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My Page Of Nothing

Ramblings as of February 13, 2003.......

You're not dreaming if you see nothing here; this was planned by the author. Do not be alarmed, do not panic. Keep watching, and you might see something here. I wouldn't count on it, but it could happen. You might come on here someday and see some more random ramblings by me or some deranged thoughts from someone who doesn't know how to spend their time. They might be funny, they might be serious, who knows what they might be? Anyway, food of some kind is calling me, and I must answer. Oh chicken, I will be coming for you shortly......

Ramblings as of February 22, 2003.......

How am I feeling today, you might ask? I find myself in a weird mood of goofiness. I don't know how, and I don't know why. But nonetheless it's there. Maybe I'm tired. Maybe I'm hyper. Maybe I'm a little of both. Maybe I need to go to sleep. Maybe I need to go climb a mountain......

Ramblings as of March 15, 2003.......

Today is the day of healing prayer........before all else fails, take time to pray. Prayer takes us right to the throne room of God in a way nothing else short of worship can do. Prayer goes straight to the heart of God. If you think that God won’t ever give you your heart’s desires, think again. God knows everything we have need of before we ask Him. And when we focus wholly on Him and His goodness, we will receive those desires of the heart. So don’t fear, don’t be afraid. God will take care of us; He always has, and He always will.

Ramblings as of December 31, 2003....

Well, so much for this New Year's Eve. Maybe next year things will be better and it won't be just me and the cat. Oh well.