Hell, perfect's boring...

Before I launch into the whole welcome thing, I would like to take time out to say... This is a Backstreet humour site. I am a fan, I love the Boys but I also derive a whole lotta pleasure out of humour. Nothing too nasty but if you can't take it, this may be your sorta place.

Still here? Well, hey there! Welcome to this website and thanks for dropping by! The updates should be more frequent - keep your fingers' crossed!

So why this site? Well, I got tired of those gushing sites which see the Boys as Gods on earth. Cos let's face it, perfect is just SO boring and I for one am glad they make mistakes. Cheers me up no end! So I made this site to celebrate the Boys' unperfectness. Is that even a word? Well, it is now.

What's that? You still think they're perfect?! Well, click on this link and go see some evidence... Evidence

As always, genius takes time so keep checking back regularly! I value feedback so do drop me a line or send stuff for the site. You'll be credited with a HUGE thank-you! The addy is PurpleAngelGirl@yahoo.com

19 July 2002 - Yeah, yeah, I know it's been a while and I apologise. I'm busy putting up picture pages for each guy. So far Nick and Brian have one each - you'll find them in their Stuff sections so go enjoy. If you got any pics or comments you want me to put up, email me or sign the guestbook.

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