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Miss Boo's *N SYNC fan fiction

My Stories.
hosted stories

Hey I'm Boo (family nick name don't ask..) and this is my first web site, or whatever you wanna call it. So ya kinda gotta bare with me here. But hey is anyone wants to help me out a little bit than hey give me an email. J/K :D

Offical Stuff... Otay, I am in no way shape or form involved with NSYNC in ANYWAY. I do not own them or whatever, hell I've never even met them. The other people in my fiction are mine and please leave them as mine. Please don't not steal my ideas, I took much time from my frazzled brain to think these up.

alright.. so ok. I'm new at this it's gonna take me a while to get the hang of it. so please deal with it.

I'll apologize now for the spelling and for the grammer and other mistakes. I'm what you might call a drop out, even thought I am a high school student, just homeschooling or independent study (which ever you wanna call it).

Thank you very much. I hope you enjoy your stay here.

Peace Music and NSYNC


Miss Boo

Adopt me please!
I adopted JC and you can too at
More Than a Feeling for 'N SYNC.
owner: Miss Boo

Adopt us please!
I adopted 'N SYNC and you can too at
More Than a Feeling for 'N SYNC.
owner: Miss Boo

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