Sabrina's Fiction

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Buffy and Angel Fan Fiction
Lifehouse Concert Pictures
Lifehouse Concert Pics pg 2


March 1, 2005.

Here is the sad truth: I think I'm over the whole website thing. I mean, maybe once in a blue moon I'll come on here and update something but on the whole I think it is pretty safe to say that there will be no more updates. I've pretty much given up on Back to Yesterday. It's hard to write a story based on falling in love with/marrying your ex boyfriend when I'm not in love with him anymore. If the inspiration hits, I'll write it. If not, consider it unfinished. I'm not going to worry about it. My Derek story is now finished and is actually novel length. I haven't posted it because a) I don't have the time, b) I plan on sending it to him and c) I want to try to get the non famous version published. It's been a great ride. Everything will stay up so everyone is free to keep reading what I have on here. I'll see you if I update.


Awesome Quotes:

Joel: Heyyy...I can't think of a better place to be than hanging out on a college campus listening to tunes and watching rock vid--

Benji: Tunes!?!?!??

Joel: yeah, you know, like songs from Default.

Benji: We never use the word 'tunes'!!! Rule number 4!

Joel: ...ok....


Joel: (talking about 2003 grammy nominations) We were nominated for a grammy.

Benji: Yeah we were, but we said no.

Joel: Keep your grammy.

Benji: yeah, shove that grammy.....up your ass.

---Benji & Joel: All Things Rock.


Benji: Satan has a sister and she's a fan of ours?

Joel: Be quiet, this gets serious.

Benji: The asthma attacks are probably pretty frequent, in hell. We're sorry that satan's your sister.

---Benji & Joel: All Things Rock


Jeremiah's Mother: Jeremiah, what has gotten into you?

Jeremiah: I just lost my virginity in a confessional booth! Lord have MERCY!

--Detroit Rock City

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