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Europe Trip 2000 - The Saga Begins

New York and Belgium

Page 1

Some people tried to sleep on the plane, but most of us just dozed. We were all very excited. Finally 7 hours or so later, we arrived in Brussels, Belgium. We were all delerious, which was pretty funny for others to watch I'm sure. We kept makeing awfull jokes about, "Look! It's a real Belgium Telephone Poll," or "Look it's a real Belgium Car." It got so bad that when we saw a car trying to parallel park into a small space we said "Look! A real Belgium drivers test!." As you can tell we were all tired. It was freezing to! We left New York in our short sleeve shirts and shorts and when we got to Belgium it was about 45 or 50 degress and raining. All of our things where stored away in the busses so we couldn't get to them, and the first thing we did when we left the Airport was get in the busses, drive into the middle of to city, and get out and walk around in small groups for 4 hours. Lots of us got sick after that. After the site seeing we left and headed for host familes. Belgium was the only country that we had host families for, but I loved it! It was great being able to soak up the different culture by being right in it, instead of a hotel room.
The Band in front of the Atomium in Brussels, Belgium
We had our first concert in this nice church in Rosmeer,Belgium.(our host families attended.)
Our concert in the Rosmeer Church
The next day we played a concert at the Sunday Market. It was still very cold but we tuffed it out. It threatend to rain but never did. The day after that we said "Goodbye" to our host families. We made of short stop in Holland were we did "taps" at a United States World War 2 Cemetary. Then we left for Germany.


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