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Reflection Of A Woman

All through eternity

Beauty unveils her exquisite form

In the solitude Of nothingness

She holds the mirror to her face

And beholds her own beauty

She is the knower and the known

The seer and the seen

No eye has ever looked upon her beauty

No eye but her own

Her very quality finds an expression

Eternity becomes her ardent field

Of love and beauty, of time and space

Her love the life giving fruit of the flesh

All reveals an aspect of her perfection.

Whenever beauty looks

Love is also there

When her beauty reflects from a mirrors light

Love lights her fire from that flame

When her beauty dwells in the dark fold of night

Love comes and finds her heart.

Entangled, beauty and love

Are as her body and soul

Her beauty is hers, her love her own

They have been together

Side by side, step by step

Reflection upon reflection

A beauty whose image fills

The mirror of the heart

The face of the mirror contains

No images, behold yourself

And see what the mirror reflects

Might the mirror of the heart

Require, what lies between

The beauty, the love and the heart

The difference, the heart conceals her secrets

While the mirror does not conceal

"Reflections Of A Woman"

©Copyright January 2001

Song Title: "Reflection"--Music Artist: Christina Aguilara

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