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Life Lost, Love Found

Chapter One

"Yo D! Hurry it up man! I want to PAR-TAY!!" a very impatient AJ McLean exclaimed. Him and his band-mates, Howard Dorough; Kevin Richardson, Nick Carter, and Brian Littrell, of the world popular group Backstreet boys had a couple of days off from a world tour due to a technical misshap at the venue they were playing that week.

They were in their home town of Orlando, Florida. They decided that that night they would do they guy thing and go hit the club scene. They had heard of this cool new club called "'Til Dawn". They were all gathered in Howie D's place waiting for him to finish gettin' ready, and they guys, especially AJ, were gettin restless.

"Bone, I'm comin' ok. I just wanna make sure my hair is just right." replied Howie. AJ gave an exaperated sigh.

"D you've been in there an hour just for your hair!"

"Yeah Howie, how much time do you really need to do your hair?" asked the youngest member Nick.(aka Frack)

"Frack it's D we're talkin' 'bout." Nick's bestfriend Brian (aka Frick). He looked over at his younger compadre.

"Three hours!" they exclaimed in unison.

"Not tonight," the eldest groupmember,Kevin, aggitated," D, you either get your latin butt out here now or we are leaving without ya!"

"Ok. Ok. I'm here. Geez!" Howie exclaimed as he rushed down the stairs.

"Finally! Can we go now?" Nick whined.

"Yeah we can go now. C'mon guys." Kevin said.

After a ten minute drive to downtown Orlando, the guys finally arrived at ‘Til Dawn. As usual they split off Howie and Kevin headed straight for the dance floor, Brian and Nick found a table for them and AJ headed to the bar.

"What'll ya have man?" a young bartender asked him. AJ took a look at the drink list. 'Somthing strong' he thought to himself.

"A shot of Taquilla...make it a double," he looked at the guys nametag, “John."

"Double shot Taquilla comin' up." John said as he broke out two shotglasses and a bottle of Taquilla.

"Thanks man." AJ said as he paid and left the bar.

He walked around looking for Nick or Brian. Finally spotting them down up front of a mini stage. He made his way over to them and sitting down in a empty chair with a thud that wasn't heard over the loud music.

"Hey Bone." Brian drawled in his southern accent.

"Sup?" AJ asked.

"Just watchin' dat cousin of mine make a fool of himself as usual." AJ laughed as he looked over to where Brian had pointed.

"Good ol' Kevy Kev, what are we gonna do wit him?" he quipped.

"Beats the heck outta me man. I've been tryin' to figure that out all my life."

"Why you guys sittin' up here for?" AJ asked Nick.

"Well according to that sign there we came on audition night. So we thought we would see if they are any good." Nick smirked.

"Oh joy, this aughtta be fun." AJ said under his breathe.

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