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Tony Williams

Many thanks to those of you who supported me in the latest round of the Nextbigstar contest. Thank you for helping me make it to the quarter-finals, and I hope that you will continue to support me in the next posting.

My contest video should run in the Country music category quarter-final round the week of September 4th through 10th. If you want to hear more of my music, I have posted some samples from my cd entitled "From the Heart" below. Please feel free to send me an e-mail. I'd love to hear from you.

Thanks again --- Tony

Send me an e-mail

Songs -- From The Heart
Sad Blue Eyes
I Wanna Be Close to You
Lover's Moon

News / Events
I'll be singing and playing praise and worship at Somerton United Methodist Church on Sunday, September 2, 2000. Please join us as we praise God for His many blessings. The church is located at:

8910 Whaleyville Blvd.
Suffolk, Virginia 23438

For a map and directions from anywhere in the country, just just click here

Please Vote for Me in the Country Music Category during the week of Sept 4 thru 10, 2000

Nextbigstar Contest (just click here)

For your copy of From The Heart click here