these rules at any time and for any reason. All other requests for changes must be approved by the Trumpet Section Leaders.

The Powers of Drum Majors
DMJ-1 All DMJ class rules shall be applicable only to those covered in the list posted by the Trumpet Section Leaders.
DMJ-2 a. All drum majors covered under these rules shall not be subjected to the rank of drum major, but shall be promoted to the rank of honorary brass.
b. If the drum major is a brass prior to accepting the role of drum major (i.e.. Gena Inglis), they may assume the rank of Brass Alumni.
DMJ-3 All qualified drum majors shall be exempt from all woodwind laws in accordance with the definition of honorary brass.
DMJ-4 Those drum majors affected by the DMJ rules must bring tithes of pixie sticks or mountain dew to the Trumpet Section Leaders.

(Taken from the Jacksonville State University Marching Trumpets Webpage)