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We would like to introduce you to a wonderful gentleman in Wytheville, Virginia's community who, we believe, deserves a chance at a long and healthy life with his family and friends. His name is Larry McPeak. He has long been a respected member of the bluegrass group, The McPeak Brothers and most recently the VW Boys. This group of fine musicians has been important contributors to the community with their traditional music background and generosity to reach out and help others in need.

Larry has been diagnosed with the end stages of liver failure, which is a serious disease that he will not survive without a liver transplant!

Hello Everyone!!

It has been a while since we have updated this site for Larry, but since the holidays are over we thought each of you would like to know how Larry is doing and what he is up to.

Larry is still waiting on a liver transplant and is climbing up the list every day. As far as his health is concerned, Larry is holding in and taking an active part in daily activities. His spirits are still high and his hopes are sound that he will receive a liver soon. The physicians at UVA are still certain that he will receive a transplant in the near future and say that he is a stable candidate.

Those who know Larry well know of his strong music back ground and great music writing abilities. Even through his darkest hours of his illness, Larry has been able to write beautiful music and now with the VW boys, Larry is currently working a new gospel project. Almost all of the songs on the new project were written by Larry and Larry performs with the VW Boys on the CD.

Also featured on the CD is a new song written by Tom T. Hall and his wife Dixie, who contacted Larry several weeks ago and asked if he would sing on of their songs. Larry, along with Tim White, Dave Vaught, and Mack Puckett of the VW Boys are honored to have the Hall's musical talents as part of their new gospel CD.

The group has been working in the studio over the past couple of months and all of those involved are taking the project at Larry's pace. Although Larry has been limited by his health condition, the music is his escape and in the studio there is no sickness and no liver disease!! Larry, Tim, Dave, and Mack have managed to put down several track and folks, the harmony is amazing!! When this album is released I think you will find a strength in Larry's music that has not been heard in a while! If you notice in the picture above, Larry is looking great for a man in his condition and he has thrown himself into this project and believes this is the medicine for his soul!


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