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Cherissa Rochelle Evanoff


About Pilot Point School
About me
PIP Life

Me, Myself, and I
by Cherissa Rochelle Evanoff
My name is Cherissa Rochelle Evanoff. I’m 15 years old and in the ninth grade. I was born on September 6, 1985. I live in Pilot Point. I have two brothers, and their names are Quentin and Orin. I have one sister, and her name is Crystal. My parents are Al and Suzanne Evanoff. My favorite time of the year is summer, and I don’t really like the winters. My sister is married and has two kids; their names are Warren and Victoria. Crystal is living in Perryville with her husband, Adam Mokelke. Quentin is married also and has one kid. He is working in King Salmon. Orin is living with Quentin and going to school up there. I’m still living at home with my parents and going to school in Pilot Point with my best friends, Breanna and Matluna. In my class there are seven students. There are Matluna, Breanna, Leon, Byron, Nathan, Natasha, and I. My favorite things to do in the summer are go visiting people, ride around, travel, swim, go fishing, and go on the boat with my dad. During the summer there are always so many people here and something to do. All my cousins come up, and we have a blast. When the tide is in, we go fishing if there is an opening, and on our spare time we go do what we want and just be kids and have so much fun. When the boats go fishing, we don’t really do anything because when there is something to do, it is when the people off the boats are on shore. My best friend in the whole world is my cousin Tianna Carlson. She is from Port Heiden, Alaska. Port Heiden is not that far away from Pilot Point so I can go visit her whenever I want. Tianna is 14 years old and in the same grade as I. We both can tell each other anything and always have been the best of friends. Even though we don’t get to see each other every day, we still keep in touch. When we were small, we would write to each other and today we still do. In the future I plan to go to college with Tianna and go to school for a couple of years, then get a really good job. Tianna and I were thinking of going to school somewhere out of state to see how it is. We both like to travel, and we are used to being away from home so I think we would be able to handle being away from home for a while.

this is a picture of a LYNX Picture drawn by Cherissa, me.
Picture drawn by Cherissa Evanoff

This is a picture of a lynx, and a picture of a cowgirl that I drew.

What I Think of Perryville

Although I was complaining of living in a small place I still kind of like the ideia of living in a small area with a school with more students my age, and a wider variety of things to do. I think there is a better oppertunity to learn with more kids my age because working alone won't always get the job done. Two minds will get it done better than one, that is what one of my teachers told me one time and it kind of stuck with me. Anyways about Perryville, there is quite a few more things I can get involved in and there is a lot more people to interact with so I think it is a great oppertunity for me to get used to being away from home and gives me a better chance to be around people I don't know that well. I have a chance to meet people I never knew before and there might be a chance I would be related to them so I have a chance to meet realitaves too. Living with my sister I get a chance to get closer to her and her husband and kids. I get to be involved in a lot more sports because there are way more kids in high school there than in Pilot Point. Over all I like it way more than home and I hope I enjoy the rest of the year.
