Shi-Lo Produx
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Shi-Lo Produx

hey Hey there! I finally am updating my website. I am still living in Portland Oregon. I have a wonderful tiny house which I absolutely love. Its quaint and cute. I lost my job at the hospital due to my illness so I am taking the summer off (on unemployment) and going to school and resting. I am in nursing school and will be done within the next year. I still haven't figured out what exactly I want to specialize in yet but pediatrics and/or pediatric counseling. School is lots of fun and I don't want it to end. I love OHSU and they have a great program. I have to be short today as I have lots of studying to do and need to practice for a show I am playing this weekend. Hopefully soon I will have some sound bytes up on the site. drop me a line anytime.

Love ya, sarah

Shi-Lo Produx

Shiloh Links

artist links and resources
